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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001


One MacRumors reader Carniphage posted a photoshop rendition of what the next generation iPhone might look like using the leaked bezel image.

The bezel appeared at parts supplier ChinaOnTrade and shows the speaker for the iPhone at a much higher position than the current iPhone. It also shifts the color of the surrounding border from silver to black.

Article Link: Artist Rendition of Next Gen iPhone with Leaked Black Bezel
Very very nice rendition. If I didnt know better I would say...


But really, Its a fantastic rendition. If the new iPhone looks similiar to this, Apple has a real winner on their hands this summer.
Boy oh boy this pre-new-iPhone release info gets crazier and crazier. Why is this news?

It would rock to have an iSight just below the earpiece. With A2DP, Copy+Paste, Video Recording and iChat AV Mobile, it would be a damn near perfect phone.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is sexy. Looks like you'd have to hold your iPhone lower on your face though, if true. Love the camera too, if true.

And thanks to whoever did the 'shop. (can you do a dark red one ;))
Ehhh.... I still like the chrome bezel. This looks too plain. And the chrome, although scratchy, made it stand out.
That's a pretty damn good Photoshop job, if I do say so myself!

I'm not sure about the speaker, but the metallic black bezel really makes it look sleek. I like it. :cool:
Then why not do away with the button too then? Apple could improve reliability and hardiness by killing the button. I've got dust around mine. How much stuff gets into the iPhone from that gap I wonder.

Also having the speaker slit that close to the edge isn't likely to be very stable from a mechanical standpoint. It weakens that whole edge, unless the new iphone is going unibody too...
(can you do a dark red one ;))

Like... burgundy? lol

Sorry, "dark red" just sounds funny to me. I could see bright red for the phone, but not dark... unless you mean one of those translucent colors that's bright red and black where you can still see the red pop through.
What a revolutionary design change!
Apple has done it again!

I can't believe the new form factor, the new lines, the new fit and finish!

It is so different than the previous iPhone!
Apple sure isn't resting on their laurels!

And the iPhone's user interface! It was so modern in 2006 when it was developed! Who cares if it is now 2009?
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