No 4K (I didn't care, until I excitedly received the ATV4 this morning and the other major faults showed themselves.)
Siri is almost useless. It offers just a small selection of films/TV, with no option to switch to a full catalogue. Full cat. requires a main search which can only be done using the 'good' ol' fashioned, slow 'letter scanning' with the remote. No dictation for search boxes. It can't even search shared libraries. Essentially, all the options which would have made Siri useful on the ATV are missing.
The remote is improved, but that's hardly saying much. It's too small so easily lost and still not user friendly; hence the next drawback being even more irritating:
No Remote App compatibility. Sure it'll come, but to miss launch day is unbelievable and each day without it is a complete bugger up.
iOSTV is just a facelift of the previous software. It looks nice, and I knew it wasn't wildly new from previews but the other shortcomings make this even more obvious and it starts to feel like a rip off.
So few apps available on release, especially in the UK. They've been developing this for a long time. How difficult would it have been to have the essential apps ready?
I could go on. And on. (And on.)
If I were really strapped for cash I'd send it back. Thankfully I'm disgustingly rich and don't need to (ok, ok, that's a lie. I'm grateful to be comfortable, and tragic enough to keep hold of what is pretty much a completely useless box of junk in the hope Apple will develop it into something worth bothering with. Moreover I've bought tonnes of films, music and TV shows from Apple and want to be able to watch them, but still really pissed I wasted £170 on this.)
I'm not one of the catastrophists; attacking Apple with every new release while continuing to buy their products. I loved them, until perhaps a year ago. Apple Music, which mucked up my much loved music library and now ATV4 have really let me down, and I'm sure millions of others too. For the first time I'm investigating other options for my music library (Plex looks great) and will be using Amazon Fire TV for a while, which until now was a pretty much unused gift. On trying it out more today, it's miles ahead of ATV. So annoying, and sad.
Wow. I've ranted. Develop Apple, develop like the wiiiind!
Siri is almost useless. It offers just a small selection of films/TV, with no option to switch to a full catalogue. Full cat. requires a main search which can only be done using the 'good' ol' fashioned, slow 'letter scanning' with the remote. No dictation for search boxes. It can't even search shared libraries. Essentially, all the options which would have made Siri useful on the ATV are missing.
The remote is improved, but that's hardly saying much. It's too small so easily lost and still not user friendly; hence the next drawback being even more irritating:
No Remote App compatibility. Sure it'll come, but to miss launch day is unbelievable and each day without it is a complete bugger up.
iOSTV is just a facelift of the previous software. It looks nice, and I knew it wasn't wildly new from previews but the other shortcomings make this even more obvious and it starts to feel like a rip off.
So few apps available on release, especially in the UK. They've been developing this for a long time. How difficult would it have been to have the essential apps ready?
I could go on. And on. (And on.)
If I were really strapped for cash I'd send it back. Thankfully I'm disgustingly rich and don't need to (ok, ok, that's a lie. I'm grateful to be comfortable, and tragic enough to keep hold of what is pretty much a completely useless box of junk in the hope Apple will develop it into something worth bothering with. Moreover I've bought tonnes of films, music and TV shows from Apple and want to be able to watch them, but still really pissed I wasted £170 on this.)
I'm not one of the catastrophists; attacking Apple with every new release while continuing to buy their products. I loved them, until perhaps a year ago. Apple Music, which mucked up my much loved music library and now ATV4 have really let me down, and I'm sure millions of others too. For the first time I'm investigating other options for my music library (Plex looks great) and will be using Amazon Fire TV for a while, which until now was a pretty much unused gift. On trying it out more today, it's miles ahead of ATV. So annoying, and sad.
Wow. I've ranted. Develop Apple, develop like the wiiiind!
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