I'm getting an iPhone 7 Plus next week but I still can't decide between the matte or jet black. I really want the jet black but I feel like knowing me I'm going to scratch it easily. For those who have either one, are you happy with the decision?
I just bought a jet black Plus on Friday. Some people have experienced flaking with the matte black, that was a concern. But mostly, I just really liked the glossy jet black. The first thing I did was put it in a leather Apple case, so I can't say it would have made a difference either way.
Sounds like someone needs to stand up for the matte black!
Initially I wasn't happy with it because it wasn't the jet black and I "knew" that one was "better". I am such a sucker for marketing.
But then I suddenly fell in love with it. All you're "missing out" on is the back. When do you ever look at the back? I like the matte/shiny contrast. It looks as good today as it was the day I bought it. Zero scratches. Zero flaking. No fingerprint smears. No micro-scratches.
And I can place it on the fingers of my open hand and tip it up to about 80-degrees and it sticks to me like glue.
Plus it's available in the 32GB model which works brilliantly for me.
I keep it in a case most of the time but I'll use it naked from time to time cause it looks so nice but even from doing that a couple times, the back has gotten scratched to hell. So now I keep a case on it 24/7.