Beauty not a bad little player I am not a fan of black design but most times I will never see it anyways so no real worry about the eye strain it causes. One thing though on the blackness when you have the Show File Tree selected the black letters on black background is making it unusable to see what is selected the grey that is there before you make selection works. While I am think about selected item would be nice if the selected item would always remain in the display if changing the sorting of the songs as it is it disappears from sight when you change the sorting. On the sorting any way to have it actually sort by a to me logical way for instance if you have artist selected it sorts all songs by that artist by alphabetical order not album or track within the album. So is there anyway to have this secondary sorting done the way I prefer ie. artist selected then alphabetical album order with the songs in the album in numerical order.
Searching is there no way to search within the program itself the Spotlight search option does not seem of much use to me. I usually have my entire collection loaded in a player and an option to add a song to the playlist seems a little redundant in that case as it will already be there plus I see no way to actually play that song found when using that search a double click and the song plays would be nice to have there. On the collection it seems to find ten extra songs than a quick grep of my music directory with a wc -l added onto it finds.
One more quick item the time of the song you have option of count up and count up plus countdown display options any chance of third option only countdown. Anyways that is all for now in my quick few minutes of playing with it thanks for the effort and making it compatible for us users of older systems, I am on Mavericks it works great.