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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 4, 2003
Big question on everyone's mind buying the Verizon iPad was whether data from AT&Ts 3G network would work on this iPad, or if Verizon/Apple would block this.

I was one of the first to obtain a Verizon iPad and can happily confirm that this is allowed! I used my ATT iPhone 4S sim card and took out the Verizon sim, and data worked! You must apply the AT&T APN carrier settings before this works though.

Keep in mind that AT&T's LTE network won't work on the Verizon iPad due to hardware limitations, but Verizon iPad owners now have an awesome fallback wherever Verizon LTE is not available (and if you want free data with your iPad if you don't need LTE)!

And of course the video confirmation!


Agent OrangeZ

macrumors 68040
Mar 17, 2010
Planet Earth
Every iPad released to date has been SIM unlocked. I expected this one to be no different.

One question people have is can you take a brand new AT&T iPad SIM (obtained from AT&T store), and activate a new prepaid iPad data account on the iPad cellular settings from the Verizon iPad? ( I am thinking you can... it would be stupid to put in a limitation for this)


macrumors regular
Nov 14, 2009
Would a AT&T Sim card (in my iphone 4s) work with an AT&T iPad (3rd gen)? I assume it would be limited to 3g access?


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 4, 2003
But would the AT&T ipad be limited to 3g?

Yea not sure on that would obviously someone with an AT&T iPad will have to test that out. But if my iPhone ATT sim is allowed data access on the Verizon iPad then there is no reason why it wouldn't be the same on the ATT version.

Agent OrangeZ

macrumors 68040
Mar 17, 2010
Planet Earth
But while it may be working with an AT&T iPhone SIM... it doesn't mean that AT&T isn't going to smack you on the hand for doing it. People who cherish their unlimited iPhone data plan should consider this before messing around...


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 4, 2003
But while it may be working with an AT&T iPhone SIM... it doesn't mean that AT&T isn't going to smack you on the hand for doing it. People who cherish their unlimited iPhone data plan should consider this before messing around...

Worst case they'll warn you before they do anything, got the same hand slap when I was using my iPhone as a hotspot with MyWi.


macrumors 6502
Nov 16, 2010
Big question on everyone's mind buying the Verizon iPad was whether data from AT&Ts 3G network would work on this iPad, or if Verizon/Apple would block this.

I was one of the first to obtain a Verizon iPad and can happily confirm that this is allowed! I used my ATT iPhone 4S sim card and took out the Verizon sim, and data worked! You must apply the AT&T APN carrier settings before this works though.

Keep in mind that AT&T's LTE network won't work on the Verizon iPad due to hardware limitations, but Verizon iPad owners now have an awesome fallback wherever Verizon LTE is not available (and if you want free data with your iPad if you don't need LTE)!

And of course the video confirmation!


BIG QUESTION!!!! Is the Wi-Fi hotspot something specific to the Verizon iPad, or is that a data plan enable feature? In other words, now that AT&T works can you still enable the hotspot, or enable the hotspot on Verizon then use the AT&T sim?


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 4, 2003
BIG QUESTION!!!! Is the Wi-Fi hotspot something specific to the Verizon iPad, or is that a data plan enable feature? In other words, now that AT&T works can you still enable the hotspot?

Good question looking into it!


macrumors 65816
Jun 25, 2007
Jacksonville, FL
Just as I had hoped!!!!!! Will keep an AT&T SIM around for when I want to use their Faux-G network when outside of Verizon LTE coverage. This capability and the free hotspot makes the Verizon iPad such a better deal.


macrumors member
Jul 19, 2010
Verizon's data plans are higher with less GB than att.
For the light users no, for the moderate users yes, for the heavy users no. Verizon has better pricing at 20 bucks for 1gb vs 14.99 for 250mb.


macrumors regular
Oct 27, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Please Confirm:

If I have an At&T iPad 3G 1st gen, and I buy a third gen verizon LTE iPad, can I remove the microsim from my first gen AT&T iPad and put it in the vzw iPad to get Hspa+ speeds? Or are you guys only saying this will work when transferring a sim from the 4s?

If I swap out the iPad sim and out it in the vzw iPad 3, what settings must I configure since I don't actually want to disable the sim and i may want to swap it back into the old ipad from time to time for my wife to use.


macrumors 65816
Feb 2, 2008
So can we assume that the reverse will be true as well: ATT iPad3 will work on Verizon LTE with Verizon sim card?

Same innards for both models I think.
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