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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

According to one unverified report, Apple has completed filming a new series of advertisements promoting the Macintosh platform. Recent analyst comments have speculated that Apple would proceed with heavy ad campaign focusing on Macs. Indeed, Apple has drawn criticism from users about the lack of Mac and Mac OS X based advertisements in recent years.

The new ads take a page from Apple's old Switch Campaign by again featuring users who have switched from Windows to Mac. Of particular note, it appears that Apple may specifically hilight users who have switched to the Mac after purchasing an iPod -- articulating the "iPod Halo Effect".

The iPod Halo effect is a term that has been used by analysts and industry experts to describe the eventual conversion of iPod sales into long term Mac sales as consumers slowly adopt more Apple technology.

It is unknown when the ads will air.


macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
not reliably confirmed, but of interest, and "fits" with Apple's M.O.



macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
Thank God, let's hope Apple does it right! The switcher ads were good, but not good enough in my opinion - they seemed to focus too much on the pro users, whether they meant to or not...


macrumors regular
Jan 3, 2004
To tell you the truth I was not a big fan of the "switch" commercials, the music was really annoying and I don't think those commercials would have convinced me to switch. They just seemed very boring and not exciting.

Maybe something similar to the iPod commericals would work better. They are more fast pace and uplifting, which might get people excited about getting a mac.


macrumors 68020
Jan 21, 2005
I hope that they bring back some ads about switchers. I think that it will put the nail in the coffin for people wanting to switch when they here success stories.

On a sadder note, I am kinda bummed that Apple didn't want to pick my story... :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502
Apr 28, 2005
phase 1 of world donimation plan in effect...."excellent" (Mr. Burns voice)

(edit) lousy typos


macrumors 6502
Jan 12, 2005
I hope Apple doesn't focus too much on the iPod with Mac. Macs were great before the iPod although a lot of people never noticed.
I'm not into advertising but an iPod-like commercial for the Mac wouldn't seem like a good approach, IMO. Although I've never personally liked Apple's tv ads before the iPod commercials. They need something even better...


macrumors 68020
Mar 1, 2004
I wasn't a big fan of the switch ads either, they lacked a few things, can't put my finger on what though...

I would hope the new ads focused on the OS and the ease of use and showing off the cool but at the same time functional applications on the mac. Also throwing in that macs and M$ Office compatible wouldn't hurt (although they're likely to promote pages and scare away any potential customers :( )...


macrumors 68000
Aug 20, 2003
Long Beach, California
Go Apple! It's about time you had some new ads for the Mac, and I hope they came out well.

The switch ads were alright, but I wouldn't have switched because of them. Like other posters have said, I hope they're upbeat, but not particularly ghetto like their iPod ads are becoming. Not trying to offend anyone, but Apple is already "ghetto" and "kid cool," so hopefully they'll focus at the home.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 3, 2002
Charles City, Iowa
~Shard~ said:
Thank God, let's hope Apple does it right! The switcher ads were good, but not good enough in my opinion - they seemed to focus too much on the pro users, whether they meant to or not...

See... I got the exact opposite opinion coming out of the Switcher commercial stage... they didn't focus on the high end enough... maybe that's just me. :p

I hope to see commercials highlighting the flaws in Windows and the usability of the Macintosh... It's a great platform, and we don't need another set of stupid switch commercials to bomb... We need feature analysis and highlighting. In fact, I would prefer if they left switchers out of it completely.... I know it adds a human touch to the story that Apple is trying to sell, but it's a little too much for my tastes. ;)


macrumors regular
Apr 25, 2005
Allston, MA
oskar said:
I hope Apple doesn't focus too much on the iPod with Mac. Macs were great before the iPod although a lot of people never noticed.
I'm not into advertising but an iPod-like commercial for the Mac wouldn't seem like a good approach, IMO. Although I've never personally liked Apple's tv ads before the iPod commercials. They need something even better...
OS 9 sucked. OS 9 was the reason many people in their late teens and 20's never chose the Mac platform in the first place. Without OS X, I wouldn't have switched to the Mac platform, as any version of Windows after 3.1 was superior to Macs until OS X was released. Coincidentally, the iPod was released in 2001, the same year as OS X. Apple would've gone down the crapper if they hadn't came out with the iPod and OS X. Unfortunately at my school newspaper, I still have 2 iMacs running OS 9 with 768 MB of RAM; they're the most unreliable pieces of crap ever made. The other 2 machines I have at the office (2 Powermac G4 dual 867's) running Jaguar are so much better.

If using the iPod in ads for OS X is what it takes to get people to switch to the Mac platform, then so be it.


macrumors regular
Jul 19, 2004
Lexington, KY
Dm84 said:
OS 9 sucked. OS 9 was the reason many people in their late teens and 20's never chose the Mac platform in the first place. Without OS X, I wouldn't have switched to the Mac platform, as any version of Windows after 3.1 was superior to Macs until OS X was released.

Many, many people on here will disagree with your last statement, especially since Windows 3.1 wasn't an operating system, it was a shell. You must not have used WinME. OS 9, as bad as it was, was still better than XP, IMHO, as far as reliability and usability goes.

Back on subject, I have long thought that Apple should adverstise on Sunday Morning on CBS, since it seems to have a more 'intellectual' audience. Plus, I'm tired of watching the Microsoft ads during the show every Sunday. M$ sponsors it..."the realm of possiblity" or some such tripe. The possiblity of a blue screen, maybe.

Kerry Sanders

macrumors regular
Apr 25, 2005
Hayden, AL
This is sort of what happened to me. I purchased an iPod Mini back in February. In early April, I told my wife jokingly that I was thinking about purchasing a Mac. On April 29th, I ordered it. I got it Wednesday, May 11th, and I have been having fun ever since. :D


macrumors 65816
Apr 19, 2004
Secret Moon base
I think they should have an ad where the screen is all white, and there is an iMac sitting on a table. And then Steve Jobs walks in from the right and scratches his chin and and turns to face the camera and says:

"iMac. Buy one or I'll f*ckin' kill you."

And then he walks off to the left, fade to logo.

Sweet. :)


macrumors 6502
Apr 15, 2005
New Mexico
I'm disappointed to hear that the new ads are in the vein of the old "Switch" campaign. Even Mac users made fun of those commercials.

I was hoping for something more fresh and hip, like the iPod commercials. Just show OS X in action and the gorgeousness of Mac computers with cool music playing.

I was also hoping for funny commercials comparing a giant, ugly, virus and spyware ridden Windows XP tower compared to a tiny, quiet, secure Mac mini. A lot of current Windows users would take notice if they found out about a $500 computer with no viruses and no spyware at all that takes up 1/20th of the space of their big gray Dell tower. No more calling up the IT guy to fix your computer.

Heck, I can think of a whole series of funny commercials involving a bored IT guy explaining how he has nothing to do now because the company just switched to Macs. There are a hundred possibilities here.

"Windows viruses to date: 56,738 Mac viruses to date: 0"

You get the idea.
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