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Download MacOS Sierra 10.12.1 Update (1.36 GB). And make a second copy of this Update.
Do not do any installation.

After I explain. Still doing tests but very promising. I do not know if Apple will remove this MacOS Sierra 10.12.1 Update from Apple's website.

Yes, if you have Sierra (10.12) and / or High Sierra (10.13), download MacOS Sierra 10.12.1 Update because it works for both systems above.

Download macOS Sierra 10.12.1 Update - Post Date: Oct 27, 2016
Last edited:

Great work @nsr, you finally crack it and thanks a lot.

Now I can try to upgrade my MacBookPro 15” to High Sierra and see what happens. I’ll have my fingers crossed, while the upgrade.

Regards and congratulations,


Ready for High Sierra 10.13.6 with SecUpdate 003 + GRUB Solution + Brightness control working?

Brightness control returned with GRUB in High Sierra 10.13.6.

Download macOS Sierra 10.12.1 Update - Post Date: Oct 27, 2016
Last edited:
I was able to make the brightness control work in High Sierra 10.13.6 + GRUB.

You must use AppleMuxControl.kext from Sierra 10.12.1.

Sierra 10.12.1 -> AppleMuxControl.kext (version 3.13)

High Sierra 10.13.6 -> AppleMuxControl.kext (version 3.20)

The correct location for AppleMuxControl.kext is:


I did not test with other Sierra AppleMuxControl.kext (10.12.2, 10.12.3, 10.12.4, 10.12.5 and 10.12.6).

There is a big difference in AppleMuxControl.kext from Sierra 10.12.0 and 10.12.1. In these two AppleMuxControl.kext there is no message: "AGC: booted to IG, policy disabled!!".

IG = Integrated Graphics = Intel GPU

After the discovery of how to make the Intel GPU boot Macbook Pro 2011 by gpu-power-prefs, then Apple changed the AppleMuxControl.kext.

Apple is not content to be a billion dollar company decides to make life difficult for the Macbook Pro 2011 users only to force a new purchase Macbook.

1 - Download Sierra 10.12.1 update from Apple:

2 - Double click on macosupd10.12.1.dmg .

3 - After mount .DMG file, extract /System/Library/Extensions (macOSUpd10.12.1.pkg) with Pacifist to another directory. See pictures bellow.

This example -> extract kexts -> directory: /Users/Shared/Kext-Sierra-10.12.1

Pacifist 3.6.1

4 - The Pacifist will ask if you want to keep kext's administrative privileges. Answer YES and enter your user name and password.

5 - To ensure that everything is correct, use the commands below to configure AppleMuxControl.kext with user: root and group: wheel and execution privilege.
sudo chmod -Rv 755 /Users/Shared/Kext-Sierra-10.12.1/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext

sudo chown -Rv root:wheel /Users/Shared/Kext-Sierra-10.12.1/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext

6 - Reboot Macbook Pro 2011.

7 - Boot Recovery Mode (press Command + R keys at boot).

8 - Menu Utilities -> Terminal
csrutil disable

9 - Boot Single User Mode (press Command + S keys at boot).

10 - Verify filesystem
fsck -fy

11 - Mount system partition with Read and Write permissions. Do not forget the final Slash "/".
mount -uw /

12 - Create a backup directory for AppleMuxControl.kext (3.20) - High Sierra 10.13.6.
cd /
sudo mkdir -v Kext-HighSierra

13 - Move AppleMuxControl.kext (3.20) inside /System/Library/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext/Contents/Plugins to Kext-HighSierra directory.
sudo mv -v /System/Library/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleMuxControl.kext /Kext-HighSierra

14 - Copy AppleMuxControl.kext (3.13 - Sierra 10.12.1) to /System/Library/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext/Contents/PlugIns/
sudo cp -vR /Users/Shared/Kext-Sierra-10.12.1/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleMuxControl.kext /System/Library/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext/Contents/PlugIns/

15 - Modify timestamp and create new kextcache. Do not forget the final Slash "/" kextcache command.
sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions

sudo kextcache -v 1 -i /

16 - Boot normal with High Sierra 10.13.6 with GRUB.

17 - Verify AppleMuxControl.kext (version 3.13.74) with kextstat command.
kextstat | grep -i Mux (3.13.74)

18 - System Preferences -> Display -> see if brightness slider works

19 - Everything works? YES

20 - Boot Recovery Mode

21 - Menu Utilities -> Terminal
Enable SIP partially. AMDGPUWakeHandler.kext is not a digitally signed kext by Apple or an Apple developer.
csrutil enable --without kext

22 - Boot normal and verify SIP status.
Finder -> Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal
csrutil status
System Integrity Protection status: enabled (Custom Configuration).

Apple Internal: disabled
Kext Signing: disabled
Filesystem Protections: enabled
Debugging Restrictions: enabled
DTrace Restrictions: enabled
NVRAM Protections: enabled
BaseSystem Verification: enabled

Update 1:

With a new Update, the procedure must be repeated.

Update will put a new AppleMuxControl.kext.


  • 01-macOSUpd10.12.1.pkg-Pacifist.jpg
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Dear sir @nsgr,

You are a godsend. It took me the whole weekend to tinker with this fix but I got there in the end.

Thank you so much for almost literally bringing my nearly dead MBP back to life.

The reason why it took so long was probably because I didn't apply the GRUB solution properly yet. For some reason after step 6 where I was required to reboot into Recovery Mode and disable the SIP I was unable to do so. I was presented with a white screen. Took all the effort from trying Internet Recovery, reboot in verbose mode, using Bootable USB with a High Sierra installer, all in vain.

Turns out, all I need to do is just follow the steps in the GRUB solution from the beginning, i.e. using nvram, change the gpu-power-prefs to use the inbuilt graphics, which allowed me to go to Recovery Mode.

After that, presto! Everything is now working. I can adjust brightness, I can even close the lid on my laptop, wait for it to go into hibernate, lift the lid back up and I can see the display, which I was unable to do before.

That was close to midnight when I successfully completed all this, so I closed the lid, went to sleep. Woke up this morning and opened the lid and everything still works properly.

Kudos to you and many hugs.

I was able to make the brightness control work in High Sierra 10.13.6 + GRUB.

You must use AppleMuxControl.kext from Sierra 10.12.1.

Sierra 10.12.1 -> AppleMuxControl.kext (version 3.13)

High Sierra 10.13.6 -> AppleMuxControl.kext (version 3.20)

The correct location for AppleMuxControl.kext is:


I did not test with other Sierra AppleMuxControl.kext (10.12.2, 10.12.3, 10.12.4, 10.12.5 and 10.12.6).

There is a big difference in AppleMuxControl.kext from Sierra 10.12.0 and 10.12.1. In these two AppleMuxControl.kext there is no message: "AGC: booted to IG, policy disabled!!".

IG = Integrated Graphics = Intel GPU

After the discovery of how to make the Intel GPU boot Macbook Pro 2011 by gpu-power-prefs, then Apple changed the AppleMuxControl.kext.

Apple is not content to be a billion dollar company decides to make life difficult for the Macbook Pro 2011 users only to force a new purchase Macbook.

1 - Download Sierra 10.12.1 update from Apple:

2 - Double click on macosupd10.12.1.dmg .

3 - After mount .DMG file, extract /System/Library/Extensions (macOSUpd10.12.1.pkg) with Pacifist to another directory. See pictures bellow.

This example -> extract kexts -> directory: /Users/Shared/Kext-Sierra-10.12.1

Pacifist 3.6.1

4 - The Pacifist will ask if you want to keep kext's administrative privileges. Answer YES and enter your user name and password.

5 - To ensure that everything is correct, use the commands below to configure AppleMuxControl.kext with user: root and group: wheel and execution privilege.
sudo chmod -Rv 755 /Users/Shared/Kext-Sierra-10.12.1/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext

sudo chown -Rv root:wheel /Users/Shared/Kext-Sierra-10.12.1/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext

6 - Reboot Macbook Pro 2011.

7 - Boot Recovery Mode (press Command + R keys at boot).

8 - Menu Utilities -> Terminal
csrutil disable

9 - Boot Single User Mode (press Command + S keys at boot).

10 - Verify filesystem
fsck -fy

11 - Mount system partition with Read and Write permissions. Do not forget the final Slash "/".
mount -uw /

12 - Create a backup directory for AppleMuxControl.kext (3.20) - High Sierra 10.13.6.
cd /
sudo mkdir -v Kext-HighSierra

13 - Move AppleMuxControl.kext (3.20) inside /System/Library/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext/Contents/Plugins to Kext-HighSierra directory.
sudo mv -v /System/Library/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleMuxControl.kext /Kext-HighSierra

14 - Copy AppleMuxControl.kext (3.13 - Sierra 10.12.1) to /System/Library/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext/Contents/PlugIns/
sudo cp -vR /Users/Shared/Kext-Sierra-10.12.1/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleMuxControl.kext /System/Library/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext/Contents/PlugIns/

15 - Modify timestamp and create new kextcache. Do not forget the final Slash "/" kextcache command.
sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions

sudo kextcache -v 1 -i /

16 - Boot normal with High Sierra 10.13.6 with GRUB.

17 - Verify AppleMuxControl.kext (version 3.13.74) with kextstat command.
kextstat | grep -i Mux (3.13.74)

18 - System Preferences -> Display -> see if brightness slider works

19 - Everything works? YES

20 - Boot Recovery Mode

21 - Menu Utilities -> Terminal
Enable SIP partially. AMDGPUWakeHandler.kext is not a digitally signed kext by Apple or an Apple developer.
csrutil enable --without kext

22 - Boot normal and verify SIP status.
Finder -> Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal
csrutil status
System Integrity Protection status: enabled (Custom Configuration).

Apple Internal: disabled
Kext Signing: disabled
Filesystem Protections: enabled
Debugging Restrictions: enabled
DTrace Restrictions: enabled
NVRAM Protections: enabled
BaseSystem Verification: enabled

Update 1:

With a new Update, the procedure must be repeated.

Update will put a new AppleMuxControl.kext.
I was able to make the brightness control work in High Sierra 10.13.6 + GRUB.

You must use AppleMuxControl.kext from Sierra 10.12.1.

Sierra 10.12.1 -> AppleMuxControl.kext (version 3.13)

High Sierra 10.13.6 -> AppleMuxControl.kext (version 3.20)

The correct location for AppleMuxControl.kext is:


I did not test with other Sierra AppleMuxControl.kext (10.12.2, 10.12.3, 10.12.4, 10.12.5 and 10.12.6).

There is a big difference in AppleMuxControl.kext from Sierra 10.12.0 and 10.12.1. In these two AppleMuxControl.kext there is no message: "AGC: booted to IG, policy disabled!!".

IG = Integrated Graphics = Intel GPU

After the discovery of how to make the Intel GPU boot Macbook Pro 2011 by gpu-power-prefs, then Apple changed the AppleMuxControl.kext.

Apple is not content to be a billion dollar company decides to make life difficult for the Macbook Pro 2011 users only to force a new purchase Macbook.

1 - Download Sierra 10.12.1 update from Apple:

2 - Double click on macosupd10.12.1.dmg .

3 - After mount .DMG file, extract /System/Library/Extensions (macOSUpd10.12.1.pkg) with Pacifist to another directory. See pictures bellow.

This example -> extract kexts -> directory: /Users/Shared/Kext-Sierra-10.12.1

Pacifist 3.6.1

4 - The Pacifist will ask if you want to keep kext's administrative privileges. Answer YES and enter your user name and password.

5 - To ensure that everything is correct, use the commands below to configure AppleMuxControl.kext with user: root and group: wheel and execution privilege.
sudo chmod -Rv 755 /Users/Shared/Kext-Sierra-10.12.1/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext

sudo chown -Rv root:wheel /Users/Shared/Kext-Sierra-10.12.1/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext


18 - System Preferences -> Display -> see if brightness slider works

19 - Everything works? YES

Update 1:

With a new Update, the procedure must be repeated.

Update will put a new AppleMuxControl.kext.

First off, I do NOT use GRUB as a boot loader.

I did most of what is quoted above but made some changes for speed. This is confirmed working with Mojave 10.14.6. Sleep works too!

First do steps 1-4. I wrote a bash script to take care of most of the rest:


# Run this script from a terminal window to generate a new kext with
# brightness control

# Follow this up with Kext Wizard to install the kext, then reboot.

# set the location of the Sierra kexts extracted with Pacifist here
export KEXTLOCATION=~/Documents/sierra-kexts

# set the location for the newly create kext
export NEWKEXT=~/Desktop

echo This utility will create a new AppleGraphicsControl.kext to fix the lack of brightness control
echo on your MacBook Pro 2011 after the AMD GPU has been disabled.
echo The new kext will be placed in $NEWKEXT/AppleGraphicsControl.kext
echo You may be asked for your password to continue.

# now the part you've all been waiting for!

sudo chmod -R 755 $KEXTLOCATION/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext
sudo chown -R root:wheel $KEXTLOCATION/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext
sudo cp -a /System/Library/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext $NEWKEXT
sudo cp -R $KEXTLOCATION/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleMuxControl.kext \

echo Now use "Kext Wizard" to install the kext, then reboot.

Kext Wizard gives you the option to back up your old kext when overwriting an existing one. It will save it on the Desktop in a folder called "Kext Backups".


  • IMG_1583.jpeg
    50.5 KB · Views: 541
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Dear sir @nsgr,

You are a godsend. It took me the whole weekend to tinker with this fix but I got there in the end.

Thank you so much for almost literally bringing my nearly dead MBP back to life.

The reason why it took so long was probably because I didn't apply the GRUB solution properly yet. For some reason after step 6 where I was required to reboot into Recovery Mode and disable the SIP I was unable to do so. I was presented with a white screen. Took all the effort from trying Internet Recovery, reboot in verbose mode, using Bootable USB with a High Sierra installer, all in vain.

Turns out, all I need to do is just follow the steps in the GRUB solution from the beginning, i.e. using nvram, change the gpu-power-prefs to use the inbuilt graphics, which allowed me to go to Recovery Mode.

After that, presto! Everything is now working. I can adjust brightness, I can even close the lid on my laptop, wait for it to go into hibernate, lift the lid back up and I can see the display, which I was unable to do before.

That was close to midnight when I successfully completed all this, so I closed the lid, went to sleep. Woke up this morning and opened the lid and everything still works properly.

Kudos to you and many hugs.

Good to know it worked with GRUB.
First off, I do NOT use GRUB as a boot loader.

I did most of what is quoted above but made some changes for speed. This is confirmed working with Mojave 10.14.6. Sleep works too!

First do steps 1-4. I wrote a bash script to take care of most of the rest:


# Run this script from a terminal window to generate a new kext with
# brightness control

# Follow this up with Kext Wizard to install the kext, then reboot.

# set the location of the Sierra kexts extracted with Pacifist here
export KEXTLOCATION=~/Documents/sierra-kexts

# set the location for the newly create kext
export NEWKEXT=~/Desktop

echo This utility will create a new AppleGraphicsControl.kext to fix the lack of brightness control
echo on your MacBook Pro 2011 after the AMD GPU has been disabled.
echo The new kext will be placed in $NEWKEXT/AppleGraphicsControl.kext
echo You may be asked for your password to continue.

# now the part you've all been waiting for!

sudo chmod -R 755 $KEXTLOCATION/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext
sudo chown -R root:wheel $KEXTLOCATION/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext
sudo cp -a /System/Library/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext $NEWKEXT
sudo cp -R $KEXTLOCATION/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleMuxControl.kext \

echo Now use "Kext Wizard" to install the kext, then reboot.

Kext Wizard gives you the option to back up your old kext when overwriting an existing one. It will save it on the Desktop in a folder called "Kext Backups".

Good to know it worked with Mojave.
hi, guys! please, help me!)


System Version: macOS 10.13.6 (17G6030)
Kernel Version: Darwin 17.7.0
AppleMuxControl.kext (version 3.13) in to the /System/Library/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext/Contents/PlugIns/
but brightness control doesn't working, what i have to do?
Last edited:
This is one of the coolest threads I've ever had the pleasure to come across. It's so awesome to see this solution develop over the years! Thank you to everyone who applied their brainpower to getting this solution going. I'm currently typing this on a 2011 15" MBP with High Sierra (and a failed AMD GPU of course) thanks to you!!

For the brightness control issue in High Sierra, I found an app called QuickShade in the App Store (it's free!) that lets you adjust the brightness using key commands. I set mine to CMD+1 & CMD+2 and it works very similarly to using F1 & F2, except it doesn't show the brightness GUI. In System Preferences > Users > Login Items, you can set QuickShade as a login item so it will start automatically when you boot up.

Still haven't found a solution for the black screen after waking from sleep. I tried some of the recommendations here, some sudo commands to change the sleep mode to hibernate, and even some old Mac apps designed to put the Mac into hibernate instead of sleep, but no working solution so far. If anyone has any developments here, please share. Or maybe there is already a solution and I missed something?

Either way, thanks again. Each and every one of you are heroes.
First off, I do NOT use GRUB as a boot loader.

I did most of what is quoted above but made some changes for speed. This is confirmed working with Mojave 10.14.6. Sleep works too!

First do steps 1-4. I wrote a bash script to take care of most of the rest:


# Run this script from a terminal window to generate a new kext with
# brightness control

# Follow this up with Kext Wizard to install the kext, then reboot.

# set the location of the Sierra kexts extracted with Pacifist here
export KEXTLOCATION=~/Documents/sierra-kexts

# set the location for the newly create kext
export NEWKEXT=~/Desktop

echo This utility will create a new AppleGraphicsControl.kext to fix the lack of brightness control
echo on your MacBook Pro 2011 after the AMD GPU has been disabled.
echo The new kext will be placed in $NEWKEXT/AppleGraphicsControl.kext
echo You may be asked for your password to continue.

# now the part you've all been waiting for!

sudo chmod -R 755 $KEXTLOCATION/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext
sudo chown -R root:wheel $KEXTLOCATION/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext
sudo cp -a /System/Library/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext $NEWKEXT
sudo cp -R $KEXTLOCATION/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleMuxControl.kext \

echo Now use "Kext Wizard" to install the kext, then reboot.

Kext Wizard gives you the option to back up your old kext when overwriting an existing one. It will save it on the Desktop in a folder called "Kext Backups".

I noticed you said you did not use grub, but grub was used because it can insert outb command to change GMUX register and also power down AMD GPU before kernel (please correct me if I am wrong).

Did you do other steps to achieve similar result (i.e. disable AMD)? Did you do the nvram hack?
Last edited:
This is one of the coolest threads I've ever had the pleasure to come across. It's so awesome to see this solution develop over the years! Thank you to everyone who applied their brainpower to getting this solution going. I'm currently typing this on a 2011 15" MBP with High Sierra (and a failed AMD GPU of course) thanks to you!!

For the brightness control issue in High Sierra, I found an app called QuickShade in the App Store (it's free!) that lets you adjust the brightness using key commands. I set mine to CMD+1 & CMD+2 and it works very similarly to using F1 & F2, except it doesn't show the brightness GUI. In System Preferences > Users > Login Items, you can set QuickShade as a login item so it will start automatically when you boot up.

Still haven't found a solution for the black screen after waking from sleep. I tried some of the recommendations here, some sudo commands to change the sleep mode to hibernate, and even some old Mac apps designed to put the Mac into hibernate instead of sleep, but no working solution so far. If anyone has any developments here, please share. Or maybe there is already a solution and I missed something?

Either way, thanks again. Each and every one of you are heroes.

Maybe you can try this procedure in AMD6000Controller.kext (black screen).

Even using GRUB, I don't know if the Macbook Pro 2011 tries to restart the AMD GPU through Sleep or Hibernate mode.

Page 97 - #2,410

Update 1:

Yes, the AMD GPU will restart when you wake up the Macbook Pro 2011.

And AMDGPUWakeHandler.kext will power off the AMD GPU again.

Update 2:

Compile AMDGPUWakeHandler.kext through the source code and use only AMDGPUWakeHandler.kext to power off AMD GPU.

The outb command will not be used at GRUB boot.
The GRUB option must be selected:

menuentry "macOS without outb - AMD GPU stay Power On at boot - with brightness control HighSierra"

Page 7 - #163

Page 7 - #164

Unfortunately there is no single solution.
Sometimes it works for some Macbook Pro 2011 and for other Macbook Pro 2011 it doesn't work.

Only testing to see if it will work or not.
Last edited:
Newbie here.
Everything working for me. The sleep and wake, brightness, AMD gpu disabled on my High Sierra.
This is my favorited and backup thread, in case I need to come back later to do another one.
My advise is if you jump to the end hoping for a quick solution, read from the beginning of this thread, page 1
Thank you everyone for all the tutorials.
MBP 15" early 2011 High Sierra saved.
I followed the first post tutorial and post #179 and everything (brightness, sleepmode, boot) is working like a charm. It's incredible that a company can sell defective hardware and nothing can be done from the consumers, they changed my MBP in 2015 but obviously the issue would sooner or later reappear.
  • Like
Reactions: Queen6
Thank you so much for the information. I was able to get brightness and sleep working under Catalina.
Hi everyone.
I am using a MacBook Pro 2011 17" running High Sierra 10.13.6, and Grub solution that it's working ok to boot without crashing. But the issue I am now having is that the system just abruptly goes to sleep. I'll be working and a black screen appears. This happens very frequently. I can wake it up ok most times but sometimes it goes into hibernation and I have to wait for it to wake on its own. If I put it to sleep it will wake it automatically. Even if I close the lid it will not stay asleep.
I tried the AppleMuxControl.kext (version 3.13) solution but it isn't working for me (No brightness control).
Any suggestions on how to solve this issue. your input would be much appreciated.
I just tested this with my MacBook Pro 10,1 (2012 retina) on macOS 10.15.6.
I follow the instructions from this link , but I did not install the AMDGPUWakeHandler.kext because I have a Nvidia graphic card
Then I follow the instruction from this link to install AppleMuxControl.kext (version 3.13)
Now I can control screen brightness, and wake sleep with no issue.

Thanks @nsgr & @brainshutdown for your contributions
Hi Everyone! Thanks for all the info, amazing thread. Inspired by @Xx-Ness-xX comment I tried it on my Early 2013 MBP with nvidia-geforce-gt-650m with macOS 10.15.6. I have already successfully installed Grub boot following this instructions and now wanting to get the screen brightness, and wake-sleep functionality back in place. I followed this instructions by @nsgr but I get an error when Modifying timestamp and creating new kextcache (last step on S mode). The AppleMuxControl.kext (3.13 - Sierra 10.12.1) seems to correctly go into /System/Library/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext/Contents/PlugIns/

I attach 2 pictures with the error. Anyone can guess what I am doing wrong?


  • WhatsApp Image 2020-09-19 at 12.52.33-2.jpeg
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  • WhatsApp Image 2020-09-19 at 12.52.33.jpeg
    WhatsApp Image 2020-09-19 at 12.52.33.jpeg
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I just tested this with my MacBook Pro 10,1 (2012 retina) on macOS 10.15.6.
I follow the instructions from this link , but I did not install the AMDGPUWakeHandler.kext because I have a Nvidia graphic card
Then I follow the instruction from this link to install AppleMuxControl.kext (version 3.13)
Now I can control screen brightness, and wake sleep with no issue.

Thanks @nsgr & @brainshutdown for your contributions

Also works on macOS 10.15.7 !!!
Hi Everyone! Thanks for all the info, amazing thread. Inspired by @Xx-Ness-xX comment I tried it on my Early 2013 MBP with nvidia-geforce-gt-650m with macOS 10.15.6. I have already successfully installed Grub boot following this instructions and now wanting to get the screen brightness, and wake-sleep functionality back in place. I followed this instructions by @nsgr but I get an error when Modifying timestamp and creating new kextcache (last step on S mode). The AppleMuxControl.kext (3.13 - Sierra 10.12.1) seems to correctly go into /System/Library/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext/Contents/PlugIns/

I attach 2 pictures with the error. Anyone can guess what I am doing wrong?

Same problem here with my Macbook Pro early 2013 15 inch. I've tried googling it but I can't get the brightness controls and sleep mode to work yet. Maybe it has to do with something in Catalina?
Update: for anyone where the kext didn't work initially, I may have found the solution. Apparantly Apple doesn't allow unsigned kext files without some commands in the command line tool. There is however a developer mode feature that allows you to use unsigned kext files you wouldn't be able to use in the normal MacOS mode. What worked for me was using said developer mode, after which this fix worked beautifully. To enable this developer mode, go to the terminal on your Macbook, and enter the following command:
sudo nvram boot-args= kext-dev-mode=1

After that, reboot your mac and at least for me everything detailed in the post from nsgr worked like a charm! I cheered when it finally worked🥰 thank you guys so much for helping me out!
  • Like
Reactions: pvllo
Hi all, thank you for such a supportive community!

Does anyone know what the gmux i/o port range for a MacBookPro9,1 (mid-2012 non-retina) is?

This seems to work only partially.
menuentry "macOS" {
insmod hfsplus
outb 0x728 1
outb 0x710 2
outb 0x740 2
outb 0x750 0
search --set=root --file /System/Library/CoreServices/boot.efi
chainloader /System/Library/CoreServices/boot.efi
Everything is working like a charm on my MBP8,2. Thanks for all the instructions here!

What I have noticed is, that after booting the device and press F1 or F2 only one time, the brightness jumps to the maximum value and must be reduced to the desired setting manually. Is there something that be done to prevent that?
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