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Glassed Silver

macrumors 68020
Original poster
Mar 10, 2007
Kassel, Germany
If you thought Apple using H.265 for Facetime last year could at least hint at them looking into adding it sometime down the road, think again.

Bildschirmfoto 2015-09-09 um 21.26.04.png


Glassed Silver:mac
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And oh the joy, whilst the new Apple TV apparently doesn't support HEVC (because apparently the thought that it's only useful for 4K, which the Apple TV doesn't have of course) Amazon is one upping Apple with the new Fire TV.

Bildschirmfoto 2015-09-19 um 06.11.29.png

Glassed Silver:mac
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I can't imagine having only 16gb. The last time was with the iPhone 3G, as the 3GS offered 32GB.

I've always gone with the maximum amount of storage available. The wait for 128gb was dreadful, as my music library alone was over 64gb when those models were released.

I'm comfortable at 128 but but hope for 256 within the next couple of years.
There are two different types of iPhone users.

Those who attempt to store all their media on it and those who use it as a business tool.

A large number use it as a business tool, and for that, 16 GB is fine. If you have a fleet of a few thousand iPhones, saving a couple of hundred bucks per handset on less storage that you do not require anyway is a big saving.

And before the "but handset XX has more storage standard for the same price!" - not really relevant. For business use, Android support is a nightmare. We have a fleet of several hundred iPhones and a handful of androids and i get more questions and problems from the Android users (and a number of them are running out-of-date, insecure images because the carrier won't upgrade) than the rest of the fleet.
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What does that even mean?

Anyone that cares that much about minuscule specs like that shouldn't even be using a smart phone for their video shooting anyway.

Smartphone cameras are for the casuals, the masses. Not for the professionals who actually has a true passion for it and builds their lives around it so much to care about the difference between H.264 & H.265 lol.
I think it's pretty clear that the 16/64/128 dichotomy was a strategic move on Apple's part this year. Clearly, they want to increase their profit margin, and what better way to do it than push people into a higher tier of storage? It's guaranteed that Apple makes a ton of profit with that $100 increase for each tier, when we know that the cost increase in storage is not anywhere near that.

That said, I certainly think the 16gb model would be just fine for a segment of users. The argument that the 16gb variant is not viable because very little 4k video will fit on it assumes that user is necessarily going to shoot at 4k. Most will not. Heck, I'm a video enthusiast and I will probably rarely shoot in 4k.

Disregarding 4k video, there are certainly other things that take up considerable storage as well. But it remains true that 16gb is plenty for some people who really only use their phone for calls, texts, facebook, and web browsing. I think there's a surprising number of people who fall into that camp - some of my friends and family included.

I chose 64gb, and I imagine it'll be the most popular model reaching a middle ground. Apple knows this, and is probably very excited about this. Profit per phone is going to go up. It shouldn't be surprising, then, when we read that Apple gobbles up over 90% of the smartphone profits. Good for them, that's the way to run a business. People are happy to pay, and they are happy to provide at a premium.
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4K is still a couple of years away.. why? Content.

4K TVs are just now becoming the primary standard, yet content hasn't caught up? Why? because HD to 4K is not the same as SD to HD... You just don't get enough WOW from 4K to justify the expense. So the uptake is going to be slower.

Apple will sell 4K when it's good and ready. They will sell it when you want it the most. They will sell it, when it's no longer bleeding edge. That's the way they do these things.
no one has a 4k TV. Who cares.

If you record something now why wouldn't you want it to be in the highest recording format you can? After all you don't just look at your videos now, what about in a few years time when your looking at them again by which time maybe you will have a 4K tv. Wouldn't you want your videos in 4K then?

Plus UHD TVs are everywhere now, most people I know have at least one in their house and although you get a small amount of letterboxing when looking at 4K on them it looks a hell of a lot better than looking at a 1080p recording on it.
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Lets be honest.

Half of the features in iPhone 6S, most people will have no ****ing idea what it means or how to do it.

- 3D Touch...oh god. I swear a lot of people will one day accidentally press a little harder on the display and see a random menu pop up that they never seen before and freak out.
- 4K means nothing for most people
- People that buy 16GB probably will not understand that they start off with like 8GB actual storage.

Its funny because whenever Apple announces a new product (iPhone 6S in this case) I always hear people people just walking by, in class, waiting in line talking about it for the first couple of days.

Most of the discussion usually involves:
1. What COLOR? By far the most important thing. It was gold last year, now its rose gold.
2. What new features? Usually the response is: I think they just upgraded everything, better camera, better processor and stuff.

Lets just keep things in context. If you're reading this thread on MacRumors, you think and know way more than the average consumer about these stuff.

Yes, 16GB with 4K video is dumb. Yes, Apple is getting away with it. No, people actually don't care.
4K is still a couple of years away.. why? Content.

4K TVs are just now becoming the primary standard, yet content hasn't caught up? Why? because HD to 4K is not the same as SD to HD... You just don't get enough WOW from 4K to justify the expense. So the uptake is going to be slower.

Apple will sell 4K when it's good and ready. They will sell it when you want it the most. They will sell it, when it's no longer bleeding edge. That's the way they do these things.
Yeah but 4k+HDR is incredible...
tbh I wouldn't defend Apple's decision to continue making a 16GB phone. 32GB should have been the bottom tier last year. Some people would say they don't need more than 16GB and that's fine. Personally I don't care much about 4K video. I don't have any devices that can actually display that resolution. 3 years ago I bought a 70" 1080p tv. It will be a long time before I consider replacing it (probably not until it dies). I think manufacturers are a little too quick to the game this time as the content for 4K really isn't even there yet. At least you can buy decent 4K sets without spending 5k unlike how things were when 1080p flats first debuted in large sizes.
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Yeah but 4k+HDR is incredible...

It is, but there is zero 4K HDR content at the moment. Even worse, most 4K TVs, except brand new ones (last 2-3 months) even support HDR.

I hate to say it, but the early adopters really got screwed. They literally are only getting a resolution bump with their 4K sets: most do not support HDR, 10 bit color, or a new color gamut.
Err...okay. I buy 16GB every single time I get a new phone. Why? Not because I don't understand the features, that's for sure. 16GB has always been plenty of storage for me. I download maybe five apps, not interested in 4k video, my music and photos are all in the cloud. I don't see what the big deal is.
It is, but there is zero 4K HDR content at the moment. Even worse, most 4K TVs, except brand new ones (last 2-3 months) even support HDR.

I hate to say it, but the early adopters really got screwed. They literally are only getting a resolution bump with their 4K sets: most do not support HDR, 10 bit color, or a new color gamut.
True. I have an HDR TV though thankfully
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I bet less than 2% of people really care about 4k video or have the equipment capable of playback. It's just hasn't caught on yet and there isn't much hardware that can even play that format yet widely available. They put it on there to check off a box, not necessarily because 4k is all that useful to most.
4K TV is also relatively worthless for the average consumer. Vision is only so sharp, and I sit further away from the distance to discern pixels in my living room from my 52" TV. I think there are lots of people who have said this in articles before, but the TV companies should have just introduced all the other benefits of 4K TVs without the expensive resolution bump.
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