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macrumors newbie
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Jul 29, 2014
At least twice I have left my iPad pro plugged in, once over night, and once during work. When I returned to my iPad it appeared frozen. Black screen, screen will not wake. I had to do a hard reset twice to get the thing to work again. After the hard reset the battery was 100%.

Has anyone else seen this?
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It happens to me everytime I let it fully charge. I have to do Power + Home botton for 8 second to get it back on. I called applecare and they are doing an express replacement... I have AppleCare+ on it.
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It has happened to me both mornings. Is this an issue with hardware or software?

I was presuming it was software until there weren't many reports, so I was thinking a few had defective hardware. But now that you others have jumped in, it's sounding like something that software could fix.
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I was presuming it was software until there weren't many reports, so I was thinking a few had defective hardware. But now that you others have jumped in, it's sounding like something that software could fix.

Same problem here. I have to do a hard reset every time it is left to fully charge. I am trying a full reset and see if that does anything...
Yep, happened this morning to me. Only got it yesterday, did wonder if it was completely dead.

Was in do not disturb btw.
Same here. Installed iOS 9.2 Public beta now and will see if it again is frozen tomorrow morning.
Same here. Happened twice. I freaked out and thought it wasn't charging. I didn't realize you hard to hold down the power and home button for so long.

Nothing gets erased for me, so I hope it is just software based. Not worth taking it in yet with limited supply available.
I did a full software restore last night and I am charging now. Should know something in a half hour or so. 128gb wifi Gold Pro.
Only charged it once so far, and this happened to me. Will exchange if it keeps happening.
Had this too, seems to be the same iOS bug that has been randomly occurring on my iPhone and iPad Air 2 although far less frequently. A reset fixes it so it's not a major issue.
It happens to me everytime I let it fully charge. I have to do Power + Home botton for 8 second to get it back on. I called applecare and they are doing an express replacement... I have AppleCare+ on it.

Don't understand why others, with this problem, aren't doing what you did to resolve the problem rather than look for a solution here on the forum. That's one of the first things I do, after trying to troubleshoot on my own, to resolve issues with any of my Apple devices.
Perhaps others will see your post and call AppleCare as well. I'm sure you've helped out many by sharing. One more great thing about being here, is some of the fantastic posters, like you :)
Same thing has happened to me every morning since I got the iPad Pro. I scheduled a Genius Bar appointment for next Friday. I'm hoping that they will have replacement units in stock by then, although it sounds like many units are doing this and a replacement could have the same issue. Maybe it's something that could be fixed with a software patch?
Same thing has happened to me every morning since I got the iPad Pro. I scheduled a Genius Bar appointment for next Friday. I'm hoping that they will have replacement units in stock by then, although it sounds like many units are doing this and a replacement could have the same issue. Maybe it's something that could be fixed with a software patch?

It's an iOS bug, it effects all iOS devices on 9.1 although it has been around for quite sometime on previous releases of iOS. changing hardware won't fix it. It seems to happen mostly when charging although I have seen it on an iPad Air 2 which hadn't been used for a couple of days. as it is not easy to reproduce Apple will probably take a while to fix it, especially if it is the result of different bugs.
Happened for the 3rd day in a row. Gonna load 9.2 this am and test to see if it's resolved.
No issues for me but I always do a full factory reset after a new iPad updates. I did this from ios 9.0 to 9.1 when setting up my Pro from new. It's easy insurance to perform with a new iPad.
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