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macrumors 68000
Nov 13, 2014
My understanding is that certain free iOS apps that are funded by ads are targeted*. Not at the user, for sure, but at the user’s demographic. Still a type of targeting, though.

* if you have the ‘personalise ads’ setting checked.

Possibly, but that would be in a third-party app not actual iOS or system apps.


macrumors 68040
Mar 27, 2004
Eastern USA
I use Bing on all my devices. Nothing to do with privacy, I just actually prefer it. I’m not naive enough to believe in the whole “privacy” thing what with living in the US. That ship has sailed. So all this faux indignation of “privacy” makes me laugh but, hey, to each their own. But yeah, I do believe Apple comes the closest to it even though, case in point, haven’t had an iPhone in 3 years.
I think defeatism is bad when it comes to privacy issues. If people don’t care, governments and corporations will learn it quickly and become even more emboldened, and developers of anonymity tech won’t see a market for their work (it’s because of them that things like OpenVPN, Tor, and MetaGer even exist). And if you think it can’t get worse, with respect, that’s as naïve as those at whom you laugh. The indignation is not faux, and the ship hasn’t sailed unless you make the wind.
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macrumors 68000
Nov 13, 2014
You assumed incorrectly, All the other apps can be uninstalled, even the evil ones like Prime Video and Google TV... but not Apple's, I am forced to keep Apple TV, guess why? How much money must Apple be paying Samsung to force the app on us. Very Private commercial tactic of them.

Also I assume you've never actually used an iPhone, since there is a lot of targeted ads everywhere. There, I used your words... I have had iPhones all the way back since the 5.

Ok so you have an unsupported conspiracy theory and not one example of “targeteds ads everywhere”.


May 9, 2015
Which is why Google created Android. Why pay someone else when you can give a phone OS away for free for less.
They don't care about Android, it isn't their business. They care only about search.
None of what Google makes or gives away for free are really products. The end user *is* is the product, and Google is in the business of selling you to advertisers.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Funny how people still believes Apple's narrative. That’s bull***t.

The last update on my 4K smartTV (Samsung) forced the installation of Apple Music and Apple TV without my consent, I don’t like the intrusion but what infuriates me the most is that I CANNOT UNINSTALL IT! The option is greyed-out, WTF.

View attachment 974160

The only reason Apple was able to moderately sustain their “privacy” narrative was because Services was not their main business, it was Hardware, but now that they are competing in Music, TV and all those services they will quietly phase it out, THEY WANT/NEED YOUR DATA.

Apple ran a ad business too for several years, I can see them going back to it in the future.

A quick search will show you many examples of how your data does not stay on your iPhone and more specifically you get all sorts of targeted ads everywhere on your phone even by disabling every option possible.
I’m with you in Samsung TV. There are a number of apps that cannot be uninstalled. (Which honestly is friggin annoying) edit: grammar

Im not with you on the privacy rant. Unless there is different data being sent to google by typing in in the address bar then apple is not less privacy focused
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macrumors 6502a
May 24, 2007
Antwerp, belgium
The Justice Department's complaint cites a senior Apple employee's remark from 2018 which said that "our vision is that we work as if we are one company."

this fears me as it is google they work with but also gives me hope, as Apple is very aware about the service and customer experience, so hoping they bring something better soon.


macrumors 65816
Oct 8, 2016
you certainly can delete the Apple TV app, definitely in iOS 14, can't remember 13
View attachment 974212

Look at the original message, in my Samsung 4K SmartTV it is not allowed, I am not talking about iOS. And they were not even there before the latest update. I can uninstall Hulu, Prime Video, even Google TV, but not Apple TV, they are forcing us to have it, all I could do was place it last in the app list.
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macrumors G3
May 31, 2007
Florida, USA
Want to really give choice? A default search engine selection screen in alphabetic order. Will that happen? No.

They could put up a screen with the choices in random order, and have the first entry checked by default. This would ensure there's no bias towards any particular company unless the user chooses one.

I think they should do the same with ringtones; newly configured iPhones should use a random ringtone, so everyone doesn't have the same stupid default.


macrumors 68040
Apr 5, 2010
....and folks say Apple is all about privacy

If Google only get's your IP address, your search term and which device you are using, they are not getting anymore than if you choose Google search as your default search engine anyway.

Or do you have any information on what is provided by your iOS-device?


Sep 13, 2008
Portland, OR
Want to really give choice? A default search engine selection screen in alphabetic order. Will that happen? No.

it’s laughable to think that most people would pick something other than Google if the other choices are Yahoo, Bing, and DuckDuckGo.

IE or Edge have been the default in Windows since the beginning of time, and most Windows users go out of their way to install Chrome and switch to Google search.

This antitrust lawsuit is going nowhere.


macrumors regular
Jul 2, 2009
I think it would be hilarious if millions of Apple users changed their default search to DuckDuckGo. They will make tons of money...if their system can handle it.
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macrumors 601
Sep 27, 2005
There's a reason "Google" is a verb. Somehow, "Bing it!" just doesn't have the same ring to it (nor are the search results anywhere as good).


macrumors 68040
Apr 23, 2013
50% of google's search traffic comes from apple devices?
I think Apple has ~ 20% share of computer/laptop market, 25% share of smartphones, and 70% of tablets?
so the rest of the world on Windows and Android only use 50% of google search, their market share is what? 2-3x of Apple? that just does not feel right
Edit: this is just a quick estimate so just counting the ones with big market share, so Windows and android, and I realize there are more out there

It’s because they use their devices more.


macrumors 68020
Oct 12, 2010
Seems like google would lose little traffic but apple would lose a lot of money. (Most people would choose google as their default)
A little traffic. Enough to pay up to $12 BILLION for.
I would imagine paying tens of billions to tend a monopoly is not something even Google is so flippant about.
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