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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 22, 2005
I received my new 15" PB a few days ago and I can notice faint horizontal lines on every other row of pixels. I didn't notice this on the model before this or even the new iBooks, but working with photos, graphics, and video is aggravating with these lines.

I called Apple Support and they seem to think this is a limited issue. I'm sending it in to get repaired or to get a new screen put on it...stinks when it's 4 days old and I'm already getting it "repaired" :(

Anyone else out there notice this with their new PowerBooks? Do the PBs in actual Apple Stores have these lines?

*EDIT* Here's a pic of the can see them on the default blue OSX background.


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Any chance you can manipulate a camera in such a way that you can photograph what you're talking about? I'd love to see a picture before you send it back in... it sounds like a really strange problem. :(
mkrishnan said:
Any chance you can manipulate a camera in such a way that you can photograph what you're talking about? I'd love to see a picture before you send it back in... it sounds like a really strange problem. :(

There's a PSD of what it looks like, as well as others with that problem, on the apple support site:

It is pretty bad you're getting it repaired after 4 days, can you get your money back because it's so close after purchasing? :confused:

I fear this problem will be around for a while..
Attached is a shot of the screen up should be able to see the lines in the default blue background.


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I know EXACTLY what you mean. When I had my quicksilver, this happened on my LCD. Finally I found out it was on the wrong refresh rate. I changed it to the only other available choice and the lines were gone.

I went through 3 of the LCD's returning them for being defective. However, everyone that looked at it said I was crazy...I knew it was probably an easy fix.

However, you probably can't change the refresh rate on your PB....but your picture there looks exactly like my LCD looked with wrong refresh rate.
Yeah my new 15 did this and I ended up taking it back to the Apple store. I spent the last few days on the phone with AppleCare and they didn't seem to think this was a problem. I almost felt like they thought I was crazy or being way to picky. I know how a CRT looks with the wrong refresh rate but I've never seen an LCD with the wrong refresh rate in action. If it was the wrong refresh rate would the lines look static like in the picture above?

If this does happen to be a refresh rate thing I wonder if Apple has bad video chips/card or it's a firmware/driver thing. Hopefully they iron this out so I can go back and purchase a new 15. When I returned my 15 I looked at all the 15's in the Apple Store. They suffered from the same line issue that every other 15 owner has claimed.

VisualForces did you send that image into Apple/AppleCare? Hopefully everyone that owns a new 15 will call Apple and report this problem. This way it gets taken care of quicker.
After talking to Apple Care, they seemed to think they could fix it. Hopefully they're right. I didn't have the image at the time, but they'll be looking at it directly here in a couple of days...but at least I have some evidence of what it looks like before sending it. ;)
VisualForces said:
After talking to Apple Care, they seemed to think they could fix it. Hopefully they're right. I didn't have the image at the time, but they'll be looking at it directly here in a couple of days...but at least I have some evidence of what it looks like before sending it. ;)

Can you please keep an update on what Apple plans to do... Thanks :)
cplusd said:
Can you please keep an update on what Apple plans to do... Thanks :)

Sure thing...I should have the box from Apple today or tomorrow, it'll go back no later than Thursday and I should have it back here by the end of next week. We'll see. :cool:
This may sound really stupid, but check the colour setting at System Preferences>Displays and check that under "Color" it says "Millions" rather than "Thousands".

I had my screen replaced, and when it came back the screen was really grainy and had lines on it, and I was panicking, and then I found that setting and that was all it was. It didn't look like a colour issue on mine, it looked like a bad quality screen. Why the technicians set it to that I have no idea.

I'm sure yours is a more complex problem, but worth checking if it means you don't have to send it in.
Lau said:
This may sound really stupid, but check the colour setting at System Preferences>Displays and check that under "Color" it says "Millions" rather than "Thousands".

Yeah....another good thought, but tried that as well. I also changed the resolution to every setting and saw the same lines on them all. Apple walked me through some other settings and such and could never get rid of it.
Heck with all these problems I may be forced to chain myself to a desktop.. I hate the fact of not being mobile...

17's too large for my taste (owned one) and 12 is too small (never owned).
cplusd said:
Heck with all these problems I may be forced to chain myself to a desktop.. I hate the fact of not being mobile...

17's too large for my taste (owned one) and 12 is too small (never owned).

I know what ya mean...I hate thinking about buying a discounted older model just because the screen is sharper...I may have to though as I can't do my work on this newer screen. :(
My biggest fear was that Apple would try to sweep this under the rug and silently fix them; like the white spot issue! You know I just bought ram for the new machine and the new ddr2 ram won't fit into older models. Plus I've been spoiled with the new real estate. It's like Apple giveth and Apple taketh, NOT COOL!!!
Visual, here is a pic of my screen. It looks pretty good to me...
If you want I can take a pic in the same way you did it and we can compare.


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tribe3 said:
Visual, here is a pic of my screen. It looks pretty good to me...
If you want I can take a pic in the same way you did it and we can compare.

Is that a screenshot or an actual picture?

I hope it's a picture...cause that would make me feel a LOT better about this! :)
tribe3 said:
Visual, here is a pic of my screen. It looks pretty good to me...
If you want I can take a pic in the same way you did it and we can compare.
I think you need to take a picture of the screen with a camera, because that shot looks absolutely fine to me. ;)
VisualForces said:
Is that a screenshot or an actual picture?

I hope it's a picture...cause that would make me feel a LOT better about this! :)

It's a screenshot.
Are you taking a picture of the screen with a camera?
tribe3 said:
It's a screenshot.
Are you taking a picture of the screen with a camera? has to be done with a camera. A screenshot won't include monitor qualities in it.

I was getting my hopes up on that one. :(
When your PowerBook does come back, please take some pictures of the new screen.

Every new PowerBook I have seen seems to have this problem to some extent - some more than others. It is more noticable the brighter the screen backlight is. I tend to keep mine turned down (usually below 50%) and most of my work on the machine is programming and the like, so I haven't noticed the lines too bad, but they *are* there...

If they do replace the screen with something that is better then I might have to send my PowerBook in when I can afford to part with it for a week... :(

~Jeff Corbets
Just wanted to chime in...

I went to the Apple store today, because I am selling my iMac to get another PB (I miss my old Rev A even w/ its' "features")..

Both of the new 15"-ers that they had on display had this issue that everyone is talking about. It is not as bad as I thought it would be, but certainly is noticeable when taking a close look at the screen.

As VisualForces said, I am thinking about getting the previous revision just to avoid these issues. $1599 as a refurb....
PowerBook left for Apple Care this afternoon...should be there tomorrow. *fingers crossed*
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