I received my new 15" PB a few days ago and I can notice faint horizontal lines on every other row of pixels. I didn't notice this on the model before this or even the new iBooks, but working with photos, graphics, and video is aggravating with these lines.
I called Apple Support and they seem to think this is a limited issue. I'm sending it in to get repaired or to get a new screen put on it...stinks when it's 4 days old and I'm already getting it "repaired"
Anyone else out there notice this with their new PowerBooks? Do the PBs in actual Apple Stores have these lines?
*EDIT* Here's a pic of the lines...you can see them on the default blue OSX background.
I called Apple Support and they seem to think this is a limited issue. I'm sending it in to get repaired or to get a new screen put on it...stinks when it's 4 days old and I'm already getting it "repaired"
Anyone else out there notice this with their new PowerBooks? Do the PBs in actual Apple Stores have these lines?
*EDIT* Here's a pic of the lines...you can see them on the default blue OSX background.