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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Eagle-eyed forum members have found new references in Apple's Mac OS 10.4.10 "Tiger" update that seem to support the forthcoming iPhone and rumored iMac revision.

Forum member bogg writes that four new display vendor ID's appear in 10.4.10 relating to the iMac. While the ID's themselves do not suggest any specific features of the iMac, they do lend credence to rumors that Apple plans to update the product within the next several weeks.

Also, AppleInsider reports that a new framework named "YahooSync" is installed with the update, most likely referring to support for various Yahoo! services supported by the the iPhone (including push IMAP and Yahoo! address books).

Meanwhile, forum user milhous, notes that redirects to with a "Sorry, the page you requested was not found" error. The DNS changes suggest that Yahoo may be preparing their own iPhone portal.
That's some exciting news. Could the new displays also relate to Apple coming out with new ACD's?? Perhapes bigger than 30 or updated form factors??
Did anyone else notice that the weather and stocks widgets have the little Yahoo "Y!" in the lower left corner. I wonder if that's something to do with all the yahoo references too?
Dont care about the iPhone. I mean who cares.

How come we arent talking about the new iMacs?
Maybe the lack of 500GB hard drives is causing their delay in releasing new iMacs.
Can we please get the iPhone and new iMacs out. Pretty please with a cherry on top.

What will happen to the Mac mini? Will we be forced to buy an iMac or switch to a portable?! :(
Geez, could someone explain the actual findings?

I understand that there are four new ID for displays, and three of them have iMac in the description... So how does this mean that there are new iMacs on their way, and not just an update to optimize already existing iMac displays?

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