Following the success and popularity of the Winter Challenge, as well as the requests from several users to have more than one Challenge week a year, I'm pleased to announce the Inaugural SUMMER PowerPC Challenge.
Week of July 1-8, 2017
1. Try to stick to using PowerPC-based computer only for the week. You are allowed to use modern computers if you are required to by your work, school, or if you absolutely need to for some reason. If so, document why you needed to (ie: incompatible hardware). By documenting it, we can see what the weak parts of using PowerPC Macs are and even try to build off of that to solve that issue if possible.
2. Keep internet usage on your modern phone/tablet to a minimum, unless required to by school, work, life, etc. This is in order to keep the challenge as close to 2006 as possible. However, you can use any iPhone (2G, 3G, 3GS), iPod (1G, 2G, 3G), or iPad (1 only).
3. Try to document your experiences with using PowerPC-only either by writing daily updates on this thread or recording and uploading daily videos. (You may use your phone to do this, but if possible, use a camera compatible with your PPCs)
(Comment if you think there should be additional rules)
Allowed Devices:
(Please insert your name below as @username)
1. @Gamer9430
3. @Slix
4. @xdanieldzd
5. @MagicBoy
6. @RhianB
7. @Lastic
8. @Kliee
9. @ApplesDotCom101
10. @JRDN
11. @MrYingster
12. @amagichnich
13. @bobesch
14. @SkyBell
15. @redheeler
16. @mmphosis
17. @16bitTechy
18. @SuperKerem
19. @lhn555
20. @doggoli
21. @PowerMac_G5
22. @AL1630
23. @jrra
24. @reukiodo
25. @GamerGibbons
26. @bavbavis
27. @Liggysmalls
28. @benbranca
29. @RowanW4
30. @foxlet
31. @appleish19
32. @jouster
33. @Adamscomputerrepair
34. @EnderCow
35. @VanneDC
36. @rtk05
Let's see if we can beat the previous number of participants (44)!
Comment, and write in your name above, if you would like to participate.
Week of July 1-8, 2017
1. Try to stick to using PowerPC-based computer only for the week. You are allowed to use modern computers if you are required to by your work, school, or if you absolutely need to for some reason. If so, document why you needed to (ie: incompatible hardware). By documenting it, we can see what the weak parts of using PowerPC Macs are and even try to build off of that to solve that issue if possible.
2. Keep internet usage on your modern phone/tablet to a minimum, unless required to by school, work, life, etc. This is in order to keep the challenge as close to 2006 as possible. However, you can use any iPhone (2G, 3G, 3GS), iPod (1G, 2G, 3G), or iPad (1 only).
3. Try to document your experiences with using PowerPC-only either by writing daily updates on this thread or recording and uploading daily videos. (You may use your phone to do this, but if possible, use a camera compatible with your PPCs)
(Comment if you think there should be additional rules)
Allowed Devices:
- Any device that is compatible with Leopard or below (which includes iPods, iPhones, and iPads)
- Video game consoles (previous generations preferred to keep with retro theme)
- Computers for work, schools, and emergencies
- Any computer that has a PowerPC CPU (This includes Amigas and IBMs)
- PDAs (Palm Pilots work well with Macs
- (Add more if you think of any!)
(Please insert your name below as @username)
1. @Gamer9430
3. @Slix
4. @xdanieldzd
5. @MagicBoy
6. @RhianB
7. @Lastic
8. @Kliee
9. @ApplesDotCom101
10. @JRDN
11. @MrYingster
12. @amagichnich
13. @bobesch
14. @SkyBell
15. @redheeler
16. @mmphosis
17. @16bitTechy
18. @SuperKerem
19. @lhn555
20. @doggoli
21. @PowerMac_G5
22. @AL1630
23. @jrra
24. @reukiodo
25. @GamerGibbons
26. @bavbavis
27. @Liggysmalls
28. @benbranca
29. @RowanW4
30. @foxlet
31. @appleish19
32. @jouster
33. @Adamscomputerrepair
34. @EnderCow
35. @VanneDC
36. @rtk05
Let's see if we can beat the previous number of participants (44)!
Comment, and write in your name above, if you would like to participate.
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