The one time I used a Nexus 4 running Android I was stunned when I first used dynamic notifications.
And a file directory... That would be amazing.
Honestly the 3 biggest pluses to using Android are 1. How well notifications are done on Android 2. How clean the springboard can be set up 3. Customizing said springboard. Big fan of having my main spring board icons themed to look unified.
iPhone = more efficient os that requires less processing power, good hardware, easy to use os but not the most efficient. Notifications especially are a cluttered mess. I mean at least have a setting to allow us to sort them by app and let you just clear them for one app a la Android.
What's kept me from upgrading to a new iphone has honestly been that lack of useful changes to ios.
Hoping for some nice changes in ios 11 but I'm pretty pessimistic.
Yup file directory and being able to access those files from your computer and being able to use your phone as a storage device just seems like a no brainer though cloud drives do make it a bit less necessary.