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macrumors regular
Feb 17, 2008
The 2.8ghz imac that I own is a 3.0ghz downclocked to 2.8ghz. when I had it apart the chip itself says 3.0ghz on the heat sink. My hd2600 gpu is also under clocked from an xt to a pro. And so are last years macbook pros. Maybe you should google this for more info. There are numerous reports of under clocked chips coming from macbooks and imacs. If I felt like tearing my imac apart again I would send you a pic of my 2.8extreme that is actually a 3.0 chip. I cant speak for the quad core products because i don't have one. but all of my macs are under clocked. 2007 imac, 2008 macbook pro, late 2008 macbook have all been apart at some point or another and all had higher clock speed on the chip than what os x and apple says.

my A4 info was based on engagets article stating that it was an A9 mp chip. which is also stated in articles from and The only thing I can find about it being an A8 is wiki and is from jan 2010.

"A4 is a System-on-a-Chip, or SOC, that integrates the main processor [ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore i.e. Multi-Processing Core, identical to ones used in nVidia Tegra and Qualcomm Snapdragon] with graphics silicon [ARM Mali 50-Series GPU], and other functions like the memory controller on one piece of silicon – not unlike what Intel is trying to achieve with its future “Moorestown” Atom processor that debuted inside LG’s Smartphone". This quote is from Cult of mac interview with member of apple ipad design team. The A8 chip is in the iphone 3gs running at 600mhz and apple claims that the ipad and iphone 4 have a completely NEW chip in them, not old chip with a faster clock speed. According to the specs on ARM's website for the A9 chip it clocks at 1.3ghz but the ARM system that is in the A4 is clocked at 1ghz. The A4 specs on from May 21st says:
ARM Cortex A9-based architecture, modified by Apple
1 Ghz main frequency
2 MB L2 Cache
45 nanometer process
300 milliwatt max power use
ARM NEON Processing Media Engine

And apple acquired PA semi not ARM which was my mistake. But ARM designed both A8 and A9 chips.

sorry for the one false statement about ARM being purchased by apple. PA semi was purchased by apple in 2008.

Might want to look at this article:


macrumors 6502
Jul 21, 2007
Here is the problem, 512 is enough for you (and me), but not enough for the next guy. If Apple would have come out with 512 in the first incarnation, there are people here who would have said "why not 1GB of RAM," and listed all the reasons why they need a gig.

How many new devices come out each month that one-up the last one. Sadly, it's the world we live in.

I dont care about how much ram my device has, I just care about how it works and how the interaction with it feels, the ipad does a really good job, its blazing fast and you interact in an intuitiv way, there is nearly no waiting time, then you switch to a new site and get back and what happens, you wait for the website to load again, this just not feel right and can be improved.


macrumors 603
Feb 3, 2008
Essex (UK)
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2; en-gb; Nexus One Build/FRF50) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

iPhone 4 keeps getting better and better! Good news for future owners. :p


macrumors 6502
Mar 17, 2008
I believe the clock speed for the iPhone 4 is 1ghz vs the 3GS which has 600mhz

most likely going to be 800mhz not 1000, however it wasn't likely that it would have 512mb of RAM so maybe the processor will be equal to the ipad's if the RAM already beats the ipads..


macrumors 68020
Aug 6, 2008
Ive used reel director on my 3GS and and rendered and edited my video I shot just fine even with just 256mb of ram. 512 will be nice and faster but you do it with 256 just fine.


macrumors newbie
Jun 17, 2010
For iphone 4 to muti-task the way they claim it will, I guess maybe they need 512mb ram. I know the 3gs will multi-task too but not nearly as well as iphone 4. But until the unit actually hits stores we won't know for sure whether this is true or not. If this is the biggest leap forward since the original iphone then it should have more ram than last years phone.


macrumors G3
Feb 23, 2010
Something no-one has mentioned yet.

The iPad had double the screen res, so at a push, you could buy a iPhone app and hit the x2 button as it just pixel doubles.

Whilst not the best quality, at least it was simple and it worked.

How on earth are the new iPhone and iPad going to get along?

Totally different screen res now.

Are we going to assume a new iPhone 4 app will run on the iPad, but just with a black boarder around the outside where the missing pixels will be?

Manie Frizzle

macrumors member
Apr 3, 2008
I find my self screaming at my iPhone 3G all the time, because it's sSOOOO Fing slow! It better have 512 or I'm going to flip out! I can't stand slow computers.

haha i feel your pain! my 3g feels like my first computer back in the 90s. can't wait till i get the 4 but im frustrated i can't even preorder on att premier.


macrumors regular
Sep 23, 2007
1) iPad can't record video, so you're telling me that you'd sync movies to the iPad from your computer ... to edit them on your iPad? Sounds backwards to me

2) I would expect an updated iPad with a camera, bumped specs and a slightly altered design at the iTunes event this fall when Apple upgrades the iTouch.

The iPad camera connection kit cant load videos?


macrumors 68020
Apr 23, 2006
Beds, UK
C) Apple did buy a company recently that had the A8 at 1 Ghz and that chip is the A4( name of the company has slipped my mind)

It was P.A Semi for those who couldn't remember earlier.

Also an added note to those saying iPad is rendered useless. Now, I don't own one but I'm sure iPhone won't destroy it.

iPad has so much functionality and having that big display really helps where the iPhone can't match. Some of the games aswell are simply mind blowing


macrumors 6502
Jun 7, 2007
I would like to point out that this is why you DON"T ever buy the fist release of anything from Apple! The next iPad will have 512 Ram and probably a camera.

Right! and all you get is a stupid year of using it! stupid jerks!

Bluetooth Stylus

i'm waiting for bluetooth dangly charms. i want a panda!

There is no such thing as "clocking down." There is a maximum clock speed for a given voltage and temperature, above which you fail to meet the set-up time of the state elements and the chip fails to work.

Intel dude... intel.

if you think there's no such thing as "clocking down" then you've never messed with intel processors. ever.

Intel sets arbitrary speed limits on chips to fill marketing niches... it has NOTHING to do with how fast the chip "will" run.

that 2.4ghz P4 is EXACTLY the same as the 3.0ghz P4... they just rated it faster.

chip speeds are MARKETING, not technical. hence, your 2.8 i7 will run easily at 3.8.

A4 in iPhone 4 is different from the A4s in iPad or iPhone 4 prototype.

i'm not sure comparing differently-scaled images makes much sense....


macrumors 6502a
Oct 25, 2008
I Wonder how much faster the 4 will be in eversday usage (browsing, apps, etc) compared to the 3GS.


macrumors 68020
Apr 17, 2010
I held off on the iPad because I am on a 3G iPhone and I was really eager to upgrade my phone first before spending money on another gadget. I'm pretty glad I waited. I can't wait to get my new phone next week, especially now with the news about the RAM.

If/when the iPad has a more computer like OS I will probably cave and buy one.


macrumors regular
Mar 18, 2009
Yes That's What Steve Demonstrated During His WWDC SteveNote

Something no-one has mentioned yet.

The iPad had double the screen res, so at a push, you could buy a iPhone app and hit the x2 button as it just pixel doubles.

Whilst not the best quality, at least it was simple and it worked.

How on earth are the new iPhone and iPad going to get along?

Totally different screen res now.

Are we going to assume a new iPhone 4 app will run on the iPad, but just with a black boarder around the outside where the missing pixels will be?
Yes exactly. Steve showed that during his SteveNote last week. :) So they should look a lot better than they do now.


macrumors 601
Feb 8, 2009
I Wonder how much faster the 4 will be in eversday usage (browsing, apps, etc) compared to the 3GS.

It'll be a bit faster, but that has everything to do with the processor, and absolutely nothing to do with the RAM. I can't understand why people don't get this!!!


macrumors regular
Oct 17, 2007
Yup. Still glad I didn't hop on the ipad bandwagon as soon as it took off. I'm surprised that it only took 3 months to be outclassed by the iphone though. That seems a bit cannibalistic on apple's part. If I had jumped on the bandwagon, I would be pretty irate right about now.


macrumors regular
Feb 1, 2009
haha i feel your pain! my 3g feels like my first computer back in the 90s. can't wait till i get the 4 but im frustrated i can't even preorder on att premier.

lmao same, with all of the added apps from cydia and things running in the background my 3g is sooo slow. sometimes getting a text is too much and the springboard crashes to MobileSubstrate.


macrumors 6502
Jan 5, 2009
21 negatives so far

i honestly can't believe that there is that many people in a website coming hating on a product...

i really don't understand that mentality..

if i think an Mercedez is better than my truck and i can't afford a mercedez i'm not gonna go to the mercedez website and post bad things..

I just don't see how jealousy simply eats some people from the inside out that they have to go to websites and hate on other products...

i've seen it with the ps3, i've seen it with apple.. go find a hobby people.. sheesh
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