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macrumors 6502
Jul 14, 2011
Dude, iPhone 6, not iPhone 5. The iPhone 4S was the 5th one.
They are on the 6th one.

1. iPhone
2. iPhone 3G
3. iPhone 3GS
4. iPhone 4
5. iPhone 4S
.... iPhone 6

Then what happened to the iPhone 2?. Why is the 4S not called 5 then? I think people are just seeing patterns where none exist


macrumors regular
May 14, 2008
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

Hold on, beloved 3GS...

You're lucky -- I'm holding on to my beloved 3G (no s)!


macrumors newbie
Feb 20, 2012
BC Canada
I would hope iPhone 5 will be out to my provider before my plan expires in mid October, or else I will have to suffice with the now older 4S


macrumors 601
Apr 18, 2011
Mac Rumours just go ahead and say "The iPhone is Expected to be released in september or October this year". You say things are expected then it'l just a rumour with NO proof from Apple all the time. That terrible reporting we have come to expect from you now.


macrumors 68000
Mar 13, 2007
I did not know about the first point. Care to elaborate? And I completely agree with your second and third points. But would you disagree that high end android phones have better specs than the 4S? By specs I'm solely referring to hardware (since I think that's what the original poster was referring to as well). This is by no means my opinion on which phone is better or the performance of either phone, etc. But is it not fact that the best android phones have better specs/hardware? If specs on androids and iPhones cannot be directly compared like that (solely for the reason of comparing, not for figuring out which phone is better) then I'd like to hear why as well.
All ARM processors be it a Qualcomm Snapdragon found in a lot of Android smartphones or the A5 series designed by Apple support the base CPU instruction set from the ARM reference platform but that is where the similarities end.

Both AMD and Intel processor have a high level of compatibility for the X86 instruction set but nobody would compare CPUs from each company based on clock speed. Rather, they would look at the benchmarks.

Apple took a particular ARM reference generation and modified it heavily and included a dual core GPU into the system on a chip A5 in addition to a dual core CPU.

Many of the Android System on a Chip packages have a GPU (graphics chip) that is a generation behind the one in the A5 and they also are likely not dual core despite being dual core on the CPU side of things.

Because of these architectural differences, you cannot compare them based on specs alone but you have to look at the benchmark scores.

The A5 consistently outperforms all current Android SOC's on GPU (graphics) tasks and is able to keep up with faster clocked chips on CPU tasks because of a combination of software optimization and CPU/memory bus optimization not found on Android devices because the latter usually took a reference platform design and just churned it out without doing anything other than possibly increasing the clock speed.


macrumors 68030
Dec 30, 2009
There was no new IOS hardware at last summers event.

Ipad 2 March and Ipod white and Iphone 4S October.

iOS 5 was previewed over the summer but not released to the public until the fall. Big difference. You implied that a new iOS version would be released over the summer to hold people over until the iPhone.

Spectrum Abuser

macrumors 65816
Aug 27, 2011
It does make more sense. The demand will be very high during Q4 of the finical year with all the holidays. Higher demand and shorter supply equals an even bigger after schock of demand and bigger numbers then ever in the first quarter of the next year.


macrumors G5
Nov 7, 2007
New Sanfrakota
Mac Rumours just go ahead and say "The iPhone is Expected to be released in september or October this year". You say things are expected then it'l just a rumour with NO proof from Apple all the time. That terrible reporting we have come to expect from you now.

If they don't release it this summer, we pretty much expect them to release it around that time frame, especially given that they've stuck with the same design for over two years.


macrumors 6502
Aug 24, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
Nice to see discussion moving towards a fall 2012 release, which is very likely for iPhone 5. The summer rumors weren't making sense, especially with Apple's recent trend to release the next line of MacBooks during that period.

I love a fall release (since the money I get for my birthday in October will put a dent in my iPhone 5 expense), and because it'll be just in time for the holidays.


macrumors regular
Nov 28, 2011
While I would like a summer release for the next iphone since I'm using a 3gs, I'm fine if it doesn't come out til September/October, as long as it has the new qualcomm LTE chips (the 9615 model i think?) and good battery life. Plus, I'm saving up to get my first mac (15" MBA or redesigned 15" Pro) which most likely will come out in the summer. So now I keep myself occupied this summer reading iPhone 5/6 rumors while simultaneously seeing my online bank account screen read $0.00, both on my new mac :p


macrumors 6502a
Sep 25, 2007
I think it will be the iPhone A6 (like iMac G5) but in truth who cares?

They could name it "iPhone incrementally better than last year's and incrementally worse than next year's so thanks for your money last year, this year and next year"

And you know what, it will still sell just fine. They'll call it whatever they damn well please and arguing whether it will be called 5 or 6 is pointless. Now let's get back to arguing about what the phone will or won't have since that is clearly based on fact whereas the naming is pure speculation.

Sorry, I'll make the next round decaf...


macrumors regular
Jan 26, 2012
I'm wondering for how much more time Apple can maintain this level of success.

I assure you they're on the way down - wait til they get a look at the new droid and windows phones that come out before iphone 5
They better have a big flippin' kick arse screen at least 4 inches, or your grandkids will be learning about how Apple had it all, (then blew it) :eek:

I absolutely love my JB 4s, but seriously can't stan the miniscule screen! :eek:


macrumors regular
Aug 12, 2009
If they don't release it this summer, we pretty much expect them to release it around that time frame, especially given that they've stuck with the same design for over two years.

I believe :)apple:) Apple will at least change the design slightly. They wouldn't want that the new iphone 5, 6 or whatever it'll be called, would be equal as the 4, a smartphone 2 year old by that time. And design matters, apple knows, Mr Ive knows it ;)


macrumors 6502a
Oct 30, 2011
4S wasn't much of a functionality step over 4. What's the 5 going to offer that makes it special?

Are we getting near end of line on meaningful iPhone upgrades?


macrumors 68020
Gave up waiting, went for a new iPhone 4 this morning (the 4S battery life put me off a bit and not interested in Siri as great as it is).

I'm sure the 5 will be lovely though but I was happy enough with my 3G until the wifi and 3G died (update after jailbreaking bricked it).

Can't see what on earth they can still put in these phones. Maybe just keep shuffling the design for a few years and small improvs in camera and iOS. Can't see anything major anytime soon.


macrumors 65816
Jul 21, 2011
Ipad 3 in March. New macbook pros in Spring. New imacs in summer. New iphone in September.

Yup. Sounds about right to me.



macrumors newbie
Feb 20, 2012
Yep - sounds about like the right time frame...

But the 6th iPhone probably won't be called the iPhone 5...

Thank You... I thought I was the only one noticing this. Everyone is assuming it'll be called iPhone 5, when it isn't even the 5th phone.


Then what happened to the iPhone 2?. Why is the 4S not called 5 then? I think people are just seeing patterns where none exist

iPhone 3G was the 2nd iPhone. They called it 3G because of the signal it could receive, not because it was number 3, cos it wasn't.


macrumors regular
Sep 19, 2006
The fifth iPhone is already out, it's called the iPhone 4S. The next iPhone cannot be the iPhone 5, it would be the sixth iPhone... now, iPhone 6 may not be a good name, so I'm curious to see how Apple will call it.

In any case, I don't believe this rumor... they don't even have their product names right.


macrumors 68000
Sep 24, 2007
Vancouver, Canada
My upgrades in its all good for me be it June or September.

How do upgrades work for your carrier?

This new release timeframe is bad for me because my contract ends in June. I won't be able to negotiate with retentions if I don't resign a contract before my current one ends so September is bad for me.


macrumors 68030
Jun 19, 2010
The bad part is, it's going to be a 4" screen... so I don't know why I even care when it's going to come out since I won't want one.
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