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macrumors G3
Original poster
Mar 20, 2007
I've only had my iPhone 6 a day, but I really find it's too big for me. I can't really use it one handed, I have to adjust my grip as I hold it up to my ear, and it generally feels easy to drop. I've switched back to my iPhone 5 and it really is the perfect size for me.

Anyone else feeling the same? I would quite like Apple to release an iPhone 6 in a 4" format. The faster CPU and better camera are all I really want.

I'm selling my iPhone 6 in the marketplace since they are still hard to get a hold of.
I've only had my iPhone 6 a day, but I really find it's too big for me. I can't really use it one handed, I have to adjust my grip as I hold it up to my ear, and it generally feels easy to drop. I've switched back to my iPhone 5 and it really is the perfect size for me.

Anyone else feeling the same? I would quite like Apple to release an iPhone 6 in a 4" format. The faster CPU and better camera are all I really want.

I'm selling my iPhone 6 in the marketplace since they are still hard to get a hold of.

I have the iP6 and it does take some getting used to. I'm glad I din't opt for the iP6+
The iPhone 6 is really big for me. And I had the g3!! Maybe people will learn that bigger phones are not always better
Agreed...though I'll be hanging onto mine for a while to see if I get more used to it. Tough to use one handed and seems like it'll be easy to drop. Came from a 5S. Wish Apple would have come out with a phone same size as the 5S but the same thinness, rounded corners, better camera, and other new features.
Bigger may not be better but technology trends that way. I love the bigger iPhone 6!
Felt the Same way going From the 4s to the 5

I think the iPhone 6 will Grow (shrink) on you.
You have to give yourself time to adjust. Yes it's bigger but what did you expect. I love the bigger screen. Jus takes time to adjust.
Yeah, I'm having a little trouble adjusting my grip as well to the 6. I'm keeping it but I'm also finding my self needing 2 hands. Reachability helps but I just need to remember to use it. haha. Though that does nothing for being able to reach your thumb across the device. I love the screen but I do wish they also made a 4" version. Maybe next year? lol

I already know a few people who are returning the 6+ because it was tooooooo big.
If it's not a good fit for you, then you should definitely change. Contrary to a lot of posts around here, that's not an indictment of you or the 6 Plus....

Samsung is a bit more efficient with their space. I'd love to see a slightly bigger screen in the iP6 form factor and the same size screen in a smaller form factor for the 6 Plus.
I agree I haven't given much time to adjust, but going from the 3.5" iPhone 4 to 4" iPhone 5 was easy because it was the same width, just taller. Using the iPhone 6, I really have to use two hands, so it's a huge difference in usability for me. It just doesn't fit in my hand as easily. My iPhone 5 I pull it out my pocket with a finger/thumb grip (thumb on the home button) and I can use it right away from that position.

I have nothing against bigger phones, but I value the one handed ability and I just can't be as careless with a 4.7" screen as I can with a 4" screen. Swiping down to get the notification screen one handed is pretty much impossible.

I'm returning/selling it so soon because it is quite slippery and I have a feeling I'll drop it before I get a chance to get rid of it ;) It is a beautiful phone, but I'd quite like Apple to offer a 4" model in addition to the 4.7" and 5.5". I completely see why folk want a bigger phone, but I hope those folk can also appreciate why some folk would prefer a 4" screen.
I agree I haven't given much time to adjust, but going from the 3.5" iPhone 4 to 4" iPhone 5 was easy because it was the same width, just taller. Using the iPhone 6, I really have to use two hands, so it's a huge difference in usability for me. It just doesn't fit in my hand as easily. My iPhone 5 I pull it out my pocket with a finger/thumb grip (thumb on the home button) and I can use it right away from that position.

I have nothing against bigger phones, but I value the one handed ability and I just can't be as careless with a 4.7" screen as I can with a 4" screen. Swiping down to get the notification screen one handed is pretty much impossible.

I'm returning/selling it so soon because it is quite slippery and I have a feeling I'll drop it before I get a chance to get rid of it ;) It is a beautiful phone, but I'd quite like Apple to offer a 4" model in addition to the 4.7" and 5.5".

Curious about people who make these comments. For now it's cool since the 6 just launched. Will you always stay with a 4" screen? Phones are getting bigger and bigger and soon I bet your only options will be android if you want that screen size.
4.7" is a great size. I do wish they went for a 1080p res on the display though.
I have a 6+ and thinking about going to the 6. My wife has the 6 and I think it's a perfect size. Easy one handed use. The 6+ requires me to use two hands on everything. I'm not sure I want to keep it and give up one handed use for a larger screen. How am I going to text while driving? LOL. JK. It's just the size is bigger than I expected.
Curious about people who make these comments. For now it's cool since the 6 just launched. Will you always stay with a 4" screen? Phones are getting bigger and bigger and soon I bet your only options will be android if you want that screen size.

I plan to stay with my iPhone 5 for another year and see if Apple offers a 4" screen on the iPhone 6s. Bigger screens are popular, but I don't think phones will get 'bigger and bigger' - 5.5" is really the maximum realistic size of a phone before you may as well call it a tablet - it's more a case of now there's large phones on the market, will they continue to offer smaller ones or will they force everyone to use a 4.7" model?
I agree I haven't given much time to adjust, but going from the 3.5" iPhone 4 to 4" iPhone 5 was easy because it was the same width, just taller.

It is a beautiful phone, but I'd quite like Apple to offer a 4" model in addition to the 4.7" and 5.5". I completely see why folk want a bigger phone, but I hope those folk can also appreciate why some folk would prefer a 4" screen.

I think it's just that some people see this as the equivalent of you trying to ride a bike for the first time, and then giving up when you can't do it. Less than 24 hours is really not enough time to give yourself time to actually adjust and get accustomed to the new shape.

That said, it's really up to you, of course. :) Myself, I'm looking forward to picking mine up this morning!
Giving it the full two weeks, but early impression is just a bit too big pour moi.
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