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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 11, 2014
Am I the only one that realizes the phone already a bit bent just before he tries to bend it on video ?

You can clearly see at the 0.31-0.32s mark !! Can someone really bend the iPhone 6 this much within 2-3 seconds ? I believe everyone with a 6+ would report it if so..



In other news, BBC is now reporting this as well :


Now my 6+ is still under process via the apple store, and this pretty much worrying me ...


macrumors 6502a
Mar 6, 2009
It's definitely not a fraud. I've had to bend mine back into shape, albeit my bend was slight. Even still, my hands noticed it immediately.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 11, 2014
It's definitely not a fraud. I've had to bend mine back into shape, albeit my bend was slight. Even still, my hands noticed it immediately.

Can you post a picture of your bent phone (if you had to bend it back into shape there is no way you can get it perfectly aligned again).


macrumors 6502a
Mar 6, 2009
Can you post a picture of your bent phone (if you had to bend it back into shape there is no way you can get it perfectly aligned again).

No, I already bent it back into shape. I agree that you wouldn't be able to bend it back into shape if you bent it to such a degree that deformation occurred (i.e. affecting the spatial arrangement of aluminum particles), but bending mine back into shape, which took less force that I would have thought, put my 6+ in like new condition. If you have trouble visualizing what I'm trying to explain, think about slightly bending a long aluminum ruler. With a slight bend, you can actually bend it back straight with virtually no ill affect. Now think of bending the same ruler in half until the opposite ends meet. The aluminum particles in the middle of the ruler have traveled such a distance apart that bending the ruler back in place would be impossible.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 11, 2014
No, I already bent it back into shape..

I'm sorry then and don't get offended when I say this but I can't be sure if you're making this up or not. I can't visualize how a phone can be bent so easily that you are now comparing it to a ruler's physical properties ....


macrumors 6502a
Mar 6, 2009
I'm sorry then and don't get offended when I say this but I can't be sure if you're making this up or not. I can't visualize how a phone can be bent so easily that you are now comparing it to a ruler's physical properties ....

Well that's either because you didn't try imagining, or you don't want to have to admit that Apple may have designed a device with a noticeable weakness– no offense.

The phone/ruler comparison I brought up is due to: 1. the similarities between the phone and the ruler– aluminum. 2. The properties of aluminum.

Also, I'm not sure why I would make up an elaborate story/example just for the kicks. I've had every iteration of the iPhone, and I treat my tech gently. Sorry buddy, but Apple's quest for thinness should have accompanied the inclusion of a higher strength alloy.
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