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macrumors member
Mar 6, 2006
why would AT&T want to sell a $99 phone when the $199 one is doing just fine?

Because ATT makes money on plans and not phones. Whether anybody on this forum wants an iPhone nano or not it is a no brainer that people will buy this. As for ATT they will be happy to get new monthly customers.

why do most people think it is so unlikely that apple has planned the same for the iphone nano?

I am no USA cheerleader in fact I know that the US is not the best place to live in the world, however the answer to the above is, because nobody can give an example of a time Apple has EVER done this especially with a release that would be so huge.

Apple Graphics

macrumors newbie
Jan 13, 2009
Rochester, NY
Upon further thought...

I'd like to throw my opinions into this, my very first post for me as well :).

On the merits of Apple releasing a product into China first, it may very well be the smartest thing Apple did. On face value it seems to spite the US and other markets, but one could argue that Apple's decision to introduce this product into China may be the cart before the horse.

What I mean by that is the iPhone has rocked the world and added to the iPod's halo effect. Imagine getting small, inexpensive phones into millions of hands of the Chinese? I would imagine a large trickle-down effect leading to more MAc sales. And with a potential target audience of China, one could argue it's a market with tapping first. Plus, if this thread is any indication, they can protect iPhone 3G sales (and future releases) for a bit while driving demand in the US and other locations abroad.

In addition one could surmise the following:

Based on rules and contracts, the iPhone in China may face more hurdles than releasing in the States. An iPhone Nano may remove those hurdles by scaling back 3G, GPS, texting, 3 way calling, etc.

The contract for AT&T and Apple may say iPhone. iPhone Nano may not fall under contract as it's a separate product class. Don't know what the contract says but I wouldn't put it past Apple to have left a door for flexibility. The contract was also obviously written for distribution and release in the US, China is excluded from any contract stipulations I'm sure.

I for one would love an iPhone Nano even if it only had a contact book and the phone features. The IPhone is the easiest phone I've ever used and the 3 way calling puts my company's office phones to shame. I had to host a conference call because the commercial phones would not work. I can imagine the Nano being for the rest of the world that just wants an easy to use well thought out phone without all the features and less the price.



macrumors 6502a
Jun 21, 2003
St. Petersburg, FL, Northern KY
if you're a phone manufacturing company like apple, of course you'd work to extend your technology to different models to meet different needs.

and if there's a market of 600M suited for only one of those products, of course you'd consider releasing that product there first.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 21, 2003
St. Petersburg, FL, Northern KY
... if the phone was any smaller I doubt the person on the other end could hear you speaking since the mouthpiece you speak into would be about an inch below your earlobe!

ohmigod! then all these conversations i thought i was having using my bluetooth headset, the person on the other end couldn't hear me?! Damn.

NOW i find out. Why didn't they say something? Oh, maybe they were using a BT headset too and I couldn't hear them, either. Seems to prove your point.


macrumors member
Mar 6, 2006
iPhone nano could mostly likely be a cutdown/budget version of iphone, that's why it will be smaller and possibly have less features. This would have more appeal in China and India, why?


I can go along with what you said about the possible iPhone nano being smaller cut back and cheap but why does this mean it is meant for another country that is a pretty big logic jump if you ask me. Why not release it in the US where the support is beefed up the desire is off the chart and there are millions of people who don't own an iPhone but would love to if they could afford it, and release it in other countries

How can Chinese and Indians afford the full the full price of iphone, its far too expensive and beyond the means of the average salary in these two great nations.

Here are some quick facts about Indian income...

It is classified as a "low income" country by the World Bank with a GNI (gross national income) of $450.

It has great inequality in the distribution of wealth: the richest tenth of households hold 33% of wealth, while the poorest tenth only hold 3%

29% of the population lives below the poverty line; 70% of these people reside in rural areas

86% of the population lives under $2 per day; 44% lives under $1 per day

25% of the population does not have enough money to eat adequately

While I believe that you are right that the average can not afford the current model of iPhone its a huge stretch to say that they would be able to afford an iPhone nano. That richest 10th can definately afford the current one and a cheaper model will make no difference.
As some have alluded to, "at&t isn't testing it" so.... maybe verison is? hmm... that would change the dynamics of things.

But that being said I am still very doubtful about this whole iphone nano thing... I just don't really see it.

The concept of a smaller iphone is utterly absurd. Problems like app store, typing space, yadda yadda. I just wouldn't really understand why you would want to make it smaller with the current interface. If you want a cheap iphone then make a cheaper version that is still the same size. There is probably a way to make a $99 version by summer which either has the same specs of the current one, or maybe with a couple minor things removed.

The other option is a completely reinvented iphone nano. Not just smaller, but creating appropriate hardware and software for a smaller device. I'm sure apple could make something very nice this way, but I'm not sure if it's worth all the effort when they already have a product that is working so great..


macrumors 6502a
Jun 21, 2003
St. Petersburg, FL, Northern KY
The Refurb'd iPhones are $149 and $99 (for new subscibers special) - so what would the point of a Nano be anyways?

look, for $25k you can buy a pickup truck or a sport coupe. A vehicle that gets 33 mpg or 16. That can haul seven people, or two. That has a very effective go-faster button, or that doesn't. Why is it there are so many, so different, products at the same price point?

Because different people want different things. The iPod 3G requires people to take on a costly monthly fee, for services they may not need, or may not even be able to utilize effectively in their countries. Some products are better suited to different people, much less to different markets. It would be good business to try to provide products to tap into both those markets.


macrumors member
Mar 6, 2006
and if there's a market of 600M suited for only one of those products, of course you'd consider releasing that product there first.

It is idiotic to think there is a market of 600M. With a Billion people in India but only a 10th of that controlling most of the wealth it makes the total possible market closer to 10mil which apple could easily gain here in the US with a cheaper phone.

China isn't much better with urban incomes in China now average about $1,000 a year. I can see the marketing now...

'iPhone nano! Way more phone than you will ever need at only 10% of your income!'


macrumors 6502a
Jun 21, 2003
St. Petersburg, FL, Northern KY


macrumors G3
Dec 31, 2004
"No escape from Reality...”
Because ATT makes money on plans and not phones. Whether anybody on this forum wants an iPhone nano or not it is a no brainer that people will buy this. As for ATT they will be happy to get new monthly customers.

look, for $25k or so you can buy a pickup truck or a sport coupe. A vehicle that gets 33 mpg or 16. That can haul seven people, or two. That has a very effective go-faster button, or that doesn't. Why is it there are so many, so different, products at the same price point?

Because different people want different things. The iPod 3G requires people to take on a costly monthly fee, for services they may not need, or may not even be able to utilize effectively in their countries. Some products are better suited to different people, much less to different markets. It would be good business to try to provide products to tap into both those markets.

That's my point. Ever try going into AT&T and getting a subsidized iPhone without Data, or T-Mobile for the G1 for that matter?

Or how about the lovely Pre for $399 plus a Data Plan? :eek:

Just try going into any store and getting one of these touch smartphones without a data plan and you'll get laughed at...

There's no reason to sell the Nano here in the US.

Yes, the companies make money on their plans, so the iPhone Nano, which I would imagine you can get in other countries without a data plan, has no place for US cellular companies...


macrumors member
Mar 6, 2006
you've got to read all the posts if you're going to make a blanket statement like that.

wanna revise your statement?

Nope not really, if anything I would remove the word especially, but that's it. I read the entire thread before posting and I wrote it exactly like I wanted the first time.

If you re-read my post you'll see that it says:

the answer to the above is, because nobody can give an example of a time Apple has EVER done this especially with a release that would be so huge.

Sorry I don't remember people lining up to buy a color classic II...


macrumors 6502a
Jan 10, 2009
you've got to read all the posts if you're going to make a blanket statement like that: post #40 above has a nice link to documentation of an apple computer sold only in Asia. here's the link again:

wanna revise your statement?

besides, the "this-cannot-be-possible-because-X-hasn't-done-that-before" argument seems to be pretty, let's say "unlogic"... apple has not been producing phones at all. nonetheless, they invented the iphone ;)


macrumors member
Mar 6, 2006
Yes, the companies make money on their plans, so the iPhone Nano, which I would imagine you can get in other countries without a data plan, has no place for US cellular companies...

There are millions of phones on the US market that do not have data associated with the contract. The reason this is is because there are millions of people in the US market that don't want or can't afford a data plan.

Cell companies may not make as much money on those non-data plans but they do make money, and it is money they would be missing out on if they ignored that segment.

An iPhone nano without a data plan would sell here in the US and ATT would get some new customers and contract renewals for selling it. It is a different market demographic than the one that can afford data. 1+1=2, 2 is more than one and Apple and ATT would rather have 2.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 21, 2003
St. Petersburg, FL, Northern KY
It is idiotic to think there is a market of 600M. With a Billion people in India but only a 10th of that controlling most of the wealth it makes the total possible market closer to 10mil which apple could easily gain here in the US with a cheaper phone.

Idiot here, i guess. But am I? Let's check: The dictionary and wikipedia (I double checked) say a billion is a thousand million. So your math above is off by a factor of ten. 1/10th of that billion people = a market of 100M.

Moreover, I wans't referring to India, but to China. I'd read the analyst's report in which he referred to a China launch with "~600mil+ wireless subscribers total in the country". Does that qualify as a 600M market?

I think i rest my case. You know what they say, takes one to call one! :)

China isn't much better with urban incomes in China now average about $1,000 a year. I can see the marketing now...

'iPhone nano! Way more phone than you will ever need at only 10% of your income!'

LOL. I do admire your humor. thanks for the laugh.


macrumors member
Mar 6, 2006
besides, the "this-cannot-be-possible-because-X-hasn't-done-that-before" argument seems to be pretty, let's say "unlogic"... apple has not been producing phones at all. nonetheless, they invented the iphone ;)

I'll concede to that. Anything can happen and unprecedented things have for sure.

I still think it unlikely that it would happen in China first. I don't believe the market is as big as some think it is but I cant be sure, I would love to see numbers on how well blackberry sells in China compared to the US. Secondly as stupid as it may be, I think it would be bad PR pure and simple in the current economic and world situation to initiate sales of your newest product in China.


macrumors G3
Dec 31, 2004
"No escape from Reality...”
An iPhone nano without a data plan would sell here in the US and ATT would get some new customers and contract renewals for selling it. It is a different market demographic than the one that can afford data. 1+1=2, 2 is more than one and Apple and ATT would rather have 2.

This is fail - Apple is not like that.

It's like the whole cheap PC/Netbook thing - you want those? Go to Dell or Asus...

Same with cheap phones - go elsewhere, at least here in the US - you are not AT&T/Apple's customer...


macrumors 6502a
Jun 21, 2003
St. Petersburg, FL, Northern KY
Nope not really, if anything I would remove the word especially, but that's it. I read the entire thread before posting and I wrote it exactly like I wanted the first time.

If you re-read my post you'll see that it says:

the answer to the above is, because nobody can give an example of a time Apple has EVER done this especially with a release that would be so huge.

Sorry I don't remember people lining up to buy a color classic II...


Yep, with that deletion we'd be in agreement. I thought the same thing when i read your post. But you didn't delete it. And "EVER" makes it an all-inclusive statement. I can only respond to what's written.

I'll grant you, you weaseled out of this one -- whoops, no strikethrough function here. OK, you got me!

So I'll modify my reply: Lamar777, I also can't think of a foreign intro of an apple product that could have the impact of a Nano release. But I don't think the fact apple hasn't done it before precludes it. Lots of other companies do it. Apple's a worldwide business now. As a consumer, I'd like to see the phone released in the U.S. I have one daughter i think would prefer it to the iPhone G3 (what can i say?) :( But with ATT contract complications, etc., i can also understand why the company might intro it first into some of those foreign markets. As a shareholder, I'd welcome that.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 23, 2007
This is fail - Apple is not like that.

It's like the whole cheap PC/Netbook thing - you want those? Go to Dell or Asus...

Same with cheap phones - go elsewhere, at least here in the US - you are not AT&T/Apple's customer...

Why you compairing the iphone to netbooks?

You should really be compairing the iphone to another small consumer device, like say, the ipod.

Should Apple scrap the ipod nano because it's cheap?

It's not inconceivable for Apple to offer an iPhone nano. No internet/data plan requirements, no email, no app store. Strictly a phone + ipod and that's it. $49 - $99 with contract.

This would not kill off the iphone 3g market. Only add to it, just like the ipod nano offers a solution for those that don't want the full sized, full featured ipod touch.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 21, 2003
St. Petersburg, FL, Northern KY
...Cell companies may not make as much money on those non-data plans but they do make money, and it is money they would be missing out on if they ignored that segment.

An iPhone nano without a data plan would sell here in the US and ATT would get some new customers and contract renewals for selling it. It is a different market demographic than the one that can afford data. 1+1=2, 2 is more than one and Apple and ATT would rather have 2.

exactly. well said.


macrumors member
Mar 6, 2006
So your math above is off by a factor of ten. 1/10th of that billion people = a market of 100M.

I think i rest my case. You know what they say, takes one to call one! :)

but I do admire your humor. thanks for the laugh.

DOH! You got me.. You are definitely right on the math.

Let me try again. Goldman Sachs projected that Apple would sell 14 million iphones in the US by the end of 2008 and the US currently has a cellular market of about 263M so that leaves (crossing my fingers) 249M strong to go after with a cheaper phone. My point I guess is that there is a market here in the states that is ripe for the pickin and while China may be ripe I think that the harvest may be a little more difficult
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