$34.95? No thanks.Looks like ThanoTech has some nice bumpers for the iPhone X
Very interesting. Hopefully someone creates a thread based on a review of these.There’s also these, which seem interesting.
Don’t get me wrong. I’ve been with them since their KickStarter for iPhone 6s. But they should have their act together and ditched the start up prices by now.The K11 looks like a really nice bumper and they’ve improved through the various releases.
I have a silver K11 bumper on order. Used a $10 off coupon code
The K11 looks like a really nice bumper and they’ve improved through the various releases.
I have a silver K11 bumper on order. Used a $10 off coupon code
Don’t get me wrong. I’ve been with them since their KickStarter for iPhone 6s. But they should have their act together and ditched the start up prices by now.
Is it a universal $10 off code? Just looking for a promo code an im going to pre order one
There’s also these, which seem interesting.
Comes out again mid November.How much are these? No price is showing, only “sold out”.
In your cart?
That looks good.
I'm am waiting for it to arrive. I did purchase it.In your cart?
(Interested in reviews on this one).
I’ve had RhinoShield on my past 2 phones and I love it. Especially the redisigned version from last year (they made it smaller). For a bumper case it offers amazing protection (personally tested)
waiting for rhinoshield bumper. they seem to do a good job. multiple tests on youtube seem to confirm this. its up for preorder. i will also be putting a screen protector and bestskinsever skin wrapping the entire phone as well. not putting any cover on the back.
does anyone know when the rhinoshield crashguard is going to ship? i love that bumper on 7+ so I ordered it for my X.
I'm assuming it won't be here by the 3rd so I just ordered a cheap clear case from Amazon.
The Rhinoshield looks best to me.
I'd be interested in the Rhinoshield - but they should have removed the lip from the bottom of the phone. Now that there's no home button, I expect any case or bumper with a bottom lip to get irritating pretty damn quickly.
If anyone comes across a bumper with no bottom lip - please let me know!