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macrumors newbie
Nov 5, 2007
I don't have that battery icon on iTunes with my iPod touch.
Is it specific for 3G nanos ?


macrumors 6502a
Feb 15, 2005
I can't believe MacRumors hasn't put this on page1, page2, or in the iPhone blog yet.

If the strings do exist of course, I can't say they do for fact because I haven't seen them other then in a post.

Disk mode? Voice Memos? hmmm

Also Games and NikePlus? Hmmmm.


macrumors newbie
Nov 6, 2007
iTunes, Quicktime update - cannot boot after reboot

hi, i updated both together with garageband update on my macbook+leo, and i cannot boot up system after reboot - i'm getting only the blue screen (in graphic mode) and cursor.

cpu seems to be under load, or the vent is just spinning. i let it for 40 mins, but without any change also after many restarts.

i tried safe mode, reset, nothing helps...

do you have anybody similar problem, or any idea? :(


macrumors regular
Mar 24, 2004
Auckland, NZ
Updated, everything went fine here. Jailbreaked/unlocked 1.1.1 iPhone still syncing perfectly.

They have slightly improved the quicktime UI, it's a shame it still uses the brushed metal, but they have removed the "Walls" around the video. If you ask me, they should just copy VLC, it works much better anyway with the separate controller module, and the expandable playlist that you can just drop a folder into.

Snooped around in the english strings file too, and noticed the game, voicenotes, and nike+ strings too.

typos also stick out like a sore thumb to me. Noticed:

"4320.341" = "iTunes could not back up the iPhone “^FILENAME” because the backup was canceled.";

"4320.225" = "Canceling backup…";
Should be cancelled

Strange how there is many strings related to Rio players in there too. Maybe the old SoundJam player synced with Rio Players back in the day.

Also I wouldn't get too excited about the Nike+ strings, they also exist in the Apple TV section too. Probably just a quick copy/paste job on behalf of lazy programmers


macrumors 68030
Sep 30, 2003
Well I just ripped an 11 track cd at 256 with iTunes 7.5 in Leopard. The actual bit rates of the songs vary from 252 to 260.

This is 100% correct. AAC (and no other modern audio formats, either) have a true CBR mode.

That is by design. All AAC files encoded by iTunes are ABR, which gives it the ability to use a slightly bigger bitrate for a frame if necessary. iTunes until recently only showed your target bitrate (which is wrong), not the actual bitrate (which is the correct way to show it).

Also if you select the VBR option, the bitrate differences of course will be larger.


macrumors newbie
Dec 10, 2006
The new 'true VBR' feature seems to be either Tiger or Intel Processor only. On my MacBook, an Apple Lossless file encoded at 128kbs VBR comes out as '132kbs' but when encoded on my Power Mac G5, still running on 10.3.9, the encoded file stays at '128kbs' even with the new updates. The two encoded files are different sizes too. Weird :confused:


macrumors 601
Jan 8, 2004
Back in the motherland
The new 'true VBR' feature seems to be either Tiger or Intel Processor only. On my MacBook, an Apple Lossless file encoded at 128kbs VBR comes out as '132kbs' but when encoded on my Power Mac G5, still running on 10.3.9, the encoded file stays at '128kbs' even with the new updates. The two encoded files are different sizes too. Weird :confused:

Hence my question whether this only applies for newly encoded tracks or whether the info was just incorrect and the encoding has been the same.


macrumors 65816
Jul 24, 2002
Champaign, IL

They have slightly improved the quicktime UI, it's a shame it still uses the brushed metal, but they have removed the "Walls" around the video.

Are you using Windows or Tiger? there is no brushed metal on my quicktime now under Leopard. It's the same sort of dark gray that all apps use.


macrumors 6502
Jul 23, 2007
I live in Canada, and I have the ringtones option in the sidebar now too... I hope that means the iPhone may be coming up here soon.

Don't bet on it, it's not worth any company's trouble to differentiate software updates between Canada and the US (except in the case of spell checkers, but only because obnoxious people like me get on their case if our spell checker thinks "color" is correct). You and I are just going to have to get used to meaningless bloatware until some glorious day when you can buy an iPhone; or in my case, go to the store and play with an iPhone, say "neato", and keep using the ol' perfectly functional Samsung.

Don't forget those of us sporting an 800 MHz G4 or Earlier. My quicksilver isn't invited to the Leopard Happy Fun Club
What your Quicksilver needs to join the Leopard Happy Fun Club is a little thing called a hack :D

I'm actually in the midst of deciding whether it's worth it to bother sneaking into the party with a fake mustache on. Planning to buy an MBP, will probably have to sell the Quicksilver to get the last couple hundred dollars. Luckily I just found someone who happens to need an old G4, so wish me luck!


macrumors 6502a
Jun 1, 2004
The Phase game is by MTV/Viacom, it seems.

The Phase game is by Harmonix (now owned by MTV), creators of Guitar Hero and soon-to-be Rock Band. I'm really surprised no one's making a bigger deal out of this. Apparently it's a rhythm game that lets you use your own music.


macrumors 604
Jun 20, 2005
The Phase game is by Harmonix (now owned by MTV), creators of Guitar Hero and soon-to-be Rock Band. I'm really surprised no one's making a bigger deal out of this. Apparently it's a rhythm game that lets you use your own music.

I want that for my iPod touch!


macrumors 68000
Jan 29, 2003
Mineola TX
The Phase game is by Harmonix (now owned by MTV), creators of Guitar Hero and soon-to-be Rock Band. I'm really surprised no one's making a bigger deal out of this. Apparently it's a rhythm game that lets you use your own music.
Well... I am glad. I was kind of upset when I intially saw the demo and thought it was a blatant Rip-off. They need to say "From the creators of Guitar Hero" so that it would not immediately put a bad taste in people's mouth. I think people these days are getting more and more tired of seeing the little guy taken advantage of and ripped off.


macrumors regular
Sep 14, 2007
I think these updates hosed some things in Tiger. After install Quicken keeps quiting, and the log mentions something about these programs. I reinstalled Quicken and still couldn't get it to work. The updates seem to work fine in Leopard. I'm going to reinstall Tiger from my external clone and not do this update.


macrumors 6502
Sep 12, 2006
Exeter University, UK
I don't know if this was a prior feature but holding shift and hitting the Album Artwork viewer button makes the viewer appear and disappear slowly. Like the dock.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 3, 2007
In the Sub-Basement of Solitude
Don't bet on it, it's not worth any company's trouble to differentiate software updates between Canada and the US (except in the case of spell checkers, but only because obnoxious people like me get on their case if our spell checker thinks "color" is correct). You and I are just going to have to get used to meaningless bloatware until some glorious day when you can buy an iPhone; or in my case, go to the store and play with an iPhone, say "neato", and keep using the ol' perfectly functional Samsung.

I'm actually in the midst of deciding whether it's worth it to bother sneaking into the party with a fake mustache on. Planning to buy an MBP, will probably have to sell the Quicksilver to get the last couple hundred dollars. Luckily I just found someone who happens to need an old G4, so wish me luck!

I would recommend getting the mustache and a top hat, you'll fit in perfectly :D


macrumors member
Mar 3, 2007

Is it me or does this update seem painfully slow when being downloaded? I've tried to download these 2 updates via the software update way as well as the direct download link on Apple's website at various times only to get it saying that it will take nearly 2 hours when normally I would have both done in about 5 mins maximum. I'm also experiancing problems with this site in slow loading times, although other websites seem fine. 10.4k/Sec downloads on a 8 meg connection is very slow if you ask me!!

Anyone else having problems there side of things?

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