Alright, so some first impressions:
1) The difference in resolution is very noticeable; especially websites with a lot of text of images; if the site has a lot of white space and they are not coded to stay together, then there is even more white space.
2) The color is alright, but the brightness seems a bit dimmer than the older anti glare; I have both set to the same brightness and both have been calibrated with a Huey Pro.
3) The vertical viewing angles still sucks; it's a TN panel, so I'm not surprised; look like the older one. I tried taking a picture of this, but my P&S is also a POS.
4) Horizontal angles are also like the older one. I took a picture, but I don't if you can tell, but the high-resolution one looks a bit yellow from the right.
Sorry I don't have good camera with me, so everything is taken with a P&S. I didn't label the pictures to show which is the high-resolution and which is the regular one, but you can probably figure it out.
Right side:
Left side:
Throw me questions; I can try to answer or show them; I do need to return my older computer, so time is limited.