This is seriously just stupid at this point. Sure, the phones will get better, great. For 98% of the user base, CPU improvements won't make a bit of difference.
As far as Kuo's predictions at this point, he's just looking for attention. The 16 series first comes out tomorrow and he's already talking about two years down the line.
Also, people looking for some incredible, absolutely revolutionary new hardware in the phones, forget it. The last big jump was from the X to the 11 Pro series. Since then the improvements have been really good, but mostly evolutionary and not revolutionary.
For me, I think the next big leap in mobile phones isn't going to be in the phone and its uses, but battery technology. Start putting solid state batteries in these things that can go days without a charge, that will be awesome.
There's a reason Apple likes to compare a new phone not as much to the previous version, but often one two or three years old- because that that's the customer base they are really after to upgrade.