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macrumors 6502
Jul 28, 2010
Phil stood on stage and claimed they did all of their own cartography. Only themselves to blame.

That sounds weird to me. Click the (i)-icon in Maps App and take a look at the bottom. TomTom's the map provider just as Google used to be the map provider?


macrumors 68040
Sep 15, 2012
Wait a minute... those of you who do not follow actual politics, here is an explanation. Both Apple and Google are big companies and the presence of the mapping app is known by the installed user base i.e. the number of iOS users who have Apple/Google maps installed. A lot of users do not use it but these apps come by default.

Earlier when Apple was shipping Google Maps by default, the install base of google maps was directly proportional to number of iOS devices sold - no matter if people used the app or not.

But after introduction of Apple Maps, the install base of Apple Maps became proportional to number of iOS devices sold. Now since a lot of users do not use maps across the globe, they wont be installing google maps per se. Additionally casual users can happily rely on Apple Maps.

And hence Apple Maps user base is increasing with sales of iOS devices. Once it hits a number, that apple is seeking for, Apple will definitely come out with great features - enough to outnumber Google Maps.

That doesn't make any sense. Why would Apple wait around for a magic number before doing anything? If fixes and bugs aren't being taken care of until some "magic number" is met; isn't that screwing over the people who already have Apple maps??

Born Again

May 12, 2011
Either you are being dishonest or you have very shallow mapping needs. Maps is OK for basic point A to point B driving directions in most (U.S.?) metropolises and near-metropolises. If that is all you need it's fine, sure.


if you need walking directions -- making sure you don't use a street with no pedestrian access, forget about it.

if you want to find out what your public transportation options are to take you cross town -- no can do.

Just a couple examples of why Maps isn't going to displace Google Maps for some time to come.

Best response

Best use in cities

Maybe those apple maps fans never leave the suburbs ?!


macrumors 6502a
Dec 10, 2008
Unless you spell the place exactly, it often won't produce results, whereas Google Maps, if you misspell it somewhat or sometimes phonetically, it will produce the correct result.


A few people have "moved" from Google to DuckDuckGo. But I keep going back to Google search. It just seems to understand what I'm looking for better.

Google are really smart in the search space. I run the enterprise search system for my employer's huge intranet. It's a very hard thing to get search working as nicely as Google's.


macrumors 65816
Nov 30, 2010
Symptoms of a company that has grown too big to be efficient and manageable.

All it took before was Jobs to walk in to that project meeting and say "WTF are you guys doing?" And the project would resume at full speed!


macrumors 68040
Sep 15, 2012
50,000 people work there and they are understaffed?

IMO, productivity also goes down with the number of people. 5,000 A-Team player could get a lot accomplished than 50,000 gaggle of A, B and C type people building silos, bureaucracies, committees, approval forums and turf battles.


macrumors 68000
Jul 12, 2011
Firing Scott Forstall was not an intelligent move by Apple, Apple should have had more patience wrt to iOS development.

The issue was with how Ive and Forstall could not work together. Jobs could control them but after his death, Cook was forced to choose between them. I think he made the right choice in choosing Ive at the end of the day, but indeed, Forstall's work on OSX 10.5 and 10.6 as well as iOS 1-6 was legendary. Ive however is responsible for the look of every apple product from 1998 to present. That is a greater feat when you weigh the two together.

Also, I think Craig Federighi did a brilliant job with OSX 10.9, all proper performance tweaks and few gimmicks. Best since OSX 10.6. Furthermore, OSX 10.10 looks like a well thought out overhaul to the desktop OS. He's also Apple's best showman right now.


Ping, Maps, Beats

No one needs these things from APPLE!!!!

Leave it to the experts, and focus on what APPLE is good at!
Bring us a new hardware more often!

Like the Apple USB mouse in 1998? The Newton? The Apple PowerCD? The Macintosh Protable? The iPod HiFi?

Yeah, their hardware track record isn't exactly "flawless" despite their famous successes...


macrumors 68000
Jul 12, 2011
The issue was with how Ive and Forstall could not work together. Jobs could control them but after his death, Cook was forced to choose between them.

Maybe Cook is the weak link.

Perhaps, although he was handpicked by Jobs to handle the CEO position. He will never live up to his expectation by virtue of his title. We can't expect him to be Jobs. Just remain competent.

Even in 1985 when Jobs was fired, it was party a good move for the company. He was needlessly confrontational and clashed to so many people it affected company performance. A happy work environment is more important than Forstall.

There are also a multitude of reports of Forstall being an issue. Almost everybody gets on with Ive.


macrumors regular
Mar 22, 2013
I don't understand a lot of the conversation here or really how maps works but it seems to me that most everyone agrees that the issue with maps lies in the location data (or lack thereof).

That being said, in the years that I've been using Apple maps I have sent in two corrections and neither of them have been fixed. What I'm saying is that they have tons of people all over the world sending them updates and fixing the issue for them, they just need people on their end to actually take the information we are giving them and implement it. And while I'm not sure, this seems like it should be a relatively simple job that doesn't require massive programming knowledge or anything (?).

Does my thought process make sense or is the problem much larger than this?

Also it's kind of insulting to me that they wasted my time. Like why put the button for me to report a problem if there isn't a team fixing the issues I send in?


macrumors 68000
Oct 9, 2012
Perhaps, although he was handpicked by Jobs to handle the CEO position. He will never live up to his expectation by virtue of his title. We can't expect him to be Jobs. Just remain competent.

Even in 1985 when Jobs was fired, it was party a good move for the company. He was needlessly confrontational and clashed to so many people it affected company performance. A happy work environment is more important than Forstall.

There are also a multitude of reports of Forstall being an issue. Almost everybody gets on with Ive.

I'm not at all familiar with Apple's internal politics. I've often read on this forum that Cook's only weakness is not being Steve. I disagree with that. Steve is gone. Anyone in the CEO slot would not be Steve. Not possible.

I am not a Cook fan. I was very optimistic when Cook became CEO. My expectations are now very low. Just yesterday I was asking a friend about good hardware for a Windows notebook.

It's a sad thought but my next primary computer may be a Windows unit. Win is secondary here for the occasional thing that is better suited to Win.

I hope that's not necessary.


macrumors member
Jun 10, 2008
The key thing about maps is the data, not fancy functions like, find my local coffee shop. Apple love to do fancy things but ultimately the data has to be 100% accurate or people will not use. Google data is so accurate that it has become the default that people trust and use, just like their search.

If you can't trust Apple maps then it is dead in the water. Unless Apple are going to put in at least the same money, commitment and effort as Google then it is just not worth bothering with.


macrumors newbie
Feb 12, 2014
Baja California
Even the documentation on MapKit for Swift is kind of tricky, I've being dealing all weekend to translate a simple project for localization from Objective-C to Swift and I can make it work as expected, I't seems like there are some missing parts even that is a beta version of the SKD. :(


macrumors 6502
May 7, 2009
Maps works extremely well in my corner of the world -- Los Angeles. And it's much improved with new maps, etc. Apple was not going to get the turn-by-turn from Google, at the same time it was available in Android. So there was nothing to do but to develop one's own version. YOU can use Google Maps, or any number of other mapping services. So why do you care so much?

Because I LOVE Apple. I want them to do well and I know they can do better.

And sorry, but you are in the minority. They screwed up, and little has changed since Tim Cook's own admission on this.


macrumors 68000
Feb 9, 2014
Apple's track record for Maps is extremely poor and is very un-apple like. At this stage, they would be better off killing the project and going with another company (other then google since they don't want that).

Nokia Maps is not I owned by MS. THIS would have been an intelligent acquisition or partnership. I guess they're not hiphoppy enough in Northern Europe.


macrumors 68020
Mar 1, 2010
With due respect, Apple has made a bad choice to move to its own maps without having it ready. Its still not ready and will take another few years "if they find the right direction".

The choice to move to its own maps is a better choice for its customers. Google was holding off on features for its own Android platform. Now Apples customers have vector maps with turn by turn direction. Not something they would get if they made Google the default maps on iOS.


Oct 4, 2011
Ping, Maps, Beats

No one needs these things from APPLE!!!!

Leave it to the experts, and focus on what APPLE is good at!
Bring us a new hardware more often!

Yeah - bring us an updated 17" MacBook Pro you gumps.
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