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macrumors newbie
Apr 21, 2010
(I'll repeat it, just to be sure - I know not everyone has a chance to read all of the posts - The original remark was a poke at those that say, "I never install a .0 release". Technically speaking, they are all ".0" releases - all you have to do is take the numbering scheme to the logical extreme.)

Just wanted to say, how funny your first post about .0 releases was, then how hard I was laughing as I continued through the thread reading everyone's dry literal responses to it!


macrumors member
Feb 19, 2014
I never understood these Macrumor hits from Apple's network? Why would anyone INSIDE Apple check a rumor website about their company? If you pay attention to your work instead of checking rumor websites, you would definitely learn more about what's going on in that company


macrumors 68020
Oct 27, 2012
Since there is performance improvements; I will upgrade to 8.1.3 after it is all tested out by the consumers. I currently on my iPhone 8.1.1! Never going do 8.2 at all!

It has junk in it like for the Watch and other stuff which will dramatically slow the iOS down but Apple will not mention it to anyone.

I learn how to read Apple like a book!


macrumors 65816
Aug 4, 2014
I never understood these Macrumor hits from Apple's network? Why would anyone INSIDE Apple check a rumor website about their company? If you pay attention to your work instead of checking rumor websites, you would definitely learn more about what's going on in that company

I think info at Apple circulates on a very "need-to-know" basis... Heck, I check industry blogs to find out what's going on at the company *I* work for, so I'm not surprised Apple employees check this site....


macrumors 65816
May 28, 2014
Ipad Safari Tabs Reload Bug fixed?

Why can my iPhone 5S handle 10 and more tabs of pages without problems, whereas the ipad (air) struggles to keep 6 webpages without reloading tabs in the RAM?

And no Apple, I wont buy an Air 2 because of this...

For instance: the mercury browser has no issues. Tested with a lot of nasty webpages as tabs.


macrumors regular
Aug 27, 2007

I wonder if they will EVER fix my HealthKit as it has never worked on my 6+

I see a lot of others with that same problem on the iPhone 6 series and NOTHING is being done for it :mad:


macrumors 68030
Mar 28, 2008
Manchester UK
Ipad Safari Tabs Reload Bug fixed?

Why can my iPhone 5S handle 10 and more tabs of pages without problems, whereas the ipad (air) struggles to keep 6 webpages without reloading tabs in the RAM?

And no Apple, I wont buy an Air 2 because of this...

For instance: the mercury browser has no issues. Tested with a lot of nasty webpages as tabs.

They still reload on my air 2, but just a bit less often.


macrumors regular
Oct 26, 2013
I'll second that. Try a hard reboot and turning off apps that do background refresh. I have a few friends who complained about battery life and I looked at the settings on their phones and they pretty much turned on notifications and background refresh for every app that asks...

Le sigh...

Turning all of the unnecessary apps off and WOW, who knew, battery life extended.

Sometimes, the battery is just failing.
Sometimes, it's the apps.
Sometimes its the OS.

I'm assuming people try a few things before they think it's the OS. My iPhone 6 Plus has been amazing with battery life thus far.

I thought the whole point behind the Apple brand and simplicity was so the average user didn't have to find random back settings and tweaking to make their devices work like competing brands. The average Apple user (ie. My mother, Wife, Daughter, etc), doesn't want or even know how to fuss with that stuff. If you tell them to change their "background app refresh settings" they look at me like I just spoke another language. Plus, I hate feeling like I have to cripple my phone's basic functionality to have a battery that works as it should. I'd rather they would have added a unnoticeable thickness heft to the phone to increase the battery so I wouldn't have to obsess over how much draw each and every setting on my phone is taking from my battery life. Just work darn it.


Mar 26, 2008
I never understood these Macrumor hits from Apple's network? Why would anyone INSIDE Apple check a rumor website about their company? If you pay attention to your work instead of checking rumor websites, you would definitely learn more about what's going on in that company

Research? Customer satisfaction etc


macrumors member
Oct 16, 2011
Minneapolis, MN
Earlier this week, Apple started letting employees get the iOS betas, at their own risk. Not unlike how they did seeds to employees of Mavericks.

Please fix the GMT issues!

You mean the one that only pops up if you are using gmail calendar sync. So it is likely a gmail issue

Not just gmail, I use Office365 Business (cloud exchange basically) and the same thing happens to me. It's probably the single most annoying thing, and I know it's an iOS 8 bug because it was fine on iOS 7.

I really wish Apple would get off the stick and really make their contact, calendar, reminder, and mail app work with exchange well.
- Contacts need groups, period. I have too many to manage effectively without them. Groups should integrate with categories and allow for multiple categories per contact, this applies to exchange, Google, and most webDAV servers. iOS must have the only contact manager that doesn't support this.
- Calendars also need category support. Its ridiculous that I have to create multiple calendars in exchange to have some sort of grouping function. This should be integrated into Exchange's Categories.
-Reminders are great with icloud if you only use them as a todo list, integration with Exchange tasks is horrible. Use my categories/folders please.
- Mail needs to support just setting up smtp servers and placing sent items into whatever folder on whatever account I want - phone or cloud. I shouldn't need to setup an incoming mail account just to send email. And when I do send email, let me pick from all my accounts on where to store it. I'm setup with Exchange, and I want to use push, but setting up any of my other email addresses to send from on the phone, requires me to connect as IMAP and then create multiple alternate SMTP servers. I have to turn off Exchange push email otherwise I get duplicate email - new mail on exchange and IMAP for the same account. And why do I need IMAP incomming? Why so I can put sent items in a folder on the server, instead of just specifying that I want sent items stored in the exchange accounts sent items folder.

Grrr </endrant>
Last edited:


Dec 8, 2009
Happy with 8.1.2, but any bug fix is welcomed as usual.


If it fixes pulling up control center when keyboard is up....... I'll be happy.

What bug are you referring?


My iPhone 6 came with iOS 8 and there's nothing wrong with my device.

I have an amazing battery life with my iPhone 6


Let's be honest, it will fix nothing.

And they are releasing it just to let you write this post, right ? :rolleyes:


macrumors member
Dec 12, 2014
8.1.3 will improve A5 devices performance... just as 8.1.1 did and made my ipad mini almost useless with Safari


Nov 3, 2013
Safari UI sluggishness in landscape mode on iPad Air needs fixed. But given that I've tried iOS 8.2 beta 3 and it's still the same there, there's not a snowballs chance in hell that it'll be fixed in 8.1.3.

By sluggishness I mean when you are on a website and you tap the omnibar to highlight the address. As the address highlights and slides left, revealing the full address, that little animation just isn't quite as smooth as it used to be on iOS 7.1.2 or as it is in iOS 8.1.2 when using Safari in portrait mode.


Mar 25, 2009

Am I the only one experiencing WiFi issues since the last iOS update? My Wifi was fine with iOS8 but every since the last update it now constantly drops signal - usually after waking from sleep and the worst part is I have to reboot it before it'll reconnect. I have to reboot my device at least 3 times a day now.


macrumors 601
Sep 11, 2006
Sacramento, CA USA
I think we'll see not only the iOS 8.1.3 update this coming week, but also possibly an iOS 8.1.4 update probably in early February. Then iOS 8.2 comes out in early March, with added support for the Apple Watch. We'll probably see iOS 8.3 probably around May 2015 with added support for the new 12.2" iPad model.


macrumors G4
Apr 9, 2010
where hip is spoken
There you go... the classic: since most of us don't have the problem, it's not Apple's problem, it's the users.

In my case:
Exact same iDevice
Exact same Macs
Exact same Airport Extreme wifi & strong signal
Exact same location
Exact same settings
Exact same usage patterns
Exact same cellular provider
Exact same cellular plan

The one thing that changed was going from iOS 7 to iOS 8. The one change in my "particular configuration" was shifting from 7 to 8. And now it feasts on cellular data like it has never done before... even when the thing is put on a shelf for a weekend and not even used. The "particular configuration" solution has been to turn on and turn off cellular as needed, such as turn on, get email, turn off. If I forget to turn it off- even in a solid wifi area like my home office- inevitably several to many MBs of cellular will get consumed. When it was iOS 7, I didn't have to be so diligent about turning on and off cellular; it "just worked" (meaning, when wifi was available as it almost always is for my usage, it used wifi; now it seems to forgo wifi when possible and prioritize cellular even if wifi is on and strong (reception).

As I highlighted in that thread on Apple's site, I'm not the only one having this problem. Nor is it isolated to just one kind of iDevice, nor one cellular provider. The only common thread among those with the issue is the switch from iOS 7 to iOS 8. But let me guess: it must be THEIR "particular configurations" too. Apple can do no wrong.
Yes, classic.

Step 1: deny that bugs in iOS exist.
Step 2: put the blame on the user and accuse them of being a drama queen, exaggerating the issue, or a liar.
Step 3: Ignore the "bug fixes" entries in the changelog when an iOS update is released.

Rinse and repeat.

I'd love to see Apple take a release cycle to simply clean up, optimize, and streamline the existing version of iOS. They've been on a feverish pace over the last 2-3 years and it shows.

But Apple is a hardware company, not a "solution" company. Poor performance with the OS? Beef up the hardware in the next gen.


macrumors member
Jan 5, 2015
Hope they fixed the Apple Pay bug. Hate having to contact credit card companies all over again to confirm every time I install the updates. Others have even bigger problems unable to list the cards they had on there before the update!

Thats been fixed


macrumors member
Jan 5, 2015
I thought the whole point behind the Apple brand and simplicity was so the average user didn't have to find random back settings and tweaking to make their devices work like competing brands. The average Apple user (ie. My mother, Wife, Daughter, etc), doesn't want or even know how to fuss with that stuff. If you tell them to change their "background app refresh settings" they look at me like I just spoke another language. Plus, I hate feeling like I have to cripple my phone's basic functionality to have a battery that works as it should. I'd rather they would have added a unnoticeable thickness heft to the phone to increase the battery so I wouldn't have to obsess over how much draw each and every setting on my phone is taking from my battery life. Just work darn it.

No the average user isnt a retard if thats what your trying to say. Changing a few settings is ridiculously easy, tons and tons and tons of people from over the years should be and for the most part are familiar with the settings menu
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