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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

A recent Gartner report points out that Apple's buying power may be able to press NAND flash prices low enough for greatly increased capacity Nano's when their rumored refresh appears in the fall.

Gartner forecasts that a 16Gb (2GB) device will be available in the third quarter for about $30, down from its current price of about $35. Due to Apple's procurement power and investment, it is conceivable that it could get pricing for a device at $25 or even $20. This pricing would enable capacities of 12GB, leaving enough room for the remaining component and manufacturing costs as well as Apple's margin, while still reaching a $250 price point.

A recent rumor stated that Apple has been stocking up on NAND flash memory, presumably for iPods. The current highest-capacity iPod Nano is 4 GB.
I would love that. I'd probably sell my 30GB as the space is way too big for my needs but the 4GB nano is too small. I want a midsize goshdarnit.
8 GB or at the max 10 GB sounds realistic, but 12 would be perfect, as my iTunes Library currently sits at 12.87 GB, and I could easily do without some of the playlists on the iPod. I'm looking to buy a nano when they are refreshed to run with, as my 4th Gen 20 GB color is just too darn bulky. Here's to hoping for 12!:cool:
When, oh when, will hard drives be replaced with flash memory?

Probably never. They'll come out with something else by the time flash gets cheap enough.
celebrian23 said:
I would love that. I'd probably sell my 30GB as the space is way too big for my needs but the 4GB nano is too small. I want a midsize goshdarnit.

I'm waiting (but probably not going to buy) for the >80 gig iPod. Right now, my MacBook is just a bit too snug to hold my music collection and a bigger iPod would really hit the spot (though that spot does not currently include my pocket book).

Leondunkleyc said:
Just perfect, summer's only just started and now a reason for me to wish for its end...

ha! tell me that's not true.
Harpo said:
When, oh when, will hard drives be replaced with flash memory?

Probably never. They'll come out with something else by the time flash gets cheap enough.

Wit apple i asy next year it will be a $200 option for a 120GB NAND (Remember i think access speeds are the sane as a 15,000RPM with NAND) from the 160GB 5400RPM HD or $100 from the 7200RPM 160GB. ITs currently about $3000 for a SATA Notebook drive at 60GB using NAND MEMORY
cbigfoot1987 said:
Wit apple i asy next year it will be a $200 option for a 120GB NAND (Remember i think access speeds are the sane as a 15,000RPM with NAND) from the 160GB 5400RPM HD or $100 from the 7200RPM 160GB. ITs currently about $3000 for a SATA Notebook drive at 60GB using NAND MEMORY

Boy, is your keyboard sticky?
cbigfoot1987 said:
Wit apple i asy next year it will be a $200 option for a 120GB NAND (Remember i think access speeds are the sane as a 15,000RPM with NAND) from the 160GB 5400RPM HD or $100 from the 7200RPM 160GB. ITs currently about $3000 for a SATA Notebook drive at 60GB using NAND MEMORY

Optimistically, if Apple can secure these chips for $20 a pop 120GB is still going to cost them $1200. If Apple has to pay $25 it's $1500, so I don't think that a 120GB option for $200 is likely. If NAND memory follows Moore's Theorem and doubles every 12-18 months, you're looking at 4-6 years before that price is possible.
DTphonehome said:
Great, how can I possibly be content with a 2 GB when I get my MB?
well although it isn't certain, you can sell it unopened to the unknowing person that doesn't follow iPod rumors while the getttin's good. It wouldnt be until after the summer sale is over but i'd do that if i were you.
It would be cool if the memory stock up was for the new "true video ipod" What if it had flash and a HD so you could stick some of your stuff on the flash so you could leave the HD off and save power.

Wont happen but it would be cool
12 GB would be nice, but I don't know if Apple would make such a significant jump so quickly, even if they had the means. The technology might be there, but there's more to running a successful business than simple technology decisions. Apple might choose to go with 6 GB or 8 GB nanos for starters, as this might make better sense from a business perspective. It will of course depend on what competition is doing as well, profit margins, many factors at play here...

Regardless, larger capacity nanos and full-screen video iPods this fall would make a deadly combination for both consumers and Apple themselves heading into the busy Christmas shopping season! :cool:
if a 12 GB nano came out this fall at the price points we have now, Id definitely be retiring my 40GB 4th Generation ipod. Seeing as I only have 8.68 GB of music on it, it would be a good replacement.
12Gb seems high, what about

2Gb Shuffle-99
4 Gb Nano-149
8GB Nano-199
10Gb Nano-249
True Video iPod 40Gb(touch screen)-299
True Video iPod 80Gb(tough screen)-399

That way people who dislike the touchscreen idea, still have a Nano with Click Wheel, and still hold lots of songs
Nand = Future

Harpo said:
When, oh when, will hard drives be replaced with flash memory?

Probably never. They'll come out with something else by the time flash gets cheap enough.

Hard Drives made completely from NAND are availiable now, as made by samsung.
They are wicked expensive.
However, the pricing drops on NAND in the last few years arnt going to be accurate predictors as manufacturers are just beginning to produce nand at the top priority. do some research.
a gig right now is about 30 bucks, by the end of 2008 it is expected to be about 9. with apple behind that we could see nand as low as 5 dollars by holday season 2008.
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