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Given what iPad 2 is going to be, I can't imagine a bigger waste of money than upgrading to it from iPad 1 after barely a year of ownership.

iPad 2 is going to be a fantastic product for everyone who has patiently waited for it. But for iPad 1 owners...well let's just it's going to be serious fanboi only upgrade.

No bumps to storage capacity. (wait and see, it's not in the cards $ wise this year)
No "retina" display.
No SD slot for easily expanding storage.


Aside: what is with that graphic? Possible mini display port? Has this manufacturer ever heard of wireless? iPad is a wireless product. Anything and everything Apple can do to keep iPad wireless, shall be done, and that includes never ever ever adding display port, USB, hdmi, or anything other ridiculous thing.

What I feel like the iPad needs is more RAM. I hate multitasking and going back to an app only to find out it has to reload because it got dumped off the stack due to low memory. The original iPad wasn't designed as a multitasking machine (iOS back then didn't even support multitasking except for mail and Safari). So a new iPad with more ram would be a big deal to me and I'd get one. I guess you could consider me a fanboy though...
Would have been nice to pop the SD card out of your camera and into the iPad. Coupled with a Retina display it would be perfect. No Retina display. No SD card slot. The iPad 2 is becoming less attractive every day. :rolleyes:
Is'nt there a tablet being marketed that looks alot like the iPad coming out? From Palm maybe? I can't remember but it was on the web this past week. perhaps these cases are for that and not the Ipad2 at all. others have said, a SIM card slot is pointless at this juncture.

I've a 3G since its release date and I've pulled my SIM out ONCE. I did it to make my iPhone into a mini-iPad and use another cell phone to make calls using my iPhone 4 SIM. I doubt its common to open them up other than for gawking at it.
It's deffo a Sim Card slot.

Helps us New Zealanders hot swap sims for our 3 carriers... Oh who am I joking, I mean 2 carriers. :)
Seriously though, why would anyone in their right mind design a case to give access to the Sim Card???

Because the quantum probability of passing a SIM card through a solid metal case is nil.

Seriously, one wants to be able to change the SIM card easily whenever one changes carriers. (E.g., when one flies to another country.)

EDIT to add this remark: Folks here who say one doesn't need to change SIM cards often are either so terribly rich that they don;t care about paying international roaming charges or they don't travel outside their home country very often. I want the iPAD 2 to be a "World iPad" that supports all the 3G systems I encounter in my travels; that would include CDMA and GSM systems (with all the different frequencies of different GSM systems) and the ability to easily swap carriers (i.e., SIMs).
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Given what iPad 2 is going to be, I can't imagine a bigger waste of money than upgrading to it from iPad 1 after barely a year of ownership.

iPad 2 is going to be a fantastic product for everyone who has patiently waited for it. But for iPad 1 owners...well let's just say it's going to be serious fanboi only upgrade.

No bumps to storage capacity. (wait and see, it's not in the cards $ wise this year)
No "retina" display.
No SD slot for easily expanding storage.


Aside: what is with that graphic? Possible mini display port? Has this manufacturer ever heard of wireless? iPad is a wireless product. Anything and everything Apple can do to keep iPad wireless, shall be done, and that includes never ever ever adding display port, USB, hdmi, or any other ridiculous thing.


Now is the time to buy a 1st generation iPad - at a substantial reduction in price. The 2nd generation has nothing to offer.
Well, can't say I am surprised...
I wish it had an sd slot since I have on 16GB SD sitting here and I am probably gonna buy the iPad 2 but lets be honest, is this Apple like?
I don't think so... Hope I am wrong...
I was looking at the prices for the iPhone, and the 1st thing that I read was I believe $199 for a 16gb phone, and then I read $299 for the 32gb version, and immediately I said, "Deal breaker." I'm guessing that not having an SD card is a good way for Apple to charge extra for at least for the iPhone, and I assume the iPad. It just sucks having to be limited to what Apple decided, rather than being able to add extra storage, and if you could add extra storage on your own with an SD card, then Apple would lose money.
Anyone have a spare iPad case they can cut some more holes in for fun speculation? :D

I think mini USB and an SD card slot would have made a lot of sense for importing photos from digital cameras - Apple thought it was worth making the camera connection kit after all. But then I've just described why they might prefer to not add those ports I guess, i.e. they can keep selling a couple of dock adapters for about 10 times the cost... :p

Initially, I was fully expecting I'd want to sell off my existing iPad 3G 64GB and buy one of these "next gen" versions, as soon as it was readily available.

Now? I've got to say, unless Apple really surprises me with some functionality nobody has predicted, it looks like I can easily pass on it.

The SD card slot would have been a big benefit, simply because it'd eliminate the need to carry around a silly "dongle" to read them. (I had to buy myself an iPad zippered carrying case with a pocket on it, just to hold the dongles and my credit card reader from "Square, Inc." that I use with it to accept card payments from clients.)

Now it sounds like we're not getting that, OR anything resembling a "retina display" either. (At best, they'll increase the resolution by some oddball amount that's not an even multiplier of the current iPad resolution -- and you'll need all new iApps that know how to use that mode. That's better than nothing, but still kinda "ho hum".)

So what WILL we really get with one? Maybe a faster processor and more RAM in it... Both of those would be worthwhile upgrades, but probably won't drive me to make a purchase, right now. (I could see that coming into play later in the year, when an iPhone 5 arrives and has another new revision of iOS in it that really need more RAM and CPU to perform well -- and then they follow up with an iPad OS update. But that'll be when? At least October or so?) Oh, and a low-res camera ... woo.

To be honest, I never expected Apple to fit anything as useful to people as an actual SD card slot. So I'm not surprised. A little disappointed of course as it would be useful to myself and others at times, but not surprised.

Apple still see the iPad as a computer accessory it seems. Here's hoping one day, sometime in the future, they will regard it as a independent device, or perhaps make a different tablet that is.

Let there now follow a wave of fans saying how an SD slot would be a bad idea :D
2 ports - 3 possibilities: SD card, SIM card, mini DisplayPort. Which two are the most likely?

Seriously, while they were at it why didn't they just cross out "potential min DisplayPort" and replace it with "LOL"?
Would have been a fun bullet point to have, but for the % of users who would actually transfer photos directly (among the actual public, not us tech-heads), omitting it (leaving it as an external accessory) is fine.

I’d like to have it, but no big deal. This does explain the differences in the leaked cases.

Actually I think you are wrong in that.

I could see a vast majority of people, especially youngsters flipping the SD card out of their camera's and into their iPad so they can email their friends their latest photo's.

Even more so as there is a chance the iPad2 might not even be able to take stills.

No one likes dongles. Decades ago there were camera and mp3 dongles for old phones. It's just a bodge for something they realised they should of fitted inside, or space was not available. Fair enough if it's something very unusual that 90% of people would never use, but compact camera to iPad is something lots would use.
Date Palm

HarryKeogh;11806139]Ugh, so the iPad is going to be red plastic? Gross. Bad move Apple.


Skoal;11806379]Palm Topaz perhaps?

Palm? Is Palm still in business?
Don't mind at all... I have an MBP with an SD card slot, and I've never, ever used it. Both of my camera bodies use CF cards, so an SD slot is pretty useless to me. I'm sure it would be useful to others, but frankly, a USB port would be far, far more useful.
All this conjecture based on some seriously ugly case mock-ups?

Yeah, for some reason MR is absolutely in love with case-based rumors.
I feel like this topic was beaten to death several page-one rumors ago, but apparently not.
It's a coin slot

...allows to to "pay-as-you-go" on a data plan. Four quarters gets you 100mb of data.
Good. I hate built in readers. The card specs change frequently so the chance that your iPad works with your particular camera shrinks every year.*

Not to mention the fact that the pros who are MOST likely to want this feature are still using compactflash cards.

So Pros can't use it and consumers are likely to be left behind as next year's cameras may not even support it. I can't believe they even put those things on Macs which should have even longer shelf-lives than iPads.

* Yes, I know the form factor won't change, but I've had pererphrials become useless once they don't support the faster speeds of newer chips. I'm not gonna buy a new faster camera and then use old chips in it. Bye bye peripheral. I'll get a new one. Oh, it IS your Mac? Tough luck.
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