Given what iPad 2 is going to be, I can't imagine a bigger waste of money than upgrading to it from iPad 1 after barely a year of ownership.
iPad 2 is going to be a fantastic product for everyone who has patiently waited for it. But for iPad 1 owners...well let's just it's going to be serious fanboi only upgrade.
No bumps to storage capacity. (wait and see, it's not in the cards $ wise this year)
No "retina" display.
No SD slot for easily expanding storage.
Aside: what is with that graphic? Possible mini display port? Has this manufacturer ever heard of wireless? iPad is a wireless product. Anything and everything Apple can do to keep iPad wireless, shall be done, and that includes never ever ever adding display port, USB, hdmi, or anything other ridiculous thing.
What I feel like the iPad needs is more RAM. I hate multitasking and going back to an app only to find out it has to reload because it got dumped off the stack due to low memory. The original iPad wasn't designed as a multitasking machine (iOS back then didn't even support multitasking except for mail and Safari). So a new iPad with more ram would be a big deal to me and I'd get one. I guess you could consider me a fanboy though...