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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 12, 2012
New England, USA
Given the somewhat recent revelation that the NSA can hack an iPhone and iOS7, are folks worried that their iPads could be compromised? I'm not aware of any decent security and /or monitoring tools for iPad, are you? Are there even any internet security apps to speak of that prevent a hack or malware?


Moderator emeritus
Mar 20, 2004
"Between the Hedges"
I'm reasonably certain the NSA has no reason to be interested in hacking my iPad
If they do, they will find it quite boring, which would be deterrent enough in itself

Short answer... no, I'm not concerned in the least


macrumors member
Dec 19, 2013
Given the somewhat recent revelation that the NSA can hack an iPhone and iOS7, are folks worried that their iPads could be compromised? I'm not aware of any decent security and /or monitoring tools for iPad, are you? Are there even any internet security apps to speak of that prevent a hack or malware?

it seems they figured out how to take the data from a bigger source not individuals


macrumors 604
Sep 29, 2009
Due to the "curated" nature of iOS, the NSA may have to do more work to hack into your iPad. Anyway, let's just assume that they can and forget about it. But if NSA has backdoor access to iPad, then you can expect "front door" access to Android devices.


macrumors 68040
Jul 6, 2007
Don't kid yourself... Nearly 200 million devices represent a treasure trove of data on US citizens for the taking. Not trying to be alarmist, just a realist.

Then don't do anything illegal on your iPad. ;)


macrumors 6502a
Jan 11, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale,Fl
Worry more about Google and Facebook

Why worry about back door access from NSA? You should be more worried about Google and Facebook. Most open front door to them. They have more to gain from your information and use it daily for their financial gain. At least NSA uses data for the countries protection.


macrumors 604
Sep 7, 2010
I'm reasonably certain the NSA has no reason to be interested in hacking my iPad
If they do, they will find it quite boring, which would be deterrent enough in itself

Short answer... no, I'm not concerned in the least

My thoughts exactly.


macrumors 604
Apr 6, 2007
Given the somewhat recent revelation that the NSA can hack an iPhone and iOS7,

Actually, the information on DROPOUTJEEP is from 2008 and listed as "in development." We don't know for sure that:

1. DROPOUTJEEP ever left development stage
2. iOS7 didn't exist in 2008, nor did current hardware... we don't know if DROPOUTJEEP actually works on iOS7

Even then, the information makes it clear: you NEED to have physical access to the device ("close access methods"), and you MUST jailbreak. This is not some remote, compromise-everyone solution. Assuming DROPOUTJEEP works, the NSA must still get their hands on a target's iPad or iPhone long enough to install the software, and then return it, preferably without the target knowing it was ever in someone's else's custody and control.

are folks worried that their iPads could be compromised?

No more worried that other electronics, including Blackberries and other platforms, can be compromised by the NSA, should an agent gain physical access to the device and have control of it long enough to implant software.

The practice is wrong, it should be stopped. But I have no illusions that any consumer device is more secure than others.

I'm actually far more worried (and you should be too) that it's clearly a lot easier for the NSA to hack and eavesdrop on Google, Yahoo, and countless other cloud services, independent of the devices you use. That's a much easier avenue of attack for the NSA, and they can probably get far more dirt on people that way.

I'm not aware of any decent security and /or monitoring tools for iPad, are you?

You haven't looked hard enough, clearly. iOS itself is pretty heavily locked down, requiring a Jailbreak and physical access to compromise. There are VPN and other secure communication tools. One only needs to look at the app store.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502a
May 18, 2013
I think somebody's tinfoil hat got a crease in it.

You know, I'm not trying to start a war here but I thought I'd take what you said and add this-

All the "crazies" (as the media would have 'regular' people think of them anyways) have said for a LONG time that the government was listening in on your conversations and reading your stuff (email, whatever).. everyone said "nay, that's crazy talk... isn't happening!"

But it has been and is happening.

It has been admitted, and STILL you refuse to believe it.

Who's crazy, again?


To anyone who says "There's simply too much information to sift through to make any of it relevant, so who cares?"

I say- You may be right- IN REALTIME, and at this MOMENT. However.. if (and I think it's more like "when") YOU become an "emery of the state" by whatever laws are enacted in the future or current ones enforced- at THAT time, all that's required is to pull up your previously saved data and BAM, you're done son.

Try to grasp what I'm saying. The implications this can have in the future- IT IS A BIG DEAL!

-edit- Krazy Bill I'm not necessarily speaking to/about you directly. Just wanted to use your comment as a diving board.

Krazy Bill

macrumors 68030
Dec 21, 2011
But it has been and is happening.

It has been admitted, and STILL you refuse to believe it.
Oh, I certainly believe it. I just don't think there's anything you can do about it. There's more to life than worrying about silly-assed metadata and intercepting emails to grandma. I'd be more concerned about the incriminating crap people leave for their bosses (and future bosses) on social media. LOL!

Who's crazy, again?
You got me. (But my name pretty much gives it away).


macrumors 65816
Dec 20, 2011
I get not WANTING others to have access, but at the end of the day, people who care about it enough to make decisions based on the possibility are either irrational or have something to hide.

I don't want it either. But I also know it's not worth worrying about. If you do worry, why??? What logical reason besides not wanting it do you have? I'm really curious. If the NSA is targeting you, you've got bigger issues. But even if they do, if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about.

Chances are they won't bother, especially if you don't have a reason to be investigated. You aren't that important. Sorry to tear your foil hat :D


macrumors 6502a
May 18, 2013
I get not WANTING others to have access, but at the end of the day, people who care about it enough to make decisions based on the possibility are either irrational or have something to hide.

I don't want it either. But I also know it's not worth worrying about. If you do worry, why??? What logical reason besides not wanting it do you have? I'm really curious. If the NSA is targeting you, you've got bigger issues. But even if they do, if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about.

Chances are they won't bother, especially if you don't have a reason to be investigated. You aren't that important. Sorry to tear your foil hat :D

You aren't getting it.

You may very well not have anything to hide. You're just "stating your 1st Amendment protected right" to free speech and an opinion, right?

You say that NOW. But what about LATER?

Isn't it painfully obvious that the government ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS takes more than they say they will? They lie. They cheat. They steal. They wage wars that don't do any good for anyone. (as if any war is good)

Your petty opinion NOW may LATER turn into something ILLEGAL (legal law or not, if you understand where I'm going with that) and for that you may be a target.

It will be EASY to dredge up your past and turn it against you. You will have a nice pretty picture painted of how you are not (or were not, as it may be) a patriotic citizen in line with the laws of the time.

Take me for instance- you do realize that the way I'm speaking can VERY EASILY be held against me in the future, no?

If you don't think it's coming, then you haven't learned a thing from history. That's a fact.

Also- Krazy Bill- I love your avatar. Always enjoyed that little guy back in like 2000 or whenever he was just a video riding that invisible motorcycle!


macrumors 6502a
Jan 11, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale,Fl
It's not new information

People act as if this was just announced. Had many Americans read the Patriot Act when it was being put up for a vote they would have known about the great expansion of powers that was given. I concluded at that time that the NSA and the other Federal Agencies were given absolute power to spy on citizens by what ever means possible.


macrumors 6502
Nov 26, 2012
What really matters is what is the government doing with all the mischief it uncovers from the spying? Are terrorist suspects kidnapped and taken to secret CIA prisons overseas? Are they ultimately secretly executed and then cremated? The news media never states what the NSA and other gov't agencies are doing to the people - including American citizens - they consider to be terrorist suspects.


macrumors 68020
Sep 13, 2011
The only way to prevent the government from knowing what you do is to go off the grid. Completely. Bye bye....


macrumors Core
Feb 9, 2008
Don't kid yourself... Nearly 200 million devices represent a treasure trove of data on US citizens for the taking. Not trying to be alarmist, just a realist.

Still a misleading title. I came in expect some revelation that the NSA has a backdoor, but all you have provided is a question without any evidence that there is a backdoor.

Lucille Carter

Jul 3, 2013
I would be willing to bet that if you were targeted by the NSA, getting into your iPad would be easy. They are not secure


Nov 25, 2005
I would be willing to bet that if you were targeted by the NSA, getting into your iPad would be easy. They are not secure

I would be betting they have a very hard time getting in. As a professional software developer for over 30 years, I can say that an iPad with a ten digit or 8 digit / letter passcode is a very, very, very hard thing to crack.

For starters, the flash drive is _always_ encrypted in a way which means it can only be read by the iPad itself. If you try to copy the data and decrypt it with a huge array of super computers, not a chance. If it is passcode protected, there is no way for anybody, including Apple, to read anything without the passcode. Only software that is signed by Apple is capable of trying out passcodes, so nobody can write software that just goes through all the possibilities. And passcodes are designed so that checking each one takes about 1/10th of a second, which is why ten digits or 8 digits / letters are impossible to crack.

Apps are absolutely separated from each other. There hasn't been a remote jailbreak for years. There hasn't been a tethered jailbreak (one where the user has to deliberately connect the iPad to a computer to upgrade the software) for quite a while, and you can bet the current one will be closed in the next iOS release.

There is of course a way to get into your iPad. It's known as "rubber hose cryptography". Coming to your home and beating you until you give up the passcode. Easy enough.
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