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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 23, 2009
Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA
I'm nostalgia-ing pretty hard right now. I've spent a week trying to find out the names of these games. I was young at the time and were most likely played on a 6100/66 during or after 1994. I probably got the demos from a MacAddict CD. In return I'll help name your unnamed games!

Unnamed Game #1:
3D space flying game.
2001: A Space Odyssey style space station was the focus.
You can dock at the center of the space station.
Enemy ships attempt to steal sections of the space station ring.
There were maybe 12 or 16 ring sections.
If the enemy ship takes a section you can still destroy them and the section will fall back into place.
Once you finish off the first wave of enemies, a single huge enemy ship flies in.
There is some sort of time limit to defeat the huge enemy ship and I think destroying this ship involved firing at specific areas or placing bombs on the enemy ship.
The huge enemy ship will tractor beam in all the sections of the station if you fail.

Unnamed Game #2:
Futuristic vehicle game.
The bottom of your hover vehicle is bright green.
Your hover vehicle had some sort of laser weapon that kills enemies was well as opens up secret pathways.
There were power-ups and enemies scattered all through out the levels.
The first level was a simple narrow track and was made of sections you had to jump between as track was floating in mid-air.
One of the later levels was free-roam and much bigger.
I remember spending hours not really getting anywhere on the later level.
The second game sounds a little like Maze Wars, except Maze Wars is not free-roaming and the only goal is to kill your opponents.
The second game sounds a little like Maze Wars, except Maze Wars is not free-roaming and the only goal is to kill your opponents.

I do remember Maze Wars! That game was fun, but unfortunately it's not that game I'm searching for.

I've never played Terminus, but from the screen shots I can find it looks fun as well.
Oh snap, was #2 'Zone Raiders'?

I played a demo of that I think when I was a kid 15 years ago, and thought it was awesome. Never played the full thing, and totally forgot about it until you described it. Shoot, wish there was an OSX port!
Another game to name! Please help.

I've been wracking my brain to think of the name of these games and I stumbled upon this thread. I remember both of these games, and they are from about the same time as the ones I'm thinking of so maybe you folks could help me as well.

Unnamed game #1:
Turn based World War 2 game for aircraft. It was mission based, where you would for instance, have to escort a group of bombers from point A to point B. The turns consisted of setting an arc of travel for the next turn and attacking enemy planes and so forth. I also remember that it had this great '40s music.

Unnamed game #2:
Also a World War 2 strategy game. You had a number of units to control and you set their targets for attack or movement with gray circles with colored dots based on the action (gray for smoke grenades, red for mortar attacks, etc.). I also remember that you moved your units into and out of buildings and could take cover behind hedges. All the buildings had no 'roof' as you could see inside them.

Thanks for the help.
RE:please help....

Yeah Close Combat has to be #2 from the screen shots I see. Now I just got to try and find a version that will run on Windows 7, any ideas?

Still looking for #1!!
I probably got the trial version from the old 'MacAddict' magazine and disc series. That was a great source of games for those of us with Macs that had to search for compatible games.

Could you guys help me with two games as well?

Game #1:
A strategy game set in a medieval time which used black and green chess pieces. It played eerie music and stage floated against a black background. Single player against the computer.

Game #2:
A brick-break-type game with colourful blocks and powerups. Very artistic and colourful backgrounds as well. And if the ball went in a space in the border of the screen, it would take you to another level. There would be more than one space in the border which each take you to a different new level.

Please help me. Id like to find and play those games again
Could you guys help me with two games as well?

Game #2:
A brick-break-type game with colourful blocks and powerups. Very artistic and colourful backgrounds as well. And if the ball went in a space in the border of the screen, it would take you to another level. There would be more than one space in the border which each take you to a different new level.

Please help me. Id like to find and play those games again

Arkanoid/Arkanoid II..?
Can you guys help me out here, please?

I am also trying to remember the name of a game I used to play when I was younger. I will try to describe it.

The main character had a ridiculously muscly upper body and he was a toy that looks a lot like the action man doll. He wore a wife beater's vest which had military patterns on it.
He had to destroy other toys like bunnies, dinosaurs, etc. I don't know if I was clear enough.


I don't think my first post was specific enough.
As I described before, the guy had a massive upper body, wife beater, thin legs and freaking huge chin. This was 3D Platform game where this dude had to get through different world. This worlds were quite colourful and were made of sweets and stuff. The baddies were toys that the main character had to shoot in order to destroy them. I also remember the main character having a very high pitched voice :p
I believe I played this game around 1996 give or take.
Please me help! I have lost sleep on trying to remember this game.

I don't think my first post was specific enough.
As I described before, the guy had a massive upper body, wife beater, thin legs and freaking huge chin. This was 3D Platform game where this dude had to get through different world. This worlds were quite colourful and were made of sweets and stuff. The baddies were toys that the main character had to shoot in order to destroy them. I also remember the main character having a very high pitched voice :p
I believe I played this game around 1996 give or take.
Please me help! I have lost sleep on trying to remember this game.


Power Pete or Mighty Mike.
cluthz you are a legend. thank you!!!!!!

Does anybody know how I can get Power Pete on my mac? I have the Mac OS x 10.6.8 version

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I think the only way would be to run it in an emulator.
SheepShaver runs os 7.5->9.0.4 and should run PowerPete pretty well
Hello :).

Does anyone remember a children's game for the mac in the early 90s where you were looking around the house that belonged to a mouse, maybe called Martin, and solving little puzzles and when you won the game there was a massive kitkat on the screen as your prize?

This wasn't a platform game. You just went around the house going into different rooms, either looking for things or solving puzzles. It was a game for younger children.

I'm sure it was called something like "Martin's House" and Martin or whatever he was called was a mouse.

Sorry for the poor description, I have quite a vague childhood memory of this.
I probably got the trial version from the old 'MacAddict' magazine and disc series. That was a great source of games for those of us with Macs that had to search for compatible games.

Remember when InsideMacGames used to send out discs with demos and patches on them every month or so to subscribers?

I have been trying to remember the name of a game for ages. It was on the Apple Mac in the early '90s I think, although not necessarily exclusive. It was an Elite type game to begin with where you had to begin by docking at a space station in a kind of simple 3D effect. You had to line yourself up with a black docking bay (I have a memory that maybe you had to ask permission to dock, or were sometimes refused entry). Once inside it turned into a top down isometric type view and became a simple RPG type game, where you were represented as a little space suited guy and could walk around and talk to people, buy stuff et cetera. It was also black and white (but that might just have been my version).

Any ideas? It has been bugging me for years now!

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