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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 1, 2010
:mad: I bought a rMini at Best Buy yesterday and when I got home with it I had a dual colored screen! About two inches from the bottom was all yellow and it jumped right out at me the moment I turned it on! I tried using it on bright for a few hours but it never changed. I returned it for another this morning and held my breath as I turned the replacement on. This one is PERFECT :D. I now have an iPad Air 32 LTE and rMini 32 with perfect screens.

My point here is all those messages I read here on MacRumors about people receiving faulty screens and members sorta dismissing it as being OCD? The defective screens are real and the people reporting them are reporting some pretty harsh defects.

I have purchased way too many iPads over the years, this is the first time I received one that was truly defective. I am now a believer, Apple needs better quality control. These devices are way too expensive to accept anything less then perfect. Make sure before you leave the Apple store or Best Buy yours is not defective!



macrumors 6502a
Jun 3, 2009
I have one on order from but I'm going to go on which display it has from the serial number now to make sure I don't get a sharp.


Jul 29, 2010
I returned it for another this morning and held my breath as I turned the replacement on. This one is PERFECT :D.

You give me hope then. I was thinking about returning my bottom 1/4 yellow rMini and now I may try to exchange it. If the 2nd one has the yellow though I may pickup a 1st gen Mini and use it until next year when I'd probably get a 3rd gen Mini if they fix their screen issues.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 3, 2009
How can you tell who manufactured your rMini?

The first 4 letters of the serial number are what people are using. Some people think this signifies screens used, others date and location of manufacture which may indicate which screens where used, others believe they mean nothing. DMPL - LG, DMQL - Samsung, DLXL - Sharp.


Jul 29, 2010
The first 4 letters of the serial number are what people are using. Some people think this signifies screens used, others date and location of manufacture which may indicate which screens where used, others believe they mean nothing. DMPL - LG, DMQL - Samsung, DLXL - Sharp.

DLXL here. Definitely got yellow on bottom 1/4 of screen. Going to exchange mine, if 2nd one has same problem I'm getting a gen 1 Mini(possible used even).


macrumors 6502a
Feb 25, 2013
My retina mini has yellow on the bottom half of the screen.

But I'm waiting until the end of the holiday return period to exchange it as I am hoping a new batch will have less issues.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 3, 2009
How would you know that without opening the package?

When I go to exchange it when in store I mean, although according to some posters, the serial number might not be entirely accurate way of determining the screen manufacturer.


macrumors regular
Nov 6, 2010
My retina mini has yellow on the bottom half of the screen.

But I'm waiting until the end of the holiday return period to exchange it as I am hoping a new batch will have less issues.
Yeah, that's exactly what we are supposed to do I think.


macrumors 68040
Mar 13, 2007
Use this to test for yellowing.

I found that in the apple support discussions.

Thank you for this.....showed the issue perfectly just in case I needed to show Apple. I could see the issue in iBooks and while reading these forums in landscape.....was driving me nuts!!!

Just returned it to Apple, I think I FINALLY got an even white screen!! Or course it has the image retention issue, but I could care less about that, it'll never effect me.



macrumors 65816
Aug 15, 2010
Do perfect whit minis exist? If so could you post the first part of your serial number?

The Dougler

macrumors member
Oct 25, 2012
I returned 2 with yellow screens at the apple store. Waiting for another one to arrive via If that ones yellow its going back and I'll wait a few months for the to nail down the quality issues.


macrumors 68040
Mar 13, 2007
Do perfect whit minis exist? If so could you post the first part of your serial number?

As perfect as the rMini is going to get in my least there are no real bad tinting on this one.

Serial starts with: DQTL

Like I said....has the image retention issue....I'll have to wait and see if I notice it in normal use.



Jul 29, 2010
Do perfect whit minis exist? If so could you post the first part of your serial number?

It's not about being perfect white it's about being perfectly uniform and even. I don't prefer one over the other when it comes to warm vs. cool white, I just can't stand when the bottom 1/3 or 1/4 is different from the rest of the screen.


macrumors 68040
Mar 13, 2007
It's not about being perfect white it's about being perfectly uniform and even. I don't prefer one over the other when it comes to warm vs. cool white, I just can't stand when the bottom 1/3 or 1/4 is different from the rest of the screen.


Give me an even screen that's not tweety bird yellow and I'm fine.



macrumors regular
Aug 3, 2010
It's not about being perfect white it's about being perfectly uniform and even. I don't prefer one over the other when it comes to warm vs. cool white, I just can't stand when the bottom 1/3 or 1/4 is different from the rest of the screen.

Exactly what I was thinking too, uneven tint is clearly a defect, unlike the color gamut issue, which is a manufacturing decision. Both my rMini and my previous exchanged mini had the same issue with a blue tint near the top and yellow tint on the bottom. Waiting for another shipment to come in to the apple store so I can exchange it.


macrumors newbie
Nov 17, 2013
Exactly the same case for me. (32Gb wifi white rMini)
Got 3 yellowish rMini in a row in the same AS in Paris.
First one was almost yellow over all screen, with a wider yellow tint on the left side. (DLXLL)
The second one has 1st 1/3 bottom part of the screen yellow (DLXLN)
The same day I've tried to exchange this second one cheking directly in the store. Unfortunately, it was exactly the same than my second one ... but worse (Bottom 1/3 part of the screen was yellow, even more colored). (DLXLL).
The guy immediatly saw it at the welcome grey screen before initial configuration.

I kept the second one, waiting to exchange it later. We commonly decided with the apple store guys (who where seeing the default like me) that this was no use to check for other units to have another defect.
This was quite annoying because it gives you the impression
First : to use a lot of units and to prevent others to pick one ; stocks seems to be very low and you need to reserve first (that what I've done 3 times to have the chance to try/exchange another unit).
Second : to be very picky (that's what I'm not really usually)

Note that all demo units (16gb wifi white) were quite good with DLXK or DLXLK don't remember exactly.

I don't really care about gamut, i'd only like to have a plain uniform white screen.
Do you have any idea of what that could be ?
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