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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001


TechCrunch reports that social document sharing and publishing site Scribd has announced that it is scrapping its current Flash-based system for one based on HTML5.
Scribd co-founder and chief technology officer Jared Friedman tells me: "We are scrapping three years of Flash development and betting the company on HTML5 because we believe HTML5 is a dramatically better reading experience than Flash. Now any document can become a Web page."
Instead of displaying documents in a Flash-based box, Scribd's content will become large webpages viewable directly in the browser and will offer bookmarking support to assist with long documents. The move to HTML5 will obviously also make content compatible with devices such as the iPad that do not support Flash.
Scribd's currently uses a Flash player much like YouTube's to allow people to upload and view documents on the Web. But with HTML5 standards now making their way through not [sic] browsers, there is little reason to do that. "Right now the document is in a box," says Friedman, "a Youtube-type of experience. There is a bunch of content and a bunch of stuff around it. In the new experience we are taking the content out of the box."
According to the report, Scribd is rolling out HTML5 versions of 200,000 of its most popular documents today as it begins the switch for its complete library, which numbers in the tens of millions of documents.

Article Link: Scribd Abandoning Flash for HTML5


macrumors regular
Jan 19, 2010
I am pretty sure flash is coming to an end by the end of this year. All those Apple haters will be pissed!!! When the iPad can go to any website.

Troll Voice: It will take years for HTML 5 to be worth anything. Flash foreverr!!

iPad User: Hurry up so I can browse the whole web.

Adobe: Screw HTML 5 flash is easier.

Steve Jobs: HAHAHA Die Flash. Slow and Painful Death.

Flash the Superhero: No, Steve don't kill me! Kill Adobe...

Ok... Yea i am not funny. But its true.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 2, 2010
Menlo Park, CA
Adobe take notice, this is what happens when you go against Steve and Apple.

Great move by this company, there bet will pay off.

Glad they scrapped 3 years of development on that Lazy company that continues to promote OLD technology.


macrumors G4
Feb 5, 2009
Jobs set out to kill Flash. Now we're seeing the results.

Whoever thinks Apple doesn't dictate the pace of change in this industry is on drugs.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 2, 2010
Menlo Park, CA
Jobs set out to kill Flash. Now we're seeing the results.

Whoever thinks Apple doesn't dictate the pace of change in this industry is on drugs.

Couldn't agree more. TECHNOLOGY STARTS AT 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino CA 95014.

More importantly the Tech industry is being reminded about if you go against Steve Jobs, the results will likely HURT. Adobe is a Bag a Hurt Now.

Gorilla Power

macrumors 6502
Mar 19, 2010
I am pretty sure flash is coming to an end by the end of this year. All those Apple haters will be pissed!!! When the iPad can go to any website.

Troll Voice: It will take years for HTML 5 to be worth anything. Flash foreverr!!

iPad User: Hurry up so I can browse the whole web.

Adobe: Screw HTML 5 flash is easier.

Steve Jobs: HAHAHA Die Flash. Slow and Painful Death.

Flash the Superhero: No, Steve don't kill me! Kill Adobe...

Ok... Yea i am not funny. But its true.

"Troll Voice" LMAO !!!! :D :D


macrumors regular
Apr 2, 2003
Tustin, California
So how do they plan to gracefully degrade for IE 6/7/8 browsers, none of which support HTML5?

Unless they have some kind of fallback in place, they'll be alienating 60% of the user base out there.
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