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Apr 12, 2001

Last week an analyst report speculated that Apple would hold some sort of media event this September to refresh the iPod line as well as long awaited updates to both the MacBook and MacBook Pro lines.

While the report appeared to be mostly speculative, Apple has been predictably updating their iPods in September for the past couple of years. Combined with circulating rumors of iPod revisions and the end of the Back to School promo, it seems probable that late September will bring us new Apple products.

While rumors have primarily focused on new iPod nanos, we've heard whispers that an iPod Touch update is also likely in the same timeframe.

Given the likelihood of updates, readers should be cautious about buying a new Apple notebook or iPod at this time.

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I'm looking forard to this years update =D

I bought an iPod touch only a few weeks back, but I got it for 300 bucks, new (16GB, so that's ok.

I still wonder, though, what Apple would change in the touch (probably basic things, such as re moving 8GB, making 16GB cheaper, changing the back to make it look similar to the iPhone 3G).

seems early to introduce a new touch. the touch has always been the step child of the iphone. pretty much apple trying to offer the iphone to customers without who don't want a phone contract. Only thing I see happening with the touch is maybe a 64G version and... plastic case? heh
late august, late september, in time for X-mas, Macworld, ...

So true. No matter what any rumor predicts, Apple will only release new products when they can be sure (or as sure as possible) that a big supply chain is in place. With people STILL waiting for iPhones and the MobleMe fiasco it would be wise for Apple to look like they are back on the ball.
Hopefully the touch gets an update...if not, I might have to spend my money on food an housing at college rather than on an ipod...:p
seems early to introduce a new touch. the touch has always been the step child of the iphone. pretty much apple trying to offer the iphone to customers without who don't want a phone contract. Only thing I see happening with the touch is maybe a 64G version and... plastic case? heh

Why is that? The iPods get refreshed on a yearly basis and the iPhone itself got the 3G upgrade only a year after its initial release....

Anyways, I want some new news! We know all of this already....
As many of you here, I've been waiting for an upgrade to the Macbook Pro line.

Apple. Let it be a great upgrade. Quad cores and the lots prefered, but if not.. then at least increase the specs considerably. Its about time the macbook pro catches up to the PC laptops in terms of specs .
I believe the ipod line is pretty clear by now and i cant really find any useful things to add. They're prolly make an even larger-capacity ipod classic, a widescreen nano (maybe, although i like this one), shuffle maybe gets 4 gb and a click-wheel. As for the touch... i like it just the way it is... but they'll sure have the 64gb version. i have a Touch and i would sure hate it with a plastic back. after all, fingerprints get all over the screen, i wouldnt want them on the back also.
i only ask for one thing: put some volume controls (really tiny) on the side of the ipod touch. thats all.
as for the mac line, i'm reaaaally looking forward to see some improvements in performance and design :)
Well, I better see some sort of iPod Touch update.

I have been holding out on buying one forever now just cause I want the updated version...

You have to admire my will power :D
Well the iPod touch is bound to receive some sort of an update or at least a price drop with capacity upgrade because simply put.... the current versions/prices dont hold a candle!
as long as the "quality" stays up where it is now, price cuts, larger capacities, and better battery life is great for all!
PowerBook G5?

Now for the more serious segment of this post. I think it would be excellent if they updated the MacBooks to one with an aluminum enclosure. I don't really care about the iPod touch line. I won't be buying another until 1. I lose mine, 2. I break mine, 3. They offer a 128 GB model for under 400 USD (ie a looooong time from now.)
If you look at the buyer's guide, everything except the 4 month old iMac is ready for replacement. I've never seen so many "Buy only if you need it - Approaching the end of a cycle" advisory notices. :mad: A new ipod and perhaps laptop update isn't going to make the entire line look much better to me. We're pretty much in the doldrums at the moment.
Given the likelihood of updates, readers should be cautious about buying a new Apple notebook or iPod at this time.

Right that makes sense. Cause that back to school promo isn't going on now :p. But I agree, if something comes out before the end of the promo, the deal is only valid for the old versions, like when the new iPod nanos came out.
If you look at the buyer's guide, everything except the 4 month old iMac is ready for replacement. I've never seen so many "Buy only if you need it - Approaching the end of a cycle" advisory notices. :mad: A new ipod and perhaps laptop update isn't going to make the entire line look much better to me. We're pretty much in the doldrums at the moment.

Considering that Apple's been focusing on expanding its product line.... this was bound to happen! Good for us and Apple in many ways!

Bad as well since this means low support, delayed updates!
when did they make the iPhone

16 GB? Wasn't it pretty shortly after the launch last year? I REALLY want apple to get the iPhone to at least 32 gigs.

I'm getting ready to buy a 3G anyway, but man I'd like to wait to see if they drop an update with the rest of the iPods.
old news..

damn my hp laptop just broke down today and its dead lol i really want to get a mbp already :D hp sent me a box to ship it back to them for repair.. :rolleyes:

only macs for now on
16 GB? Wasn't it pretty shortly after the launch last year? I REALLY want apple to get the iPhone to at least 32 gigs.

I'm getting ready to buy a 3G anyway, but man I'd like to wait to see if they drop an update with the rest of the iPods.

It was actually quite some time after launch and if I remember correctly it was actually earlier this year (around February I believe) - same time the iPod touch went 32GB.

The iPhone has only one slot available for memory so to have a 32GB iPhone you must use one 32GB memory card (if they're available they're very expensive, remember they don't use the same stuff as in a thumb drive - it's a higher grade/different type of flash memory) so I would expect to see a 64GB iPod touch around the same time as a 32GB iPhone.
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