I will start with a big overview...what lead me to my current situation.
I am currently a student and will enter the work-force pretty soon. I always liked the design of Apple-Products but i always found them overpriced. But this perspective changed over time. I never was a cheap-skate but i always wanted to get the best product for my money. So when i decided to buy my first notebook it was a close call between a T450s and Macbook Pro 13" (both were almost the same price (150€ difference)) when it was released.
At the time i had an iPhone 6 Plus. Before that i used a Samsung S2, Blackberry Z10. Now i i will be blunt. I got the new iPhone 7 Plus and i only got it over the Pixel XL, because of the Apple Care Plus Package.
Now i am considering to buy other Apple Products. I love their design and support. But there is a catch. There always is to me. I was a silent reader for a couple of days weeks now. And my impression is that most of you agree, that the current line-up isn't worth buying and that Apple is heavly neglecting their Pro-Users. This scared me off quite a lot.
Now the main reason i would wanna get a Mac. Design and Support. But if Apple doesn't value their Pro-Users i cant buy their products. How do you see this?
Sry for my bad english. I am no native speaker and have some troubles with the spelling at times.
I am currently a student and will enter the work-force pretty soon. I always liked the design of Apple-Products but i always found them overpriced. But this perspective changed over time. I never was a cheap-skate but i always wanted to get the best product for my money. So when i decided to buy my first notebook it was a close call between a T450s and Macbook Pro 13" (both were almost the same price (150€ difference)) when it was released.
At the time i had an iPhone 6 Plus. Before that i used a Samsung S2, Blackberry Z10. Now i i will be blunt. I got the new iPhone 7 Plus and i only got it over the Pixel XL, because of the Apple Care Plus Package.
Now i am considering to buy other Apple Products. I love their design and support. But there is a catch. There always is to me. I was a silent reader for a couple of days weeks now. And my impression is that most of you agree, that the current line-up isn't worth buying and that Apple is heavly neglecting their Pro-Users. This scared me off quite a lot.
Now the main reason i would wanna get a Mac. Design and Support. But if Apple doesn't value their Pro-Users i cant buy their products. How do you see this?
Sry for my bad english. I am no native speaker and have some troubles with the spelling at times.