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macrumors 6502a
Jan 7, 2009
There's always little clues in what these guys say on stage and elsewhere - remember, Tim Cook (I think it was) said Siri was beta - I don't think he was just being cute... I think Siri will come to the 4 soon enough.

I don't think he was just being cute either...I think he said that because it's actually in beta.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 26, 2006
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A334 Safari/7534.48.3)

I think Apple would be smart to put Siri in the app store for like $10-20. Unless their servers would buckle or something. But at this point there's money waiting to be grabbed from 4 and 3GS owners who aren't upgrading to the 4S. They might as well grab it before the jailbreak community puts out a DIY hack. I say grab some money instead of playing the cat and mouse game.


macrumors P6
Feb 8, 2003
The Peninsula
It's not in the same league as iPhone updates.

Agree completely - because Apple has so few variations on the phone and a tightly controlled system, Apple usually offers an upgrade from verson N-2 and N-1 to the current version.

But because Android and WinMo (pre WP7) are more open, there are many more permutations.

In my experience with Samsung WinMo (pre WP7) phones, though, I've had a couple of Vm.n -> Vm.(n+1) upgrades and a Vm.n -> V(m+1).0 upgrade.

Yes, Apple raises the bar in upgrades (although some regret the IOS 4 upgrade on older hardware), but it's not right to state that other smartphone vendors haven't supported major upgrades.


macrumors newbie
Aug 10, 2011
Umm he chart looks odd.

I can't speak for the androids ones but the iphone and 3g graph doesn't seem right.

counting only the major releases, 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x then

the original iphone stopped at 3.0 which was released in 2009. it never saw 4.0

the 3G stopped at ios 4 which was released last year.

both work out to be ~2 years following release.

should the pattern continue the 3gs will not see ios 6. the 4 would not see ios 7. Assuming each year we get a new version.

it gets tricky though when you start counting 1.x.x. What would you call major and what would be considered minor.

iPhone (Original) :
--June 29, 2007
--February 2, 2010
--iOS 1.0 to iOS 3.1.3

iPhone 3G:
--June 9, 2008
--November 22, 2010
--iOS 2.0 to iOS 4.3

iOS 4.0: June 21, 2010 - First major release not available for original iPhone
iOS 5.0: October 12, 2011 - First major release not available for iPhone 3G

(June 21, 2010 - June 29, 2007)/365 = ???
(October 12, 2011 - November 22, 2010)/365 = ???

That means that the original iPhone was supported for 2.9808 year or realistically 3 years. The iPhone 3G was supported for 3.175 years.


macrumors 68040
Apr 14, 2010
Washington State
You know, I agree with people that this is a move by Apple to convince people to buy the 4S.

You know what? I'm fine with that. They spend money and resources developing it. They have to upkeep the servers and have the servers there for it to be used. Point of it is, it was not *free* for them to make or to maintain (it's still costing them money).

So yes, they are going to try to use it to encourage people to upgrade and they aren't just going to offer it for free so that there is no motivation to upgrade. I mean that is their motivation to spend money to maintain and develop Siri.

Anyways, while it would be neat to have Siri on the phone just for amusement value, the one thing I really wish my phone had was the voice transcription right in the keyboard.


macrumors 68020
Mar 4, 2005
So Appl includes it with the 4s. Let owners of the 4 and ipod touch have to buy it on the app store for $50.

Problem solved. It's like getting the latest version of iLife on the next revision of the iMac.

I don't see why Apple wouldn't take the opportunity to make some money and just call Siri "bundled software" with the new 4s. It could be a selling point, then. (comes with siri, a $50 value).

People who buy the cheap 4 or free 3gs could buy Siri if they wanted it.


macrumors P6
Feb 8, 2003
The Peninsula
I don't think that Steve would approve.

I can't wait for the name "Steve" to disappear from MacRumours. The sooner that people start to ask "Steve who?" the better for Apple.

Or at least for "Steve" to become as rare as the occasional funny "PowerBook G5" joke. (Note the nuance - only some of the "PowerBook G5" jokes are actually funny.)

We're in the post-Jobs era. (Not the "post-PC" or "post-Flash" or "post Blu-Ray" eras - they're still here and Jobs isn't.)

Even Jobs himself said that he didn't want Apple people to ask "what would Steve do".

Although, "I don't think that Steve would approve" will be a fun line for 5 to 10 years!


macrumors newbie
Aug 10, 2011
thank you for failing to read and understand the editorial I link you to explain why the chart was crap and is a bad chart.

I ask you to read and understand the editorial before you got back to me.

There's nothing to understand in the editorial. It's a mess of sentences that when views as a whole or as a paragraph make no sense; it conveys nothing.

Feature fragmentation isn't the problem. It's API fragmentation, security fragmentation. Who cares if the iPhone 3G is slow at running a new operating system? Have you run Windows 7 on a Pentium 4??? Get back to me when Microsoft optimizes it for the P4...

It's about keeping the operating system on the same security level and same API level. So that 1) users' data is stolen by security threats and 2) so that developers don't have to make multiple versions of the same app to run the platform.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 17, 2009
So Appl includes it with the 4s. Let owners of the 4 and ipod touch have to buy it on the app store for $50.

Problem solved. It's like getting the latest version of iLife on the next revision of the iMac.

I don't see why Apple wouldn't take the opportunity to make some money and just call Siri "bundled software" with the new 4s. It could be a selling point, then. (comes with siri, a $50 value).

People who buy the cheap 4 or free 3gs could buy Siri if they wanted it.


The upgrade from the 4 to the 4S isn't big enough to warrant and plenty of people are locked in to contracts anyway. Siri isn't a good enough reason to upgrade either IMHO, but I'd buy it for £30 or so on the app store just to play around with on my iPhone 4.

I agree that if Apple don't offer it as an extra for at least iPhone 4 customers, they shouldn't be surprised if people Jailbreak and take matters into their own hands. It's got to be one of the best reasons for jailbreaking to come along for a while now.


macrumors 68040
Mar 11, 2009
All right, it's able to respond to simple commands but what about "What's the weather like in Paris"... stuff that actually requires some thinking?


macrumors 6502a
Jul 10, 2007
Ulladulla, NSW Australia
Two things.

1. I never did understand why there was a hardware horsepower requirement for an app that essentially runs in the cloud on Apple's servers.

2. Why does it need to run in the cloud anyway? Wouldn't it be way faster to have Siri fully running on the phone and have it update it's brains over the air on on sync every day or so?


macrumors G3
Oct 1, 2005
Colorado Springs, CO
All right, it's able to respond to simple commands but what about "What's the weather like in Paris"... stuff that actually requires some thinking?
That's all server side computation.


Two things.

1. I never did understand why there was a hardware horsepower requirement for an app that essentially runs in the cloud on Apple's servers.

2. Why does it need to run in the cloud anyway? Wouldn't it be way faster to have Siri fully running on the phone and have it update it's brains over the air on on sync every day or so?
Even the A5 would struggle to quickly put out a response if it even could. The shear amount of questions you can ask a server farm is mind boggling. It needs to be connected to the net to make this technology worthwhile.
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macrumors 6502a
Aug 4, 2011
Too many Apple apologists. This was a douche move on Apple's part, no ifs ands or buts. Whats wrong with acknowledging that Apple is a corporation out to get as much money out of you it can? Why make excuses for them since they only care about your pocketbook?


macrumors 68000
Jan 29, 2003
Mineola TX
Once upon a time...

I like that video... especially when the guy said "Tell me a story". Siri replied with "Once upon a time... no, it's too silly." I decided to ask her the same question and she said the following:

"Once upon a time, in a virtual galaxy far:D far away, there was a young, quite intelligent agent by the name of Siri.

One beautiful day, when the air was pink and the all the trees were red, her friend Eliza said, "Siri, you're so intelligent, and so helpful — you should go to work for Apple as a personal assistant."

So she did. Than they all lived happily ever after."​

I was blown away!!! :D

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macrumors G3
Apr 21, 2003
Gather around youngins. Let me tell you a story about the days before Apple in the phone industry.

You bought a smartphone. The exact version of the software that came with that phone, was the only version of the software you would ever see. Bugs and all.


No Arn, you couldn't be more wrong. Gather around and I'll tell you reality: I remember getting firmware upgrades for my various Symbian smartphones before the iPhone era, such as updating the P900 firmware waaay back in 2003!

( Another example of why the rating system is broken - you got 40 positive clicks for your incorrect statement!! So far, I've got -1 for my factually correct statement. I'm sure -1 will grow to be much more negative! )
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macrumors newbie
Oct 29, 2011

Wow! They able to make Siri to talk with Apple servers without Internet connection (i.e., in Aeroplane mode)!


macrumors G3
Oct 1, 2005
Colorado Springs, CO
I like that video... especially when the guy said "Tell me a story". Siri replied with "Once upon a time... no, it's too silly." I decided to ask her the same question and she said the following:

"Once upon a time, in a virtual galaxy far:D far away, there was a young, quite intelligent agent by the name of Siri.

One beautiful day, when the air was pink and the all the trees were red, her friend Eliza said, "Siri, you're so intelligent, and so helpful — you should go to work for Apple as a personal assistant."

So she did. Than they all lived happily ever after."​

I was blown away!!! :D

I get screenshots texted almost daily from a friend with a 4S because of all the crazy stuff Siri says and answers correctly. Even in beta she's quite brilliant for a server farm.


macrumors member
Jul 14, 2011
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A334 Safari/7534.48.3)

antivista said:

Wow! They able to make Siri to talk with Apple servers without Internet connection (i.e., in Aeroplane mode)!

Go and grab your iPhone/iPod, turn Airplane Mode On, then turn WiFi On. It certainly works on the iPod at least.


macrumors 6502
Feb 16, 2011
Very typical. The iPhone 4 and iPad 1 are fully capable of running siri, just as they are able to mirror the image to a TV via airplay or with a cable - jailbroken devices can do so - but apple won't do it. So what is the point of "upgrading" when the best upgrades are left out of the older devices on purpose? You must buy a whole new device and hand in your cash. Great deal.


Oct 7, 2011
I find this way too entertaining. I had an iPhone 4. I wanted Siri. So I bought an iPhone 4S (well, I wanted 64 gb storage also :apple: )

People who are complaining about Siri not being on older hardware: go buy an Android.

People who want Siri, go buy an iPhone 4S.

People who are saying they are going to JB once it's available, remember Siri is on Apple's servers, and I'm sure it's pretty easy to re-weed out the iPhone 4 and iPod Touches with a Siri-brain-upgrade.

Quit complaining and enjoy the awesome phone you have. If you do that, I'll stop reading these ridiculous complaints and enjoy the awesome phone I have. With Siri. :)


macrumors 6502
Feb 16, 2011
Too many Apple apologists. This was a douche move on Apple's part, no ifs ands or buts. Whats wrong with acknowledging that Apple is a corporation out to get as much money out of you it can? Why make excuses for them since they only care about your pocketbook?

Thank you for pointing it out. Jesus. I'm getting tired of these forums. I barely come over anymore due to the amount of idiocy I read here. Some of us are capable of using Apple and still thinking objectively. I'm an apple user and - think apple is no better than a thief with a knife - (hyperbole of course). But I can't stand the hypocrisy of running commercials with gandhi's images while forcing foxcon to mount nets between buildings to capture "suicidees," or purposefully denying users updates to force upgrades. Yeah, I'm bashing.


macrumors G3
Apr 21, 2003
Thank you for pointing it out. Jesus. I'm getting tired of these forums. I barely come over anymore due to the amount of idiocy I read here. Some of us are capable of using Apple and still thinking objectively. I'm an apple user and - think apple is no better than a thief with a knife - (hyperbole of course). But I can't stand the hypocrisy of running commercials with gandhi's images while forcing foxcon to mount nets between buildings to capture "suicidees," or purposefully denying users updates to force upgrades. Yeah, I'm bashing.

Come to these news item forum discussion and treat them like entertainment, for a laugh. Bring your pop corn. Read all the incorrect BS that goes on. The last one I read is a claim that Apple were the first smartphone manufacturer to update their software! Prior to the iPhone, no smartphones ever got their firmware updated in its lifetime.

Other non news forums tend to be a lot better.
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