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macrumors newbie
Jun 29, 2010
This issue comes down to if you want to buy a bumper or case for your iPhone 4. If you are willing to, then GREAT. You will be enjoying the hell out of your iPhone 4.

If you don't want to buy a case or bumper because you'd rather have a "naked and pretty" phone that has reception issues and in turn allows you to continue to whine and bitch about it, then by all means do that. Go ahead and whine and bitch until you're blue in the face. Then when the return window is about to pass by, GO RETURN IT! Move on with your lives. Sad lives, but lives none the less.

People like this is why steve jobs thinks he is gonna get away with this. He is not.


macrumors member
Jun 10, 2009
Your right I am bitter, and having you tell me what to do doesn't make it any better.

I shouldn't have to take it back.

I'm starting to wonder how many people are commenting on this issue that dont even actually have one.

Wow...your post reminds me of the toddler that throws a temper tantrum and gets so hysterical that they are incapable of rational thought.
You have a perfectly easy solution: Return the object that is causing you so much anguish and get some other shiny object that will pacify you.

All the whiners are really starting to look like fools now because they continue to rage about their phone yet they cling to them like a life preserver!

This type of behavior is worthy of a psychological case study.


macrumors member
Jun 15, 2010
I like Jobs responses, I find them comforting.

This is definitely an issue. I've dropped way too many calls for it not to be. I've watched reception go from 5bars down to "searching" in 30 seconds by just touching that bottom left corner... :eek:

*something will be done* I have no doubt.

Still holding faith in:apple:


macrumors member
Jun 15, 2010
Wow...your post reminds me of the toddler that throws a temper tantrum and gets so hysterical that they are incapable of rational thought.
You have a perfectly easy solution: Return the object that is causing you so much anguish and get some other shiny object that will pacify you.

All the whiners are really starting to look like fools now because they continue to rage about their phone yet they cling to them like a life preserver!

This type of behavior is worthy of a psychological case study.
Thank you!
Thats what iv been trying to say!
and i have a iPhone 4, but mine isn't busted


macrumors regular
Oct 4, 2007
People like this is why steve jobs thinks he is gonna get away with this. He is not.

NO, it's because people won't return a phone that doesn't work for them. How hard is this to understand? Are we being forced to buy iphones? Is there no other option out there? Really? You can only be upset so much before you have to take responsibility for your own actions. If there were no return window, or the issue only came up after that window has closed, then maybe. But seriously, grow up a little and use the power of returning a product and speak with your wallet, otherwise, you deserve what you get.

My feeling however, is that you all KNOW (or think) that his Steviness will do something about it and are willing to put up with the problem until then, but still bitch anyway.


macrumors regular
Nov 21, 2008
Wow...your post reminds me of the toddler that throws a temper tantrum and gets so hysterical that they are incapable of rational thought.
You have a perfectly easy solution: Return the object that is causing you so much anguish and get some other shiny object that will pacify you.

All the whiners are really starting to look like fools now because they continue to rage about their phone yet they cling to them like a life preserver!

This type of behavior is worthy of a psychological case study.

Thats cool I remind you of that, but I am calm pal.

Now what would a study say about you, a person who takes time out of their day to go on the internet and insult crazy people?


macrumors regular
Jun 26, 2010
Wow...your post reminds me of the toddler that throws a temper tantrum and gets so hysterical that they are incapable of rational thought.
You have a perfectly easy solution: Return the object that is causing you so much anguish and get some other shiny object that will pacify you.

All the whiners are really starting to look like fools now because they continue to rage about their phone yet they cling to them like a life preserver!

This type of behavior is worthy of a psychological case study.

And I will return my phone -- but I would prefer to wait for Apple to issue a formal response -- and I feel that is only fair, isn't it?

If Apple comes out and says there is nothing they will do and firmly state this is not an issue (without a 'stay tuned'), I will happily return the phone and go back to my iphone 3G -- I will miss the speed and display, but at least I'll be able to make calls from my home :).

Are there really people out there that feel Apple shouldn't comment on this, officially?


macrumors regular
Jun 21, 2010
W0by, not true. The problem happens when the signal strength is relatively low in that area and you cup the bottom left tightly.

^^Emphasis added

Why don't people stop spewing garbage when they have no idea what they're talking about? It does NOT require a tight grip, or to wrap the whole hand around in a special way. It only requires the skin to contact the antenna seam.


macrumors regular
Nov 21, 2008
i'd just like to know wheretf the moderators are at.

It has become impossible to talk about iPhone 4 issues without being insulted.


macrumors 68020
May 1, 2009
How much to return it?

Doesn't returning the iPhone 4 imply a 10% restocking fee and an AT&T early termination fee? Wouldn't that mean you would have to lose out roughly 400$ plus the inconvenience?


macrumors regular
Oct 4, 2007
And I will return my phone -- but I would prefer to wait for Apple to issue a formal response -- and I feel that is only fair, isn't it?

If Apple comes out and says there is nothing they will do and firmly state this is not an issue (without a 'stay tuned'), I will happily return the phone and go back to my iphone 3G -- I will miss the speed and display, but at least I'll be able to make calls from my home :).

Are there really people out there that feel Apple shouldn't comment on this, officially?

You may be holding your breath and actually shoot yourself in the foot because of it. Trust me they are not going to take returns after the return window and you will not have a case.

Are you willing to accept your own personal responsibility if this happens and you miss the opportunity to return the product?


macrumors regular
Jun 26, 2010
Doesn't returning the iPhone 4 imply a 10% restocking fee and an AT&T early termination fee? Wouldn't that mean you would have to lose out roughly 400$ plus the inconvenience?

It's possible, but I seriously doubt they will try to get you to pay a restocking fee if you argue your point that the phone is defective, no matter what Apple has stated thus far.

I'd rather wait for a formal response though so I know for a fact I won't be hassled about a restocking fee and feel like I have to justify my return and argue until they offer to waive it.

Several people have commented that they were able to get the restocking fee waved for both AT&T and Apple Store returns.

But until there is an official statement, I'd have to say there is no guarantee.


Mar 28, 2010
i'd just like to know wheretf the moderators are at.

It has become impossible to talk about iPhone 4 issues without being insulted.

I agree and i would be pissed if my iPhone was not working but there is an issue on both sides. People like myself get insulted for having working phones and then get called liars if i refuse to show proof.

I'm 30 years old don't really feel like i should have to submit proof to a bunch of people who are faceless and the whole "Pics or it didn't happen" argument is stupid because if that's the case then why are people so quick to believe that Steve jobs sent this e-mail with no proof?

And i do get that there are people who are having problems with their phones but they make it seem like it's every iPhone user in the world that's having this issue and it is not.

And then there are people who pretty much hate apple and joined the forum pretending they are having issues to stir up drama.

People seem to be more pre-occupied with wanting Steve Jobs to take a beatdown then get the issue resolved. Sure the man has an EGO but then who doesnt?

There is a difference between being pissed because they hate the man and his company VS having a problem with their iPhone.


macrumors 68000
Sep 21, 2008
Georgia, USA
Also its just a smaller version of a sim card, its not some magical new version - it works in ANY phone.

in the UK o2 are sending out plastic adapters to make the mini sim full size again fi you want to put it in another phone.

Yeah, I know that they are no different other than size. I actually purchased a pack of 5 adapters about 2 weeks before ordering my iPhone 4, just in case there were any problems when I got it (and the new micro-SIM) and had to use another phone for a while.

Wow...your post reminds me of the toddler that throws a temper tantrum and gets so hysterical that they are incapable of rational thought.
You have a perfectly easy solution: Return the object that is causing you so much anguish and get some other shiny object that will pacify you.

All the whiners are really starting to look like fools now because they continue to rage about their phone yet they cling to them like a life preserver!

This type of behavior is worthy of a psychological case study.

NO, it's because people won't return a phone that doesn't work for them. How hard is this to understand? Are we being forced to buy iphones? Is there no other option out there? Really? You can only be upset so much before you have to take responsibility for your own actions. If there were no return window, or the issue only came up after that window has closed, then maybe. But seriously, grow up a little and use the power of returning a product and speak with your wallet, otherwise, you deserve what you get.

My feeling however, is that you all KNOW (or think) that his Steviness will do something about it and are willing to put up with the problem until then, but still bitch anyway.

Two more posts with rational thought and common sense? Holy hell....
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