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macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
As much as I want the best for the guy, I hope he leaves soon and the new CEO has different ideas, such as a more open app store, or separating the i from iOS X.

But please do get well soon Steve!

I wish Steve the best. I know Apple was survive perfectly fine without him since he hasn't performed day-to-day CEO duties in years (that's always been Cook's job).

However, I hope this doesn't lead to another year of the "meh" product announcements like the first half of 2009 (iPhone 3GS, barely updated iLife suite, beta, iTunes' move to tiered pricing, minimal hardware updates, etc).

These posts make it sound as if Apple operates at the whims of Jobs. This is ridiculous.

A succession plan was put in place after Jobs took his first leave. You can bank on it.

As for what's ahead in 2010 and beyond, Apple has a product roadmap that was created by its executive team and Apple will enact that plan whether or not Jobs is at the helm.

EDIT: Good article just crossed my Twitter feed.


macrumors member
Oct 24, 2008
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

What individual 'evidence' do you need? Something can't come from nothing.

Isn't that what you are saying the creator is? Something that came from nothing? To me it would seem you either believe it is possible that something comes form nothing or that it isn't. Furthermore, believing that it is possible does not define what things may or may not have come from nothing and there is nothing intrinsic in the theory that something CAN come from nothing that would limit it to being only possible for the creator of our universe. Perhaps there is a creator, and perhaps it to was created. Sooner or later you either have to conclude that there was a first thing, which I agree would seem impossible, or you have to conclude that you cannot understand, which is I feel is more likely. It is not your fault that you don't understand infinity and zero, neither do I, they are inherently beyond our capacity.


macrumors 68000
Sep 24, 2008
Boon Docks USA
Time for steve to hand off the torch and enjoy life with his family. Hopefully he can still be involved in a smaller capacity. Tim Cook can do the job. Plenty of great folks at apple to keep things rolling. Wish for a speedy recovery steve!


macrumors 6502a
Apr 18, 2008
So many things to respond to here.....

First and foremost apple is not going to die if Steve isn’t there.

This is probably true. I suspect the company, Apple, will continue to exist for some time after Steve Jobs has left.

Apple had difficulty in the 90’s not because there wasn’t Steve at the helm. But because the stupid board put an ex-Pepsi gut that had no idea how to run a technology company. Selling sodas does not qualify you to sell computers. DUH!

And you have some particular insight as to who the next CEO will be? You have foresight as to what vision / leadership that particular individual will have? That "stupid board" could very well make a similar move, when Steve Jobs is gone.

Apple lost focus and had too many products in it’s lineup. They didn’t benefit from the economy of scale because they didn’t sell enough of any one product.

Too many products?!!? You mean like an iPhone, an iPad, multiple versions of the iPod, a desktop model computer, multiple versions of laptop computers, a unique operating system for both the iPhone and iPad - as well as for computers, not to mention the software portion of the company (iTunes, iWorks suite, iPhoto, etc.) holy cow the wide and varied line of Apple products in 2011 is certainly much much larger than what they offered back in the non-Jobs days.

Steve may be a visionary but he don’t come up with every idea. There is a team of people doing that. Apple was granted almost 600 patents in 2010. Steve didn’t do that. Steve doesn’t design the product or write code.

True, he didn't do all that - but he did CONTROL all that. He was the ring-leader, the man at the top, the head honcho. He made the decisions on what products were released, how they were released, etc. I am sure there are some really fun rooms over there at Apple where there are some amazing products that have been produced and never seen the light of day. Whether the amazing product line continues beyond Steve Jobs is speculative, at best, right now.

As long as they have people at the top that don’t forget that Apple *IS* a brand and putting out crappy products hurts the brand they will be fine. As a share holder and having worked in the Silicon Valley for more than 20 years this doesn’t unnerve me.

I am sure that they didn't think the products they released during the non-Jobs era were "crappy" either.

I won’t be dumping my stock and I won’t be selling off my Apple products.

I wouldn't recommend any stock dumping right now. But it wouldn't surprise me at all to see Apple's stock value drop, should Jobs permanently leave the company.

Dr McKay

macrumors 68040
Aug 11, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

LagunaSol said:
Why the positive votes on this story ?

The self-loathing haters ever lurk.

As much as I hate the Apple circlejerk that goes on in regards to their products

Thanks for the mature, intelligent insight. :rolleyes:

shares were going to drop anyway, because they are inflated.

Keep thinking that. If anything, with $50 billion in the bank, the shares are still very undervalued. Their P/E is barely higher than the flatlined company Microsoft (no room left for significant growth) and is a fraction of Amazon's, even without all that cash factored in.

Sorry to say, but I'll be selling all shares at open and going short. I remember what happened last time Steve left Apple. Oh well, it was a good run while it lasted.

We'll see you back at $500. :p

Best wishes to Steve and his family. May he recover speedily. That said, Apple will continue on course. While Steve is certainly the propeller of progress at Apple, at times he's also an anchor. I've often wondered if the company could go even higher without his obsessive level of control sometimes dampening the possibilities. I guess we'll find out...someday.

The good news is Tim Cook is no Steve Ballmer. In a very, very positive way. :)

I'm not trying to argue, just present an option, but perhaps people are glad he finally took some time off to be with his family and focus on his health, instead of just on Apple, I mean, it was clearly taking it's toll on him.

Mr. Gates

macrumors 68020
Yes; Tim Cook put a HDMI, USB 3.0, Light peak ports and blu ray, to the iMac. Also, shove a dual core CPU and GPU, gyro, 8mp with 1080p vr, 3D no glasses display, retina display, 1gb RAM, iMovie desktop equivalent app, flash.... to the iPad.

Sorry Steve, but your decisions are rubbish: no blu ray, to increase itunes 720p sales; no flash, to increase sales of apps. Really, if you add blu ray, HDMI etc, then your sales will go up (with the right marketing.)

All good points , but I think this is more of a Get Well thread.

Your points are a little off topic I guess.

Hope Steve takes this time to reflect on his life and look at the whole picture before he makes any decisions


macrumors newbie
May 18, 2006
Let's face it folks. This is it for Steve. He will NOT come back. They are smart by announcing a 'medical leave of absence' as to not shake up the investors too much (but their stock will take a hit). They will let Tim Cook run things during some successful launches to show people he can get the job done.. then later announce Steve's retirement.

Actually, this is not the first time Tim Cook has been in charge. When he was in charge last time the company did very well.

Maybe you should actually look at the history before commenting.
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macrumors 65816
Sep 11, 2002
I found this interesting -- from Gruber.

Steve Jobs. It can be argued, Gruber maintains, that Steve Jobs' most important product -- the thing he's spent the better part of his energy building since he returned to Apple -- is not the Mac, the iPod, the iPhone or even the iPad. It's Apple Inc., the company. The pessimistic dig on Apple, says Gruber, is that it's a supremely well-organized company organized around one irreplaceable guy. The optimistic view is that Jobs has structured it to run like his other company, Pixar, which manages to turn out hit after hit, year after year, without a charismatic celebrity leader.

I like this because I agree with the optimistic point of view -- I haven't been disappointed by any Pixar film post-Jobs. It does prove that the culture can continue and it also gives hope that Steve hired specific people because they have equally visionary ideas


macrumors 68040
Mar 28, 2005
I hope he gets well soon.

Beyond the human reaction, which should go without saying really, in the context of Apple I might disagree with some decisions Jobs makes but it's difficult to ignore how visionary he has been with most of his work. Long may it continue ( general, except for the things I disagree with! ;) )


macrumors 603
Oct 29, 2007
For all we know, he's already been on leave. With up to 4 apple events over the next 6 months (iPad 2, new Mbps, iOS 5, iPhone 5) and the financial call tomorrow, it makes more sense to announce this now than explain away hid absence at all of these. It could be cancer again, trouble with his organ, etc.

One thing I get the impression of is that he won't retire. He'll dictate product plans from his death bed even if he's not acting CEO. At least, that's my impression.


macrumors 68000
Jan 11, 2010
I think he is going to take some time to decide which App to buy with his dollar salary he just earned with another year as CEO. Choose carefully Steve. Pick a good one.

Seriously though. I hope its just rest he needs and that this is not something serious.

May all those currently convalescing have a speedy recovery and a great 2011!


macrumors 68030
Apr 15, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

Having a family member battling cancer, I can say this much:

Pancreatic cancer, then a liver transplant and now this LOA likely means his cancer has metastized. Not a great prognosis if true.

Best wishes Steve.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 8, 2006
Saint Charles, MO
A lot can happen in 6 months. It can either go north or south. Hope Steve Jobs get better. I'm surprised AAPL is up $2.80 a share at the moment. Better keep an eye on it later this week.
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