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macrumors member
Jul 10, 2008
well this reminds me of how finite life is and of how much we are helpless concerning health issues.
I mean I love Apple gadgets and stuff, but at the end of the day, in a hundred years from now, what will matter then? Where will you spend eternity?

"You do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." James 4:14

cocky jeremy

macrumors 603
Jul 12, 2008
Sounds a bit grim. :(
Yeah. I don't get a good feeling about it this time. Hopefully i'm wrong.. really, really wrong.

Tim Cook has proven his ability to run the mothership whilst Jobs isn't there. I hope it's nothing as serious as the other problems he's had over the past decade, but in the meantime Apple itself will continue.

Once Steven leaves permanently, which has to happen eventually, i'm sure Apple will be fine. I'm more worried about Apple once Cook, Schiller, Ives, etc retire and Jobs isn't around (retired, not dead, hopefully) to pick executives anymore.


macrumors 65816
Apr 18, 2010
Hopes he gets better soon. Not that money itself is a cure, but at least he can afford what ever it is he needs. :p

Fast Shadow

macrumors 6502a
Feb 9, 2004
Hollywood, CA
Wow, this news sounds grim. I hope Steve is able to recover and perhaps decides to spend time with his family from now on, maybe let Apple/Disney/Pixar and the stress that comes with them go.


macrumors 68000
Jan 8, 2009
I've been a mac owner since '84 when Steve had much more hair and was probably even a bigger arsehole than he is now.

That being said, I truly admire what the guy did with this company. Looking back then and seeing where Apple is today... Wow. Just wow. This was no accident or a classic case of "being in the right spot at the right time" either.

All because of a freaking music player - from a computer maker even. Go figure.

I have no idea how much technical "hands on" this guy has on the company but I suspect he truly is visionary in what products should look like before they are released. If Steve stays away I truly think that vision will be lost over time.

Get well.


macrumors regular
Jul 27, 2010
Good time for a Dividend announcement

Best wishes Steve.

My first wife died of cancer, so I know first-hand how serious these sorts of diseases are to those involved.

Sell-off is probably likely because most investors have been hearing for years that when Steve steps down that the price will tank.

Bad things is that Apple has allowed the stock to remain a growth stock by not offering any dividend (even though it's got hoards of cash).

Reward those investors who decide to stick it out with a dividend. Make it payable to holders as of one week from now, and promise one for the next 8 quarters minimum.


macrumors 65816
Aug 16, 2008
People get cancer and other diseases every day, some will die and some survive.

SJ is no different.

So, whilst I have no sympathy for the man and certainly no ill will I just hope his family can cope with what is likely to happen.

With regards tech, well SJ has been putting the industry backwards for years with less and less capable machines, so his leave of absence could hopefully a good thing to get everything back on track with better and much more fully fetaured hardware.

I also think that for a man who has courted and 'played' the media to sing his tune for so long that his cry for privacy now is a bit 'rich'

Mr. Chewbacca

macrumors 6502a
Apr 27, 2010
Dallas TX

Who are the 60+ people that voted this article to be positive? Who would actually be happy. Even if you don't like the guy that is a dick move


Mar 4, 2006
Why? They don't suddenly stop working when Steve Jobs is away from Apple. :rolleyes:
Yes they do. iPhones drop calls, Macs kernel panic, even iPods get stuck on Celine Dion.

Best he sticks them all up on eBay.


macrumors member
Oct 13, 2010
my answer to anyone saying that APPLE is doomed is this article from CNET:

As Apple CEO Steve Jobs takes another medical leave of absence, he again leaves the company he founded in the care of his chief operating officer, Tim Cook. So who is Cook?
A reserved and private man, Cook has been thrust into the spotlight for the third time in eight years, taking over temporarily for what many would say is the irreplaceable Jobs.
A former Compaq executive, Cook joined Apple in 1998 as a senior vice president of worldwide operations. He was promoted to chief operating officer in 2004. Before Compaq, Cook also spent 12 years at IBM, where he ran manufacturing and operations for the company's PC business.
Known for completely restructuring Apple's manufacturing operations, Cook insisted that Apple shut down its overseas factories and farm out the work to third-party manufacturers. As a result, the company has cut down its inventory and improved margins on its entire product lineup. He's intensely focused on cutting costs as well, and though far from the leading computer maker in the world by volume, Apple is known for reaping the most profits per computer it produces.
Since Cook's last time subbing for an ailing Jobs two years ago, Apple has better than doubled its cash reserves to more than $50 billion.
Though Apple refuses to publicly comment on its eventual succession plans for who will head the company after Jobs leaves someday, Cook is regarded by some as the logical choice. He doesn't have Jobs' charisma or knack for knowing what customers want in a phone or computer product, but he runs the company in the way Jobs has long envisioned.
Cook's profile has grown steadily in the last few eyars. He is Jobs' right-hand man at shareholder events, and has completely handled earnings calls with analysts for last few years. Recently he has played a more prominent role at product launches. Perhaps foreshadowing today's news, it was Cook and not Jobs who flew to New York last week to join Verizon COO Lowell McAdam at the high-profile launch of the first iPhone on Verizon's network.
Apple is scheduled to report its first-quarter fiscal 2011 earnings tomorrow after 1 p.m. PT.


macrumors member
Dec 2, 2001
The press release gives little sign of optimism. The shares will plummet I guess.(

Yes, the shares will go downhill. But: Apple is now a strong company, has excellent product lines and a wonderful team of engineers and marketeers. So: Regardless whether Steve Jobs will recover soon, later or not at all, Apple will survive !!

IMHO Steve needs rest. That is all. And he has right now no great project in the pipeline, so he steps back and is honest enough to let everybody know.

Good choice !!


macrumors 68020
Feb 23, 2010
Lagrange Point
Lets keep politics out of this... ;-)

...One thing is for sure is that he will die at some point. We all share that honor....

Speak for yourself. I have been working on the problem for quite a few years. Short term, the solution is using synthetic viruses to administer telomerase to all cells. Unfortunately, this disables one of the bodies best defenses against cancer. (When a chromosome runs out of telomere, it stops replicating.) One solution is to create an enzyme that selectively destroys the cell walls of cancer cells. This has side effects and needs to be redesigned for each cancer (It works fine for cancer that has metastasized from one location to the next).

Longer term, I hope to use something like an FMRI to scan a persons brain into a computer. I do not currently have the hardware available to do this. Hoping to get my hands on it in the next 100 years or so. 80 years ago, people thought I was crazy just because I talked about electronic thinking machines. In a few hundred years, I don't think anyone will find this unusual at all.



macrumors 68020
Apr 12, 2010
People get cancer and other diseases every day, some will die and some survive.

SJ is no different.

So, whilst I have no sympathy for the man and certainly no ill will I just hope his family can cope with what is likely to happen.

With regards tech, well SJ has been putting the industry backwards for years with less and less capable machines, so his leave of absence could hopefully a good thing to get everything back on track with better and much more fully fetaured hardware.

I also think that for a man who has courted and 'played' the media to sing his tune for so long that his cry for privacy now is a bit 'rich'

what do you mean SJ is no different? He's GOD!


macrumors 68000
Aug 20, 2009
Preston, UK
Personally I have never really cared for the man that much at all. Having said that, I don't wish ill health on anyone and I do wish him a very speedy recovery.

No one can deny that the man has done the most amazing things over the years. He has influenced and shaped the technology industry along with his way of thinking. I'm sure his vision will be greatly missed in the day-to-day running at Apple.

As for the future of Apple without him (whether it be short term or long term), I think that the company is a very well run and brilliantly organised. There are some extremely talented people there. I seriously doubt that Apple would not have put a succession plan in place. The foundations are extremely solid and I can see them continue to go from strength to strength.

Get well Steve.
Last edited:


macrumors 68020
Feb 23, 2010
Lagrange Point
Who are the 60+ people that voted this article to be positive? Who would actually be happy. Even if you don't like the guy that is a dick move

Search engines spider the entire site. They click on each link registering as false votes. Don't get your tail in a not.

Not that a few stupid people don't click on it just because they are evil.


macrumors 601
Apr 3, 2003
Who are the 60+ people that voted this article to be positive? Who would actually be happy.

Consulting my Ignore list would provide you with a good chunk of those 60.

Speaking of which, this thread is another good opportunity to add to the Ignore list. The haters keep springing up like weeds. :(


macrumors 6502a
May 31, 2006
I think the stock will drop about 5% this week but then climb back up and beyond as good earnings and exciting new products and profits from the partnership with Verizon start coming in.

Get well Steve, Apple will be in good hands.


macrumors 65816
Feb 7, 2008
Pancreatic cancer, then a liver transplant and now this LOA likely means his cancer has metastized. Not a great prognosis if true.

Best wishes Steve.

Unfortunately, just looking at the prognosis on pancreatic cancer and SJ's general appearance would suggest that.


macrumors 6502
Feb 15, 2005
Who are the 60+ people that voted this article to be positive? Who would actually be happy. Even if you don't like the guy that is a dick move

Perhaps people who:

1) are jerks, or

2) see jobs needing to focus on his health as more important than his day-to-day presence at Apple.


macrumors 6502
Jan 5, 2010
Pune, India
Love him or hate him, or be indifferent about it, one cant deny the massive part he's played on the world of computing and electronics.

Hope he gets better soon, for his own, if not the whole computing worlds sake.


macrumors 603
Feb 3, 2008
Essex (UK)
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2; en-gb; GT-P1000 Build/FROYO) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

I just thought I'd chime in with my best wishes to the man.

He is a modern day tech visionary in my eyes. Hope he recovers swiftly and gets some decent rest.
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