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macrumors member
Oct 24, 2008
Bill Gates. Thank you very much.

Agreed what Gates did with MS was extraordinary. I cant help but wonder if we will be saying that about Zuckerberg, Schmidt and Brin someday as well.

EDIT: Lets just hope Cook is not the next Ballmer
Last edited:


macrumors 603
Feb 22, 2009
A lot can happen in 6 months. It can either go north or south. Hope Steve Jobs get better. I'm surprised AAPL is up $2.80 a share at the moment. Better keep an eye on it later this week.

The stock market is closed today for Martin Luther day.
Perhaps you are looking at yesterday's close.
7% drop AAPL in Germany today.


macrumors 65816
Sep 26, 2007
A few thoughts...
Apple clearly released this info today, a non-trading day, to let the news churn for a day without immediate impact.
We'll no doubt see a hit tomorrow, but I expect the other reason for this timing is because they're about to announce mind-boggling numbers after closing.

A year ago, I would have had more concern about less Steve involvement than I do today. The big products have all been announced, and what remains over the next several years is execution, which Apple has in spades.
I think the only thing left that needs Steve's powers is negotiations with content providers, and again, Apple's power here lies in its momentum at least as much as it does in Jobs himself.

If you hold AAPL, selling tomorrow would be a classic blunder, even with the inevitable short term hit. You wont' beat the automated trading and you're guaranteed to be just locking in your losses.


macrumors 65816
Nov 26, 2003
I'm not trying to argue, just present an option, but perhaps people are glad he finally took some time off to be with his family and focus on his health, instead of just on Apple, I mean, it was clearly taking it's toll on him.

Nah. Some doctors say "rest" because they think that's what the patient and family wants to hear; it's comforting. But unless you're at risk for popping stitches or having a massive coronary, do what keeps you engaged with your life and moving around. Lying around at home doesn't promote healing, and it's not good to focus on possible impending doom. So Jobs has done so far what he wanted to do and we're all better off for it. INAD, but any toll taken has been the disease, not the work.

louis Fashion

macrumors 6502a
Jan 22, 2010
Arizona, USA
Buy Buy Buy

The press release gives little sign of optimism. The shares will plummet I guess. Get well soon Steve :(

Yes the shares will plummet, if you are in the market, buy on the dip.
I have confidence in Mr. Cook. As long as AAPL concentrates on quality, we will be ok.

Best wishes to SJ!


macrumors 68040
Apr 14, 2010
Washington State
I wish people would stop acting like Steve Jobs is the only person out there that can have creative vision and be innovative. Or that he is the only person in Apple that has ideas (or rather that he is the only reason Apple does well). Or even more drastic, that this is the end of any good computers ever!

Sure, the stock is going to take a hit cause of this attitude, people are scared of change. But I'm willing to see what Apple does without him before I say they are ruined without him. Personally, I liked Apple computers when he wasn't CEO as much as when he was. He's not the only reason why Apple makes great computer products, there are several people behind that computer/iphone/ipod.

What he brought was good marketing and direction. But that's not to say that there is no one else that can move Apple (or another computer company) in new and innovative ways. If nothing else, if Apple does lose vision and loses its way and Microsoft is still flailing, this leaves an opening for some one new and innovative to show people something new and exciting. They'll just have to start like Apple was/is, the underdog amongst other companies that have larger support.

Heh, shoot, if stock prices got cheap enough from all the FUD I think I'd be willing to buy a little just as a gamble cause I don't think this is the death knell of Apple.


macrumors 603
Aug 22, 2007
Maybe it's an American thing, but for us Europeans, a message beginning simply with "Team,..." instead of something like "Dear Team,..." sounds rather, let's say, disrespectful. You'd only do this in the military.

Besides that, I think one does not need a a PhD in Mathematics to calculate the probability of Steve's health forcing him to retire permanently in the very near future.

I don't think that Apple will stay a shining star without him, but it would still be interesting to know who will be in charge once he's left the company.

Wow, negative much? Honestly, do people need to analyze everything he says. Remember man, he's human just as you are. Everybody has said something that didn't appear to be "proper", no need to take it out of context.


macrumors 68000
Jan 11, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

Watch those shares drop!

Hurray for you!

You must be into derivatives.


macrumors 68020
Feb 23, 2010
Lagrange Point
Many people are speculating on what is wrong with Mr. Jobs. That is irresponsible. Medical conditions are complex. He could have very bad problems, he could be having a hard time keeping his weight and just need a bit less stress for a bit. There is a very real chance that he just needs a change in lifestyle.

Lets just hope he did not slip in the shower, hit his head and start using Windows computers.

Nah. Some doctors say "rest" because they think that's what the patient and family wants to hear; it's comforting. But unless you're at risk for popping stitches or having a massive coronary, do what keeps you engaged with your life and moving around. Lying around at home doesn't promote healing, and it's not good to focus on possible impending doom. So Jobs has done so far what he wanted to do and we're all better off for it. INAD, but any toll taken has been the disease, not the work.

Yes and no. People need to stay engaged, however, stress is a bad thing. It decreases immune function. Working 40 hours a week give or take is good. Working 80 hours a week with constant deadlines and crisis after crisis, not so much.


Jun 6, 2010
Steve Jobs should really be given the privacy he needs to get over whatever it is that's wrong. Personally speaking, if I was as rich as him and had a liver transplant and cancer I would have given up work loooooooooooooooong ago! Sure, he has passion for Apple etc, but your health is more important than anything! Tim Cook should be CEO permanently and just leave Jobs his security pass to come and visit now and again, on the days he isn't relaxing at home reading, painting or just chilling with his family. Apple will still go from strength to strength as a brand and create amazing products.


macrumors 68020
Feb 23, 2010
Lagrange Point
I think the one thing Mr. Jobs does that no other CEO can pull off, he can do the things no one else likes. If any other CEO were at the head of Apple, they would have caved in and the iPhone would be more open. This would be a mistake. It takes someone with the respect of the industry to do the right thing when everyone else wants you to make a drastic mistake.


macrumors 6502
Oct 18, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

Wow. I can't believe Apples stock is the highest it's ever been and approaching the most valuable company in history. I really hope investors see that the new products this year should develop Apple's market presence even more.


Jun 6, 2010
I had the opportunity to actually meet Steve Jobs right after his Macworld 2000 keynote address, where he introduced Mac OS X for the first time. I broke through the crowds at the front of the room, and made my way to Jobs, where I shook his hand and talked with him for about 2 minutes. I was 17 years old at the time. He was very friendly to me, and excited to hear that I was Vice President of my Mac Usergroup here in Fort Worth, TX. I told him I was excited about seeing Aqua and Mac OS X and I couldn't wait to get my hands on it. I told him about the Macs I currently owned, and that we had just gotten my Dad an iMac, his first computer ever. Jobs was very friendly and actually took the time to talk to me and seemed interested in what I was telling him. I turned to my side as I was about to walk off the stage, and there was Jonathan Ive! I said, "You are Jonathan Ive, right?" and he said "Yeah." I told him I really loved the design of the iMac and all the new Mac products that were being designed (this was right after he had started at Apple as head of Industrial Product Design).

This was in January of 2000, 11 years ago, and Jobs had some weight on him, he was in good health, and he had a full head of hair which was brown, not grey. He looked quite like a different person back then than his fail, aged looking self of today. I am really, really saddened by this news today. I have always been a fan of Steve Jobs, he is the visionary behind Apple, and because of his leadership, strategy, and pure Vision he has turned a company that was on the brink of bankruptcy in 1996-1997 into the 2nd largest company in the world!! It is absolutely amazing to see where Apple has come in fourteen years. Absolutely unbelievable. Mac OS X, the iPod, the iPhone, the iPad, the transition to intel, The iTunes store, the App Store. and innovation after innovation have transformed this company from a niche exclusive computer company into the largest technology company in the world!! The vision of "Think different" will always be a legacy at Apple because of Jobs.

I will really miss this man. Keynote after keynote, no CEO in the world is as intimately involved in his company and understands each of his products and the inner workings of the company and its technology as much as Jobs. He really understands things, and he is a business and marketing genius when it comes to demonstrating and selling products. He is the CEO, and unlike other major technology CEOs like Steve Ballmer, Jobs actually understands his products and he is passionate about what he does, every single day. I really hope that Jobs can recover from this one, and I hope this is not the end of an era for Steve Jobs. It has been apparent that his health has been failing him, he has not gained very much weight since his comeback and has been looking very thin with a gravelly voice. It has been amazing that Jobs has even been able to function as CEO during his time. We all wish him the best, and hope for a full recovery back to health as soon as possible.

We love you Steve,
We wish you all the best,
You saved my favorite company (The one you started and returned to)
The future of Apple now has never been brighter,
Only the best days still lie ahead.

Recover soon, be healthful, live long, and strong.
We want you back soon!

Get well soon Steve, we will miss you.

"PRAISE THE LORD FOR THE STEVE JOBS" EEEK (sorry, but you sound like you are holding a vigil or standing a pulpit.)


Mar 7, 2007
Midwest America.
One word: Dinosaurs

Lets keep politics out of this... ;-)

If it is true that Steve has one or more carcinoids, it is possible that this is a relapse and with treatment he could be back. If this is rejection of the liver transplant then he has a tough road ahead but could survive it.

One thing is for sure is that he will die at some point. We all share that honor. If Steve is the visionary that we all seem to think that he is he is well aware of that fact and has been allowing others to chip in and direct Apple products and Apple's future to a point. I would think that the very last thing that any CEO would want to do is create a 'cult of personality' around their running the company that makes them irreplaceable. Yes, I am aware of the 'cult of Steve' that runs under and through a lot of the lore of Apple. I am also aware that the stock will take a beating after something more permanent happens (retirement, disablement, death) but that's life in Wall Street. Apple will survive. Heck, they are sitting on so much liquid cash that they could literally produce a few bottom sucking products and still survive.

Still, it is rather humbling... And perhaps a moment to think of buying Apple stock, or to short it in the next six months or so...
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