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macrumors 68010
Jul 23, 2008
But Tim, can you expand on the speculation that the next iPhone won't have any significant upgrades?

Tim - Next question, please.


macrumors newbie
May 9, 2016
Lol what is he gonna say? "It's crap. The future looks terrible. The iPhone 7 will not sell well. Sell your stock now!"

Well yes he is required to say that, if that is the truth. SEC rules require the Board to be truthful and to warn of threats to the business.
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macrumors 6502
Jun 26, 2007
Lol what is he gonna say? "It's crap. The future looks terrible. The iPhone 7 will not sell well. Sell your stock now!"
I would have made sure it wasn't crap before it gets released. They [Apple] delayed products in the past to make it better, if it wasn't ready. In fact, iPhone itself was usually released annually in the summer and now it's in the autumn, so why not delay it again if iPhone 7 is going to be garbage? At least call it iPhone 6s+ or something!


macrumors G3
Sep 20, 2006
There & Back Again
How could he not say anything but that? He has to keep up pretences with the stockholders. Having said that, it will do fine yet again, people love iPhones.


macrumors 6502
Sep 13, 2012
Niagara Falls, NY
Ok, what if all the released mock ups are just a ploy by Apple to show us something bad and, so when the show us the iPhone 7 in all it's glory, it's really great?

Yea, I know, wishful thinking.

My wife, not really into macs, recently bought an xps 15. It's been problems for a week now. Dead pixels, scratchy speaker, laggy touchpad, and weird issues with windows shrinking to quarter of the screen. Exchanged it. Same deal except the speakers seem better.

Nothing against windows 10 besides it doesn't work great with high res screens, still can't support a great touchpad, and needs reinstalled each year. The xps 15's screen is a beauty though.

The surface book looked ok but dual core and shaky hinge. Don't need gaming laptops. The rest of them suck. Not sure why dell chose alienware 13 to for its OLED screen debut. That might've been interesting for the xps 13.

So I talked her into waiting for the macbook pro in Oct after installing parallels on her older 13 MBP.

It's not so much Apple isn't compelling, it's just that the competition is even less compelling. That's not to say I don't use windows. I need windows for work programs. I was strictly a windows user since it saw light. I attended MS events, certified in Office from day one, know excel like the back of my hand, etc. I just prefer macOS these days.

Sorry you are having issues with your Dell XPS 15. I have a 4 year old Dell XPS 17" 1920x1200 resolution. Does doesn't support Windows 10 on this device, yet, I put it on it. It runs flawlessly at 1920x1200. Also, I have a dell workstation at work, running 3 monitors, all 1920x1200, no issues what so ever. Maybe the XPS 15 is just flakey. My experience with Windows 10 has been nothing but positive.

IJ Reilly

macrumors P6
Jul 16, 2002
No chance. It is a new market and Apple is dominating it. Reports are that watchOS 3.0 radically improves the usefulness of the current watch. And since they never leak hardware updates on these calls, you can't read anything into them not mentioning one.

I think the watch is mainly a biometric touch point coupled with a convenient Siri connection point. As Siri and home kit and other factors become more powerful and interconnected, having Siri right there on your wrist could be the killer app for the watch. And the watch will be the only place to get the biometric information.

Jeepers, a substantive comment. Did you get lost on the way to somewhere else? ;)

Seriously, the vast majority of critical posters in these threads assume that Apple doesn't have a plan because they can't figure out what it is, and Tim Cook doesn't lay it all out for them. As if Steve ever telegraphed any of Apple's plans. Playing their cards very close to the vest is what Apple is all about and Cook plays them even closer than Steve did. MR could present more analysis, but that doesn't seem to be as interesting to them as publishing fantasy mockups of unreleased products. So we get what we get.

To your point, to me it's clear that Apple is fitting together pieces of a larger jigsaw puzzle. Even if we don't know what that picture will look like when the pieces are snapped into place doesn't mean they don't know. I am certain they do know.


macrumors 604
Sep 23, 2003
This gives the user more choices from better audio to options like surround sound.

No it doesn't, those choices are already available. Removing the headphone jack doesn't add anything, it just takes away.
Other than it is a dead technology, you will be able to get better sound out of the new design.

It's not a dead technology. And no, you won't get better sound out of it. Nothing is inherently better about it, and if you want an external DAC or some other option you can do that already.
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macrumors 68040
Aug 16, 2011
Philadelphia Area
The first iPhone I will skip. Sadly....

Edit: For one sole reason, the missing headphone jack.

Hmm..Ok, so you want the iphone 7. And you're sad that you will be skipping it. And the reason you are skipping it is because there is no headphone jack.

I've heard a few people saying this exact same thing and it blows my mind. The only reason you're skipping a phone that u otherwise really want is because of this? It doesn't make any sense. Use an adapter OR better yet get a wireless set of headphones which are going to sound much better, eliminate all of those annoying cords, and overall be a much better listening experience. it's an improvement. Bite the bullet and just go ahead and replace them with a nice wireless pair. Don't even bother with an adapter. cut the cord already.

Did you do the same when we went from 30 pin to lightning?


Oct 21, 2008
Time, because it rules EVERYTHING!
I respect your opinion and you mention some great points, but the Apple Watch will not be killed off any time soon. If you recall, Apple did hire a set of Health experts to expand on Apple Watch technology approximately 8 months ago, apply for secondary patents, and Cook said the Watch will continue to evolve. We will at least see a version two. Price cuts mean nothing in terms of a failing product.

The Watch continues to expand past health and notifications with remote, Apple Pay, Maps and accessing your home. I know the Watch is hated big time on Macrumors, but I believe it's way more successful then most expect. I live In a fairly populated area and I remember when I received mine, I felt like I was the only one who owned one, now, today, I see at least 60/70 people a day with one, and not the same people, all ages. So, it's out their. Why Apple won't release numbers is beyond me. But rest assured, Apple Watch 2 is coming.

The Apple Watch has been a sales flop for Apple, if it was hitting their targets they would be mentioning it in their quarterly results. But they never have.
it's overpriced for the market too, hence the price cut to invite more sales.
And now a rumour from a site with a poor record of accuracy, that claims an update will appear over two years after the original?

We shall see what happens but don't say I didn't tell you if they drop the Apple Watch.
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Mar 23, 2006
I don't share his optimism. From what I've seen and read the iPhone 6SE could potentially be an almighty flop. I can't see the "must have the latest thing" brigade rushing out to spend a lot of money on the iPhone 6SE if it has the same basic design. Sales of the 6s have been significantly lower than sales of the 6 which just shows how many people only upgrade when the design changes.
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Jul 12, 2016
The Apple Watch has been a sales flop for Apple, if it was hitting their targets they would be mentioning it in their quarterly results. But they never have.
it's overpriced for the market too, hence the price cut to invite more sales.
And now a rumour from a site with a poor record of accuracy, that claims an update will appear over two years after the original?

We shall see what happens but don't say I didn't tell you if they drop the Apple Watch.

If they drop the Apple Watch, you will be the first person I contact to say you were correct.


macrumors 68020
Oct 10, 2014
[QUOTE="sulpfiction, post: 23169480, member: 608103"/,]

I've heard a few people saying this exact same thing and it blows my mind. The only reason you're skipping a phone that u otherwise really want is because of this? It doesn't make any sense. Use an adapter OR better yet get a wireless set of headphones which are going to sound much better, eliminate all of those annoying cords, and overall be a much better listening experience. it's an improvement. Bite the bullet and just go ahead and replace them with a nice wireless pair. Don't even bother with an adapter. cut the cord already.

Did you do the same when we went from 30 pin to lightning?[/QUOTE]/

Actually wireless headphones objectively have worse quality than wired headphones. It's small but it's true. Plus a hell of a lot more expensive. Not so simple for many people. I brought a pair of £260 headphones that were £100 more for wireless. No thanks.


Jun 28, 2015
Western Hemisphere
Looks down at my 6+... is this my 3rd one? Maybe. Never really loved it. Not like that first time I used a 4.
I agree. Imagine if Apple wanted us to upgrade our 1000$ laptops every 2 years. We'd be rolling on the floor laughing everyday.
The burning desire to upgrade has met with the Slap of Reality... Full Price Phones.

Suddenly the consumer wakes up to the realization that iPhones cost more than a mere $199.
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macrumors 68000
Oct 17, 2008
Hmm..Ok, so you want the iphone 7. And you're sad that you will be skipping it. And the reason you are skipping it is because there is no headphone jack.

I've heard a few people saying this exact same thing and it blows my mind. The only reason you're skipping a phone that u otherwise really want is because of this? It doesn't make any sense. Use an adapter OR better yet get a wireless set of headphones which are going to sound much better, eliminate all of those annoying cords, and overall be a much better listening experience. it's an improvement. Bite the bullet and just go ahead and replace them with a nice wireless pair. Don't even bother with an adapter. cut the cord already.

Did you do the same when we went from 30 pin to lightning?

This is not a phone that I really really want. I will just get a new free iPhone anyway. Actually I don't need one, I will get one with my contract every two years and this year is when I get my new phone. So I will either get a 6S or a 7 and sell it and keep my 6 for two more years.

I am a musician and I have a very good pair of headphones at home plus a few good ones in the studio and some quality light ones for traveling. I don't want adapters in every place and for every headphone. I also don't want one constantly hanging on the phone. I also don't want to replace all of my headphones for wireless ones.

30 pin to lightning was a pain in the ass too. Had to buy lots of new cables for my guitar and my music and hifi gear at home.

It blows my mind when people can't think outside of their own situation. You may have just one pair of headphones. You may have a cheap pair of headphones. You may still have the headphones your iPhone came with. Or you may even have no good ear so headphones are not where you put a lot of money into. So you have no idea why the headphone jack is so important to so many people.


macrumors 6502
Mar 16, 2010
How good is the DAC/Audio playback hardware in the iPhone what happens if you want a better hardware, wait for a new phone and hope it is better? This gives the user more choices from better audio to options like surround sound.
Sorry but it does NOT give the user more choices! Lightning Headphones already exist do NOT have to take away basic functionality (the 3.5 Jack) to make those work.
So in fact by taking away the 3.5 you are taking away a MASSIVE Number of choices -> all hardware based on that connector!

So the only added choices for customers are:
a) waste the added battery life on using bluetooth headphones (with inferious soundquality)
b) buy a dongle (which more then sets off any advantage of a smaller phone)
c) buy a lightning headphone (which will most likely be much more expensive or far inferiour in quality and only work with apple products...)
Yeah, awesome move!
Similar complaints were said when Apple removed Ethernet from their MacBook like.
...and it is still true today. I always have to carry around a bunch of adapters and dongles because most corporate customers do not like wireless...especially when it comes to security and privacy.


macrumors regular
Feb 11, 2016
Austin TX
Do you have a 5K iMac by chance? I want to be fair here and say this computer is 100x better than any PC I've come across all around. I am well aware the Macbook Pro's have been neglected though.

Nope I got 2007 Mac Mini that is surviving. I seen videos online where people compare specs and performance on pro mac and similar specked pc that cost 1/2 and it wasn't comparable and mac lost. If you compare other flagship phones with iphone the iphone is usually better if not on par with the best of the best phones


macrumors 68000
Sep 16, 2012
If the 7 has a better screen, with higher res, I might upgrade.

So a laminated screen , with true tone, a deeper black and at least a 1704x960 for the 7 and a 2208x1242 for the 7+/pro.

Would definitely make me upgrade.

Don' t care about the changing design that much, the screen with the faster soc, better camera are enough.
If they could just reduce its height and width a little bit to trim bezels, and it will be a killer.


macrumors 65816
Aug 11, 2003
In what world?

People said the exact some thing about the floppy drive and SCSI when Apple pulled it.

The 3.5mm analog jack was a band-aid from the beginning. The 1/4 phone jack is better in almost every way but of course it is too big for mobile devices. The digital output will give people more options when in comes to audio quality.

“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”
- Henry Ford


macrumors 65816
Jul 18, 2002
This is the kind of post that makes me avoid this place.
This is trolling of the worst kind, and the fact that its tolerated here is a joke.
That isn't trolling, it is listing what he feels are shortcomings of the product.

Step away from the RDF.
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macrumors 6502
Sep 13, 2012
Niagara Falls, NY
The 3.5mm analog jack was a band-aid from the beginning. The 1/4 phone jack is better in almost every way but of course it is too big for mobile devices. The digital output will give people more options when in comes to audio quality.

They can use digital output now. You use it if you plug your iPhone into a usb port in your car. There are already lightning headphones people can buy. So, your point is mute. The headphone jack is not a bandaid. It's a standard, while old, a true and tested one for years. Why fix it if it's not broken? The idea to make the phone thinner, so remove the headphone jack...but wait, our camera will still be sticking out, so it will stick out MORE. Not sure who is in charge of design, but IMO, their head is screwed on backwards.
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