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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Over the past several weeks, state-run media and other outlets in China have criticized Apple over the company's warranty practices in the country.

The company had posted a letter to customers defending its practices as going above and beyond requirements of Chinese law, but as noted by Business Insider, Apple has now posted a new letter from CEO Tim Cook [Google translation] announcing changes to its warranty policy. From the Google translation:
We are aware that, due to the lack of external communication in this process and lead to the speculation that Apple arrogance, do not care or do not attach importance to consumer feedback. We express our sincere apologies for any concerns or misunderstandings this gives consumers.

In order to further improve the level of service, we are implementing the following four major adjustment:

- Improved iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S repair policy
- Provide a concise and clear on the website of the official Apple repair and warranty policy statement
- Increase the intensity of the supervision and training of Apple Authorized Service Provider
- Related issues to ensure that consumers can easily contact Apple Feedback Service
Apple's previous policy for iPhone 4 and 4S warranty repairs had frequently involved issuing customers new handsets but swapping their existing back plates onto the new hardware, with the replacement handsets carrying warranties lasting 90 days or until the expiration of the original one-year warranties from the customers' initial purchases.

The policy had received criticism from those arguing that the replacement devices essentially amount to brand-new hardware and should carry longer warranty coverage. Under Apple's revised policies announced today, the company has heeded those complaints and when it swaps out customers' devices for replacement ones, they will be entirely new devices and carry fresh one-year warranties.

Apple has also made it more clear to customers what its standard repair policies are in China, with main parts such as motherboards receiving two-year coverage while other components receive one-year coverage. In addition, Apple has increased training for authorized service providers in China in order to ensure that they are fully aware of Apple's new and continuing warranty policies. Finally, Apple has also rolled out a new feedback form to provide a simpler mechanism for Chinese customers to contact Apple about service concerns.

Article Link: Tim Cook Posts Letter to Chinese Apple Customers Announcing Changes to iPhone 4/4S Warranty Policies


macrumors Core
Nov 14, 2007
1 Geostationary Tower Plaza
Every country has different warranty policies, why is this surprising? I can see how that reboot of the 1 year warranty is desirable. It would heavily exploited here in the US.


macrumors regular
Mar 13, 2007
The Chinese have better warranty coverage than North America. Gotta love it.


macrumors 68040
Oct 19, 2010
Buffalo, NY
Too many apologies, Mr. Cook.

The atmosphere surrounding Apple has changed since Tim Cook took over.

It used to be that Apple could be secretive and quiet, and the press would be all pro-Apple anticipating how wonderful things would be when Apple announced them. Now, Apple can't be secretive or quiet because the press is so anti-Apple in speculating in the worst possible way of things Apple hasn't said. The press knows that any negative article about Apple gets tons of clicks.

Tim Cook is starting to realize this change, and Apple must be more pro-active in shutting down negative rumors in the future. Perception is everything.


macrumors 68030
Oct 25, 2008
The Chinese have better warranty coverage than North America. Gotta love it.

It's amusing that a restrictive communist government has better consumer protections it seems than the US. Well, at least in this case....


macrumors member
Jun 4, 2008

All news stories today should be taken with a grain of salt. Here in the U.S., it's day celebrated for fooling others. Just sayin'


macrumors 65816
Sep 20, 2002
All news stories today should be taken with a grain of salt. Here in the U.S., it's day celebrated for fooling others. Just sayin'

Did you not read the very last line of Tim Cook's Letter??

As the consumers of the services provided by any Apple Store retail store or an Apple authorized service provider doubt, to Welcome directly get in touch with us. Our goal is to consumers where to buy Apple products or receive services, users can enjoy world-class experience.

Heartfelt thank you to give us valuable feedback, we always harbor immense respect to China, the Chinese consumer is always the top priority of our hearts.

Tim Cook
Apple CEO

Ha Ha, April Fools! You know better, Apple doesn't apologize. -TC


macrumors regular
May 2, 2002
All news stories today should be taken with a grain of salt. Here in the U.S., it's day celebrated for fooling others. Just sayin'

The grammar errors in the "quote" are a dead giveaway the story is fake. Apple does not issue press releases with anything but perfect spelling and grammar (unless we're talking about "think different" or other marketing speak)


macrumors 68000
Jun 24, 2010
Apple does not issue press releases with anything but perfect spelling and grammar..

But this is not an Apple press release. It is the Google Translation of one.

And that is something entirely different! :cool:


macrumors 6502
Jul 25, 2010
When you are big, everybody sees you as a target. Recently, the U.S. government has put restrictions on purchasing communication equipments from Chinese companies such as Huawei. This is just a retaliation by the Chinese government, and being the biggest fish in the pond, Apple is the easiest target.


macrumors regular
Jun 25, 2010
The grammar errors in the "quote" are a dead giveaway the story is fake. Apple does not issue press releases with anything but perfect spelling and grammar (unless we're talking about "think different" or other marketing speak)

It's a google translation.


Jan 26, 2010
Too many apologies, Mr. Cook.

Do you read Chinese then? It's a translation. A google one at that.

Many word and phrase carry respect and apologies.

Anyway this is terrible. Much as I am all for the customer. You have a years warranty. This is only going to encourage people to bust their phones a 51 weeks in, get a new phone and have another year warranty.

szw-mapple fan

macrumors 68040
Jul 28, 2012
The Chinese have better warranty coverage than North America. Gotta love it.

I don't know about right now Macs in china used to come with free 2 year warranty.


The grammar errors in the "quote" are a dead giveaway the story is fake. Apple does not issue press releases with anything but perfect spelling and grammar (unless we're talking about "think different" or other marketing speak)

It's quite genuine. I will just assume that you can't read Chinese and have never used google translate with yourself being fluent in both the before & after languages(It's simply horrible, especially with languages like Chinese or japanese). The apology is sincere and is posted on the official Apple China website. I am impressed that Apple responded so quickly. This is a great thing for consumers. Not surprising, I guess, seeing China is it's No.2 market.:rolleyes:


When you are big, everybody sees you as a target. Recently, the U.S. government has put restrictions on purchasing communication equipments from Chinese companies such as Huawei. This is just a retaliation by the Chinese government, and being the biggest fish in the pond, Apple is the easiest target.

Like the US did to Toyota few years ago...


macrumors 65816
Jan 9, 2007
I'm assuming the original was in Chinese and this is translated back to English.

Otherwise, they need a better writer.


macrumors regular
Feb 20, 2010
Hong Kong
I'm assuming the original was in Chinese and this is translated back to English.

Otherwise, they need a better writer.

Being a student studying translation and interpretation (Chinese <-> English), I'd say this letter is written in English first and then translated into Chinese.

I saw the Chinese version and found many 'Westernised Chinese' phrases and sentences.


macrumors newbie
Mar 29, 2013
I would recommend that Tim Cook have to think real serious about his next move. Chinese has a knack for detecting weakness and exploits everything for their advantages. Like a shark smelling blood (i know 'cos i have Chinese blood).

Steve Jobs is a hard headed man, some people call it arrogance, but he is respected for his ability to distort reality. If Tim Cook is starting to get too soft, Apple will be devoured in no time.

Chinese market will always has a demand for premium products, even if they have to go to another country to get it. Kow Tow ing isn't the only solution to China.

That said, i'm starting to feel China have many "special" treatment.
How about if someone get some media attention, bad press, and pressure Apple in other country as well. Maybe then Tim Cook will respond to other developing countries's demand.


macrumors G3
Apr 21, 2003
Too many apologies, Mr. Cook.

Better under Cook than Jobs, like others said, Jobs would have kept quite and Apple looking like an even more arrogant company. Communication is getting better now, something that Apple sucked at.

If your in the wrong, its good to apologize .


macrumors member
Sep 20, 2012
All news stories today should be taken with a grain of salt. Here in the U.S., it's day celebrated for fooling others. Just sayin'

Not only in the US but also in Europe ! And it is a holiday in France !

However April fools' Day doesn't exist in China.

The grammar errors in the "quote" are a dead giveaway the story is fake. Apple does not issue press releases with anything but perfect spelling and grammar (unless we're talking about "think different" or other marketing speak)

Here is the original from Apple China website, now you can try to find the grammar errors ;) :


在过去的两周里,我们收到了许多关于 Apple 在中国维修和保修政策的反馈。我们不仅对这些意见进行了深刻的反思,与相关部门一起仔细研究了 “三包” 规定,还审视了我们维修政策的沟通方式,并梳理了我们对 Apple 授权服务提供商的管理规范。我们意识到,由于在此过程中对外沟通不足而导致外界认为 Apple 态度傲慢,不在意或不重视消费者的反馈。对于由此给消费者带来的任何顾虑或误会,我们表示诚挚的歉意。


改进 iPhone 4 和 iPhone 4S 维修政策
在 Apple 官方网站上提供简洁清晰的维修和保修政策说明
加大力度监督和培训 Apple 授权服务提供商
确保消费者能够便捷地联系 Apple 以反馈服务的相关问题

同时我们也意识到,关于在华运营和沟通还有许多需要我们学习的地方。在此,我们向大家保证,Apple 对于中国的承诺和热情与其他国家别无二致。为消费者带来最佳用户体验及满意的服务是我们的理想,更是我们的承诺,它已深深植根于 Apple 的公司文化之中。我们会不懈努力,以实现这一目标。
iPhone 4 和 iPhone 4S 维修政策改进内容如下:

到目前为止,iPhone 4 和 iPhone 4S 均以此三种方式中的一种进行维修:如自购买之日起 15 日内发现问题,我们会为消费者退款或更换一部享有重新计算 1 年保修期的 iPhone;如 15 日之后发现问题,Apple 会根据具体情况更换相关部件,如摄像头模块或电池;如果通过更换部件亦无法快速修好 iPhone,Apple 会为消费者提供一台部分重新装配的设备,采用全新部件,仅保留消费者现有 iPhone 4 或 iPhone 4S 后盖。

接近 90% 的顾客对我们的维修服务表示满意,而消费者满意度也是 Apple 衡量自身成功的最重要标准。

但也有人提出,部分重新装配的维修方式近乎于整机更换,所以直接更换一部设备将对消费者更有利。因此,自 2013 年 4 月起,Apple 将 iPhone 4 和 iPhone 4S 服务包升级为全部采用新部件的设备更换和自更换之日起重新计算的 1 年保修期。

如消费者的 iPhone 4 或 iPhone 4S 已经过 Apple 或 Apple 授权服务提供商使用部分重新装配套件维修,我们会视其为整机更换,并为维修后的 iPhone 提供自维修之日起重新计算的 1 年保修期。Apple 的保修系统已经更新了有关信息,因此,受影响的消费者不需要采取任何额外行动。

我们很乐意向希望进一步了解售后服务的消费者提供信息。例如,我们一直为 MacBook Air 和其他 Mac 电脑的主板和其他主要部件提供 2 年保修期。同样地,iPad 主要部件一直享有 2 年保修期,其他部件享有 1 年保修期。

我们意识到,我们的网站在此之前没有清晰地阐明这些政策。希望以下内容能够解答有关 Apple 所提供服务的一切疑问。
Apple 正在做出更大的努力,以确保 Apple 授权服务提供商遵循我们的政策,并尽力为消费者提供最高品质的服务。

自 2013 年 3 月 18 日起一周内,我们给中国的所有 Apple 授权服务提供商下发了新的培训材料,以确保每个为 Apple 产品提供服务的相关人员不仅熟知我们的政策,也掌握 “三包” 规定及相关政策。同时,我们已主动通过面对面会谈等形式,核实并确保每个 Apple 授权服务提供商都已开设了培训课程,更新了员工对于维修和保修政策的知识。我们将不懈努力,持续监督 Apple 授权服务提供商的表现,以确保消费者能得到最高品质的服务。

如消费者对任何 Apple Store 零售店或 Apple 授权服务提供商所提供的服务有疑问,欢迎访问 直接与我们取得联系。我们的目标是,无论消费者从哪里购买到 Apple 产品或接受服务,都能享受到世界一流的用户体验。


Tim Cook
Apple CEO


macrumors 68020
Dec 13, 2012
Southern California
Apple turns submissive

This is rather sickening. Certainly makes Apple look weak as Cook is forced to apologize in order to try & regain favor with China.

The CEO being submissive is not a great show of dignity... nor was any responsible thought put into the actions Apple took to create this mess.

Just think of all the busy people scanning headlines today, many not having time to read the details. All they see is:

"Apple CEO Tim Cook apologizes to consumers in China"
and unveils new warranty policies for iPhone 4/4S"

First he's forced to apologize over the map debacle, and now this.

My how times have changed at Apple.

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