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macrumors 6502a
Nov 29, 2004
Toronto, ON
Interested in the refresh... Though to be honest, a 2012 mac mini will do what I want... Plex front end for my home theatre.


macrumors 68040
Jun 30, 2007
Midwest USA
It's sad that so many people basically want a nice performing, smaller home version of the Mac Pro but Apple won't make it :(

More and more, since the success of the iPhone, Apple no longer needs the users that kept them from going extinct just a few years ago. They have moved from providing a good product with good user experiences to narrow product domination.


macrumors 68040
Jan 10, 2008
Why not just get an iMac ?

use your own monitor i guess. Not have to upgrade everything if you get a new one.

in my case i have a 24" monitor and got a Mini pretty frickin cheap so I went with that.

Before I've done the same math and went with the IMac.

YOU can actually still upgrade the hard drive in a Mini and put a SSD in there. Memory too. I don't think you can upgrade memory on the small iMac any more can you? NOt that 8gb in the imac isn't plenty.

OR some people use Minis as headless macs. OR want a cheap iOS mobile development platform.


macrumors 68020
Jul 9, 2008
A Mini refresh would be great. I was just looking at Mini w/ OS X server today to replace an old Macbook I have that's in use as a server. Was going to pull the trigger but decided I'd wait for a unit that came with Yosemite OS X Server. Maybe we'll get a refresh! :apple:


macrumors 68020
Oct 12, 2010
I think it is time to redefine the mac mini. as an afordable home computer for the masses that takes the place of the mini, apple tv, home automation, gaming and sycs with your iPhone, iPad and the rest of your apple gear with an Apple chip for umder 300 dollars. $299

For people who need more power, the Macbooks, iMacs and Mac pro's will be there to do the heavy lifting. It would be the machine that puts the final nail on casual consumer grade Windows machines.

Lesser Evets

macrumors 68040
Jan 7, 2006
"MID" 2014... it is now August (or will be in a couple days).

Expect "mid" to be September-at-earliest.


macrumors 68040
Jan 10, 2008
It's sad that so many people basically want a nice performing, smaller home version of the Mac Pro but Apple won't make it :(

What are you talking about? They have a quad core i7 Mini with a couple of hard drives/ssds and 16gb of ram. That's pretty nice performing.

What else are they going to do? Add a gpu slot and some rack space inside a bigger box and charge another $400. I don't think you'll see many takers.


macrumors 6502
Aug 18, 2002
What new processor?

Broadwell's just started to sample to OEMs, so it wouldn't be in a Mini until a year from now @ the earliest.

Here's a horrifying thought:

I wonder if Apple will pull an 'iMac" and stick a 1.4GHz ULV i5 in the new Mini.

From an engineering perspective, wouldn't it be a fairly easy process to upgrade to the new processor? Seems like Apple should do that by now. Or they should consider killing the device. There is a certain point in time when a company like Apple is damaging its reputation by selling too outdated technology. I feel like there are a lot of items in their catalogue that are dangerously close to damaging their reputation.


macrumors 6502
Aug 21, 2012
Wow! Amazing how many mini fans are out thier! Guess theirs a market for it? So you guys get your update ! I have to wait a year for Broadwell MacPro second gen! #


macrumors 68000
I just bought one of these for a media center (my old one died). I knew it was due for a refresh, and if a new model comes out tomorrow I'm not going to be upset. Anyone using one of these underpowered computers for anything actually requiring the "latest" hardware is crazy. These are the boxes you buy and stick in a closet or behind a TV, not something you do any serious work or play on. As long as it's got the bandwidth to handle Silverlight and Flash, and can decode 1080p formats, that's all you need until internet speeds dramatically increase and 4K video is actually a consumer thing.


macrumors regular
Apr 12, 2014
Atlanta / Los Angeles
What new processor?

Broadwell's just started to sample to OEMs, so it wouldn't be in a Mini until a year from now @ the earliest.

Here's a horrifying thought:

I wonder if Apple will pull an 'iMac" and stick a 1.4GHz ULV i5 in the new Mini.

Didn't the iMac get a $200 discount with the new 1.4GHz processor?

If they lowered the $599 starting price of the Mac Mini down to $399 I honestly think a lot of people would buy it.


macrumors 68020
Jun 22, 2010
Taking them long enough :p. Without my five year old 27" iMac looming over me I'll actually have some breathing room again on my desk. Wonder if integrated graphics have come to the point where they'll be better than the ATI 5730m


macrumors member
Feb 8, 2008
Anyone using one of these underpowered computers for anything actually requiring the "latest" hardware is crazy.

You'd need to define "latest" hardware… We run one of these as 'Workstation #2' for a busy photo studio in Hawaii. So, Lightroom and Photoshop: all day, every day. We're not crazy—it works just fine!! Sure we're not cutting 6K footage, but a catalog housing 2,000 Raw images isn't something to sneeze at either.

Different strokes.


macrumors 6502
Aug 24, 2012
I think it is time to redefine the mac mini. as an afordable home computer for the masses that takes the place of the mini, apple tv, home automation, gaming and sycs with your iPhone, iPad and the rest of your apple gear with an Apple chip for umder 300 dollars. $299

For people who need more power, the Macbooks, iMacs and Mac pro's will be there to do the heavy lifting. It would be the machine that puts the final nail on casual consumer grade Windows machines.

I said something similar to this a few months ago:


macrumors 68030
Aug 16, 2011
Beyond the Thunderdome
A detail seems no body here is aware, new rMBP aren't show this list since from boot camp are the same hardware from L13, so only real new 14 hw is shown, this means said Mid14 mini and iMac 27 have some new internal hardware or hardware combination not used before by boot camp.

It's obvious said new Macs are the Haswell mini (current mini it's ivi bridge) with an new or at least revised form factor, and the another new Mac it's the long anticipated Retina (or 4K) iMac or iMac Pro.


macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
I'd do a time machine backup, erase the existing drive, and install a fresh mavericks copy..

Or wait for Yosemite.. if it's supported

I installed a fresh copy back in May. Then only added a handful of apps that he needed, like Office and Handbrake. He just uses iMovie to compose his videos. Someone sent me a DM recommending removing iCloud and other apps that make lots of network calls that aren't necessary. Might try that next.


macrumors 68000
Feb 9, 2014
But too many people would buy it if that were the case, and it's a lower margin product. Would be a nice option but I doubt it will ever happen.

I'd like to get something like this for my grandpa. He's still using my old 2008 MBP and it's starting to have some problems. He likes to edit together old movies, photos and audio clips of our family over the decades. Mavericks is pretty unstable on his machine. Actually, I'm not sure if it's Mavericks or the machine itself. He took it upon himself to upgrade from Snow Leopard, which probably wasn't the best choice. Had a new motherboard installed by Apple a couple years ago to fix the Nvidia graphics card problem, but he keeps having problems with the machine locking up now.

It's locking up because Mavericks is deliberately designed to overheat anything made before 2012. There's a hidden background process sucking up 60% of the CPU at all times.


macrumors G5
May 18, 2008
It's locking up because Mavericks is deliberately designed to overheat anything made before 2012. There's a hidden background process sucking up 60% of the CPU at all times.


Source? (this is sarcastic right?)

Typing from my 2009 MBP.


macrumors 68020
Oct 12, 2010

With so many people owning iPhones, and far more of these customers owning Windows computers if they own a computer at all, making it as easy as possible for them to move away from Windows for basic computing on a low cost, high margin A8 Mac Mini should be a priority. Stream TV, play games, share pictures from their iPhone or iPad, browse the net. Make the Mini something average people want. Make people want to stay in the ecosystem.


macrumors 601
Oct 25, 2008
With so many people owning iPhones, and far more of these customers owning Windows computers if they own a computer at all, making it as easy as possible for them to move away from Windows for basic computing on a low cost, high margin A8 Mac Mini should be a priority. Stream TV, play games, share pictures from their iPhone or iPad, browse the net. Make the Mini something average people want. Make people want to stay in the ecosystem.

If I am understanding you correctly, you want the new Mac Mini to be ran with an A8? Why bother? Might as well just put everyone on an iPad. There are plenty of us that want a real computer with real power and certainly memory, drive and data volume capacity.

For the rest of us who want a Mac Mini COMPUTER, we'll have to see what Apple has in store for us. Like many, I hope for better graphics and maybe a newer technology CPU. My only concern is that Apple will used proprietary guts so it is difficult to DIY upgrade.
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