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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple's upcoming 2018 iPad Pro models may feature a display with rounded corners like the iPhone X according to an image asset for the new devices found by 9to5Mac's Guilherme Rambo in the most recent beta update.

The asset in question, which appears to be for new iPad Pro models, is used as a mask to create rounded corners of UI elements and it features the same rounded corners that we've seen in the iPhone X. The J3xx name suggests a 2018 iPad model and it's a reference that's been found in other parts of the iOS 12 code in relation to new iPad Pro models.


Rambo set up a modified device in the iOS Simulator to demonstrate that iOS 12 on an iPad can handle rounded corners, with a demonstrative image of what Split View multitasking might look like on a tablet with rounded corners.


Previous rumors have suggested Apple is planning a major design overhaul for the 2018 iPad Pros, doing away with the Home button, introducing slimmer bezels, and adopting a TrueDepth camera system for Face ID.

Given the similarities between the design described in rumors and the iPhone X, it makes sense that Apple would also introduce a rounded corner design in the iPad Pro. Current iPad Pro models do not use rounded corners for the display.

There's no word on when Apple plans to introduce its updated iPad Pro models, but the new tablets could perhaps come in September alongside new iPhones. Apple could also choose to introduce them at a separate iPad and Mac-focused event as it has done in past years.

Article Link: Upcoming iPad Pro Models Could Feature Rounded Display Corners
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macrumors 65816
Jul 21, 2011
Why do we need rounded corners on a tablet? If the case is square then rounded corners seems like poor design. I can understand on the iPhone the rounded corners because it is a small screen platform in a phone body that is intended to slip into a pocket or purse without snagging up on anything but for a tablet, especially a 10"+ pro tablet, rounded screen corners, "just because" is stupid, period.

I mean I used to think the hexagonal screens on Battleship Galactica was a stupid design choice, I didn't think it was a prophecy for what our screens are morphing into.


Jun 28, 2013
Rent-free in your head
Why do we need rounded corners on a tablet? If the case is square then rounded corners seems like poor design. I can understand on the iPhone the rounded corners because it is a small screen platform in a phone body that is intended to slip into a pocket or purse without snagging up on anything but for a tablet, especially a 10"+ pro tablet, rounded screen corners, "just because" is stupid, period.

I mean I used to think the hexagonal screens on Battleship Galactica was a stupid design choice, I didn't think it was a prophecy for what our screens are morphing into.
Why would it make MORE sense on an iPhone than on an iPad? The larger screen on an iPad would make the rounded corners even more minimal.


macrumors 68030
Nov 23, 2008
New Mexico
Does Macrumors get their stories from 9to5Mac, I always see the story on their site first then a few hours later here....


macrumors G3
Sep 15, 2013
Good. Love it on my X, will enjoy it on my iPad as well. Looking forward to upgrading.

Yea same here, I wasn’t going to upgrade this year since I brought last years iPad Pro BUT if there is a redesign with Face ID, no home button and thinner bezels along with both the 12.9” and 11” being smaller I will definitely upgrade.

That’s before we even know what speed updates and internals there are :D I really think this iPad is going to be impressive.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 21, 2015
Funny thing: old CRT monitors had rounded corners by default and making them squared, whether it was the last CRT or the first LCD displays, was considered a high tech thing.

Yes FST (Flatter, squarer tubes), were the high tech of the 80s and 90s. Sold as less picture distortion and picture right into the corners. Apple is going retro. Maybe we will get a bulbous screen on future iOS devices.
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