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macrumors Core
Oct 14, 2008
Well I agree with you, pro use whatever tool works for them, but that means also apple is not building imacs for pro. Pro takes them because today the average machine has enough power for almost everything.

Apple is doing consumer devices. and the average consumer does not need the latest intel processor that cost 3 times more for 10% more performances

Yes, its funny that the iMac still come with the fastest desktop Sandy Bridge CPU offered by Intel (which is oen of the fastest consumer-availabe CPUS ever, and clearly faster than CPUs found in the Mac Pros) :rolleyes: The only faster CPUs are the unlocked (which are gamer-oriented anyway) and the SB Extreme series, which are to "hot" for the iMac.


macrumors regular
Jan 3, 2009
What I think the next rev will have:

- Ivy Bridge
- Cheaper SSD options
- Minor redesign (less chin)

I would prefer they add 64GB SSD for OS X & apps + 2TB for everything else.
Apple also does minor redesigns every 2 to 3 years.


2004-2006: White iMac.


2007-2009: Aluminum iMac.


2009-2011: Minor redesigned Aluminum iMac.

So for 2012 I'm hoping they will do another minor redesign. Something along the line of this:


Apple souce

macrumors member
Mar 15, 2012
What I think the next rev will have:

- Ivy Bridge
- Cheaper SSD options
- Minor redesign (less chin)

I would prefer they add 64GB SSD for OS X & apps + 2TB for everything else.
Apple also does minor redesigns every 2 to 3 years.

2004-2006: White iMac.

2007-2009: Aluminum iMac.

2009-2011: Minor redesigned Aluminum iMac.

So for 2012 I'm hoping they will do another minor redesign. Something along the line of this:


wow, id love to see it like that. Did you make the mockup? Its awsome!


macrumors 6502a
Mar 28, 2009
Living Stateside
What I think the next rev will have:

- Ivy Bridge
- Cheaper SSD options
- Minor redesign (less chin)

I would prefer they add 64GB SSD for OS X & apps + 2TB for everything else.
Apple also does minor redesigns every 2 to 3 years.

2004-2006: White iMac.

2007-2009: Aluminum iMac.

2009-2011: Minor redesigned Aluminum iMac.

So for 2012 I'm hoping they will do another minor redesign. Something along the line of this:


I could totally Get behind something like that. Totally a step in the right direction. If they could make the aluminium part vanish all together I think I would be one happy camper. Make it the same size as the cinima display and we are in business.


macrumors 6502
Mar 4, 2008
What I think the next rev will have:

- Ivy Bridge
- Cheaper SSD options
- Minor redesign (less chin)

I would prefer they add 64GB SSD for OS X & apps + 2TB for everything else.
Apple also does minor redesigns every 2 to 3 years.

2004-2006: White iMac.

2007-2009: Aluminum iMac.

2009-2011: Minor redesigned Aluminum iMac.

So for 2012 I'm hoping they will do another minor redesign. Something along the line of this:


Yeah the mockup you did there would be what I'd hope for at the very least in an iMac redesign. They need to get rid of that lower lip on them so that there is very little on the face outside of the display itself.


macrumors regular
Oct 10, 2011
What I think the next rev will have:

- Ivy Bridge
- Cheaper SSD options
- Minor redesign (less chin)

I would prefer they add 64GB SSD for OS X & apps + 2TB for everything else.
Apple also does minor redesigns every 2 to 3 years.

2004-2006: White iMac.

2007-2009: Aluminum iMac.

2009-2011: Minor redesigned Aluminum iMac.

So for 2012 I'm hoping they will do another minor redesign. Something along the line of this:


BEAUTIFUL, Where would the ram go though? As the chin houses the ram on the current design and just above that the inside components start, So reducing the chin will mean ram sits where?

Lovely mock up once again.
Last edited:


macrumors regular
Feb 17, 2012
BEAUTIFUL, Where would the ram go do? As the chin houses the ram on the current design and just above that the inside components start, So reducing the chin will mean ram sits where?

Lovely mock up once again.

The newly designed ram, which is now only 2 cm's wide and 2 cm's long and 2 mm's thick will perfectly fit in the back :D.


macrumors regular
Jan 3, 2009
wow, id love to see it like that. Did you make the mockup? Its awsome!
BEAUTIFUL, Where would the ram go though? As the chin houses the ram on the current design and just above that the inside components start, So reducing the chin will mean ram sits where?

Lovely mock up once again.

Same place but a bit behind the screen if you know what I mean.
Pretty sure Jonathan Ive will find a way somehow. :)


macrumors 68020
Jun 21, 2011
I think it's time to integrate blu ray, USB 3.0 and even to go as far to add a HDMI port into the Mac lineup blu ray is maturing in fact Samsung claimed it will be with us untill 2015 however with sonys recent 4k blu ray release we might see blu ray on the shelves longer. Also there is a chace that apple might implement this with a marketed retana screen to boast the resolution.

A design change is looming but still we might not see it in this launch now the MacBook is a different story!

What I don't expect to see anytime soon is a oled display with the technology fairly new and sony venturing in other waters crystilised lcd nor larger sizes than 27 but there is always a chance of a 30 inch in the future.

Bluray was DOA Apple will not add it because that would compete with iTunes movie sales. Chances of a HDMI port is slim. Apple wants you to buy there display. A retina display iMac would probably mean they need a 4K resolution display That's super expensive. Apple did make a 30 inch display. They also stopped manufacturing that display. There is a reason why they decided to do so. Odds are the 30 in won't be back before the get some new panels.


macrumors newbie
Mar 13, 2012
The biggest problem with desktop class GPUs is the heat. You probably could fit one inside an iMac (though just barely) but the heat they produce is just too much for something that thin (especially for extended use). I'm not even sure having a second fan built into the case directly next to the GPU heat sink would be enough. If people are currently having overheating problems right now, I'm not sure this would be the best direction to go in.

That is the problem indeed, that's why I mentioned possible solutions, like no ODD, external Power Supply and other possibilities.
Another big thing to consider is the shrink in technology for both new ivy bridge processors and new GPUs. Ivy Bridge will be 22nm and new GPUs, both AMD and NVIDIA, will be 28nm. That will have a decrease in Power Consumption and thus heat.

For example, the new AMD Radeon 7850 (desktop) will have a TDP of 130W while the current top of the line GPU in the iMac, the Radeon 6970M has a TDP of 100W but is a notebook GPU. that's is only 30% more heat. Considering the reduction in heat moving to Ivy Bridge and removing ODD (which will give it more room for heat dissipation) or the power supply which will give both more room and less heat I thing we've got something...

I'm only saying, it is possible to have Desktop GPUs in the iMac... maybe could be a step in the iMac Pro direction.


macrumors 68020
Jun 21, 2011
You mean like the HDMI port on the Mac Mini? Or the dock-to-HDMI-port Apple sells for the iPad and iPhone? I'm more or less expecting HDMI across the board in the foreseeable.

I think the person I was replying to was expecting HDMI integrated like the mac mini.


macrumors 68000
Sep 10, 2010
Orange County CA
The mockup looks pretty nice to be honest with you, but it would look even nicer if it was completely chinless! Either way, I'll be happy, but prefer the the chinless design.


macrumors 603
Mar 18, 2008
Like others have already said, that mockup is looking pretty nice. Though I've voted before to get rid of the chin, it does do give the iMac a distinguished look apart from the Cinema and Thunderbolt displays. Now that I see this mockup, I don't think the chin would matter much if it was that thin.

Now can someone please do another photoshop of that mockup, but with a glossy white bezel please? :D;):eek:


macrumors 6502a
Dec 25, 2010
In my opinion I doubt Retina Display technology will make it to the iMac this time around simply because there's no rumors coming through about retina displays at this size. Think about the wide array of rumors churning out about the latest iPad's retina display. In some way many of the rumors, even the earliest ones, had a shred of factual information.

I foresee:

- Ivy Bridge
- AMD 7000m (hopefully a decent flavor with 1gb standard on the "high end" smaller sized model, whatever size it may be depending upon a potential redesign of sorts)
- Some form of ssd standard, or reduced prices/better values on BTO options
- No more optical drive
- Potential redesign mimicking the Cinema/Thunderbolt Display

Or, the same exact looking machines with Ivy Bridge and AMD 7000m's and a radical redesign for late 2012 due to zero leaked images and rumors which indicated a redesign.

Of course Apple will hop on the Ivy Bridge / AMD 7000m train early 2nd quarter, because ALL of their competition will be...


macrumors 68000
Nov 24, 2009
What I think the next rev will have:

- Ivy Bridge
- Cheaper SSD options
- Minor redesign (less chin)

I would prefer they add 64GB SSD for OS X & apps + 2TB for everything else.
Apple also does minor redesigns every 2 to 3 years.

2004-2006: White iMac.

2007-2009: Aluminum iMac.

2009-2011: Minor redesigned Aluminum iMac.

So for 2012 I'm hoping they will do another minor redesign. Something along the line of this:


Great mockup! I would actually want this. Still with a little bit of a chin, so we know its an apple computer.


Nov 5, 2009
What I think the next rev will have:

- Ivy Bridge
- Cheaper SSD options
- Minor redesign (less chin)

I would prefer they add 64GB SSD for OS X & apps + 2TB for everything else.
Apple also does minor redesigns every 2 to 3 years.

2004-2006: White iMac.

2007-2009: Aluminum iMac.

2009-2011: Minor redesigned Aluminum iMac.

So for 2012 I'm hoping they will do another minor redesign. Something along the line of this:


Your mock-up is nice but I would rather not have the silver strip at the bottom but go "wall-to-wall" glass with an inset silver apple logo on the bottom that shines through the glass.


macrumors 603
Mar 18, 2008
Here's a quick job. Excuse the quality.


I don't know. I'd have to go with black, personally.

Hey thanks for that! No problem on the quickness. Good job on it. I'm inclined to agree with you. I guess it has to be all white for it to work, like how the G5 was. Interesting mix though.

How about with a profile like this?


Maybe too thin for this time around. But some day...

That side shot is beautiful. Reminds me of the iPhone 4. Highly doubt Apple would do this, but would be interesting to see. That would be some amazing engineering feat if they could pull that off while maintaining power and heat dissipation.

Your mock-up is nice but I would rather not have the silver strip at the bottom but go "wall-to-wall" glass with an inset silver apple logo on the bottom that shines through the glass.

I was thinking the same thing. Exactly like an iPhone 4 front actually. Might as well just streamline both iOS and Mac hardware into a singular design concept.


macrumors newbie
Mar 9, 2012
I really hope for:
Better CPU and GPU
8 GB Ram and 2TB HDD standard on high-end version
USB 3.0

else it will be a waste of time for me since I really need a new machine and I only wait because I hope there will be such update.


macrumors regular
Feb 17, 2012
Im a bit anxious because there are now rumours about de MBP. Where are the rumours about the imac!? :confused:
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