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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jul 9, 2008
This is my personal Flickr set but I just took these. I live a block from Moscone and saw them putting up the banners. I'll take more throughout the weekend and add them to this set as things are added.




macrumors 6502a
Nov 18, 2007
very nice. The focus of the banner is clearly on the app no leaks or hints there.


macrumors bot
Apr 12, 2001
WWDC 2009 Banners: 'One Year Later, Light-Years Ahead'


Adam Jackson has posted the first photos (flickr) from WWDC 2009. Apple has started putting up banners 6 days prior to the event. The theme of this year's WWDC appears centered around the App Store. The main banner in Moscone West reads:
One year later. Light-years ahead.
The phrase refers to the iTunes App Store that was launched (less than) one year ago, but has seen major success with over 1 billion apps downloaded in the first nine months. The iPhone will clearly take center stage at WWDC with discussion about the upcoming 3.0 Firmware release as well as possibility that Apple will announce a new iPhone.

WWDC 2009 kicks off on June 8th with a keynote address to be given by Phil Schiller.

Article Link: WWDC 2009 Banners: 'One Year Later, Light-Years Ahead'


macrumors 6502
Sep 14, 2008
i just old my old iphone 2g yesterday for 400$, is it a good price??
BTW is it 100% confirm that a new iphone will be announced on 8th june?

I am having sleepless nights hehehe


macrumors regular
Jan 26, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
Could it have to do with a new space-age iPhone??? I wonder :p

I'm really excited about this WWDC. Looking forward to finding out a more specific release date for iPhone 3.0, and I can't wait for more details on Snow Leopard and the 3rd generation iPhone too! By now I'm pretty sure that most think that those will come up in the keynote.


macrumors regular
Jan 26, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
i just old my old iphone 2g yesterday for 400$, is it a good price??
BTW is it 100% confirm that a new iphone will be announced on 8th june?

I am having sleepless nights hehehe

That is a VERY good price for it! A 2g iPhone cost $399 for a new one just a year ago! So you did very well!! :D
No Apple announcement is 100% confirmed, but there is a very high chance of a new iPhone being announced.


macrumors newbie
Nov 6, 2008
I'd like:
Mac AppStore
Snow Leopard
Macbook pro speedbump (possible oled screens)
And the new Iphone...


Feb 11, 2008
I think the Banner refers to "Copy and paste", I am excited....

My second quess is FW on on the MB.... :)

I would bet my house on a new Iphone being released. I just hope its more exciting then the rumours... comeon apple, surprise us!!!


macrumors G3
Apr 30, 2004
Place your bets for time spent on iPhone 3.0 -v- 10.6. :rolleyes:

I'll place my bet on a 70/30 split, in favour of the iPhone.


macrumors 68000
Apr 27, 2007
Bristol, England
Why would anyone want a mac app store? Isn't the mac software community ok as it is? If apple takes away my ability to install whatever I want on my computer, without going through iTunes, without their approval, I would go linux. This is my computer, not my phone.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 2, 2005
But the banner doesn't make any sense. A year is a unit of time, a light year is a unit of distance. So, if one year later Apple is light years ahead, does that mean Apple discovered faster-than-light travel? That would be awesome.

If we don't get a Snow Leopard demo I'm gonna rage
Don't worry, Apple is definitely going to talk about Snow Leopard. From the WWDC Press Release:

“Last June, we gave developers an early look at the powerful new technologies that form the underpinnings of Mac OS X Snow Leopard,” said Bertrand Serlet, Apple’s senior vice president of Software Engineering. “At WWDC, we will be giving our developers a final Developer Preview release so they can see the incredible progress we’ve made on Snow Leopard and work with us as we move toward its final release.”


Feb 11, 2008
Place your bets for time spent on iPhone 3.0 -v- 10.6. :rolleyes:

I'll place my bet on a 70/30 split, in favour of the iPhone.

I'd go as far as saying that Apple has spend 70/30 in the last two years on Iphone v rest of the product line :) . It looks like the market they wish to dominate.


macrumors regular
Jul 22, 2007
Copenhagen, Denmark
Why would anyone want a mac app store? Isn't the mac software community ok as it is? If apple takes away my ability to install whatever I want on my computer, without going through iTunes, without their approval, I would go linux. This is my computer, not my phone.

Mac App store would be a nice addition (another CHOICE) to the existing community. I would welcome it.


macrumors member
Feb 6, 2008
Mac AppStore should never happen. Stupid suggestion, if you ask me (I realise that nobody did).

1. Even if it starts off "in addition" to normal installations, it will move in the direction of being the exclusive source of Mac apps, which will lead to the absurd problems we've seen with iPhone rejections: who wants Apple playing gatekeeper? Not me, for sure.

2. Installing software on your Mac isn't difficult, it doesn't need to be made easy. An app directory might be useful, but PLEASE not in iTunes, it's already bloated enough as it is, perhaps on the Apple website (although there probably already is one?)

3. Why is Apple going to want to deal with all the hassle of dealing with developers, infrastructure, staffing etc?

4. People install apps on their Macs far less often than on their iPhones, and Mac apps are released less regularly, the experience doesn't need to be simplified to oblivion.

In this respect, I'd definitely be inclined to say "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Until Apple comes out with a Tablet or something where finding installing apps is difficult/time consuming, then we might see the app store concept expanded.

I don't think it's a good move business-wise for Apple or for us as consumers.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 27, 2006
What exactly is a mac appstore? like the downloads section of the apple website? but via itunes?? i'm confused :confused:
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