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I went from the XS to the 11 Pro Max so for me, it was worth it just to get the screen size I should have chosen last year.

Size aside, while I probably wouldn’t have upgraded if I’d got the XS Max last year, the camera and battery improvements are compelling enough reasons in themselves if you’re OK with the cost. Anybody who’s in two minds, I’d say don’t bother.
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Wife and I went from the XS Max to 11 Pro Max. We like the brighter screen, but primarily the pictures are very noticeably better. We are both taking pictures like crazy again especially at night. Wow. Face ID is faster and works on a flat table. On iUP plan. Was surprised to find in store stock on Sunday.
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I went from an SX Max to an 11 Pro Max. Very pleased. I do better with the larger screen.
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Not that much a big difference for me. Camera is slightly better but feel the battery is worse. Also, I have a lot of incidences where the screen XS max was perfect.
XS Max to 11 Pro Max. Very happy with the decision. Camera, battery life and screen brightness all important to my use and all well improved.
XS Max to 11 Pro Max. I did it for the battery life, camera, and better screen. I can't tell a difference with the screens, but the battery life and camera were worth it.
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Main thing you'll notice is battery life, next thing is camera, other than that you won't notice the processor speed or the %30 faster face ID, at least I didn't do.
I upgraded from XS to 11 Pro Max so for me it was because of the size increase. But honestly I feel Apple really nailed it this year, massive improvement in the fundamental parts of a phone, better better, better display and better cameras so even if I stayed at the same size it will have been worth it.
Battery, camera, and future pro only software updates are enough for me. I could care less about a little bit brighter screen and a faster processor. My previous XS max was plenty fast.

Battery test, Apple products only

Mixed brands
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To me the battery in and of itself is a reason to upgrade. I took it off the charger this morning at 4a and only plugged in for the car ride to & from work about a half hour each way. I also did the 13.1 upgrade while on battery alone and I’m still at 85%. That’s good battery life. The camera and the screen is also better. Although the way night pictures are taken leave some to be desired. I’m sure that’ll be improved over time however.
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It is only worth it to me because I had a MAX and hated the extra screen so I went with a Pro(Non Max). If I had a regular XS I would not have upgraded.
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