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Xian Zhu Xuande

macrumors 6502a
Jul 30, 2008
And in other news, is still a useless photo app for someone who cares about a smooth workflow and would like a full-featured photo app for general photography on their phone. It finally loads into camera view, but the lightbox is still a pain in the ass.


Apr 29, 2009
Silicon Valley, CA
Just goes to show that Apple couldnt give a fat rats a$$ about what its customers want or ironically give them something that 'just works'.

I'm a customer, and what *I* want is to know a developer who agrees to a TOS doesn't feel like it's just fine to violate it because they want to. What's the next "easter egg"? Sending your banking app info to China?


macrumors 68000
Nov 4, 2009
So, they knew it was wrong right from the beginning, they did it anyway, they got told off, then they did it again more quietly, and they get told off again.

A four year old learns faster than that.

Ummmm, no they don't!


macrumors 6502
Dec 7, 2007
There's far less force required (really, none), so can you please explain the mode where it's less comfortable?

The software button is less comfortable in every situation where the phone is not held in an ideal grip – for example, if I have the phone out to the side or facing me or down low next to the ground. In most of these cases I have a one hand grip on the phone. With a software button, I have to loosen my grip on the phone (I have to release a finger) to take the picture, with the hardware button I can squeeze a bit tighter. There's a BIG difference. Taking multiple shots is easy with the hardware button in awkward positions. Tapping the software button often knocks the phone out of position.

You also have to remember Camera+ already uses two fingers to determine focus and exposure. When you have to use a third finger on the screen to release the shutter, it makes one-handed shooting something that should be saved for contortionists.

When I have an optimal grip with two hands I always use the software button, but the hardware button allows me to take pictures I otherwise simply could not take.


Feb 17, 2009
Never ceases to amaze me how people want Apple to do what they think should be done.

For starters, if they listen to every Richard, Tom and Harry about how to design their products or what should be doing what, we'd probably all have zunes:)

I don't even understand any of the negative comments , as serious photographers wouldn't accept the iphone picture quality anyway.
Whenever it matters, people use their "real" cameras.

About the only good idea I see is a general programmable button for other apps that will be coming.
Let's not forget : This was supposed to be a phone. The rest was all incredibly good gravy:)


macrumors 68000
Apr 24, 2006
Two things. I think iOS piracy is more prevalent than you think. But also, release an app with small ad and make much more. Just look at Rovio and Angry Birds. 30 million Android downloads, ALL with paid ads. Or 12 million 99 cent iOS apps? I think the 30 million is much more profitable in the long run.

Actually, I doubt it. Each 99 cent AppStore download nets Rovio 70 cents.
$0.70 * 12,000,000 = $8,400,000

Unless the free w/ ads install-base nets Rovio an average of 28 cents per install (highly unlikely, since most ad-systems pay fractions of a cent per 'click through'), there AppStore downloads are more profitable.


macrumors regular
Nov 3, 2008
everyone seems to miss the previous posts about how you can actually hold your finger/thumb on the button and it takes the photo once released.

Another reason why Jobs probably doesn't like using the volume buttons for more than just that is the feedback the button gives. it's in no way easier to use as it's stiff and it doesn't allow you to gently push it half way for it to focus and then fully depress it to snap the shot.


macrumors 6502
Dec 7, 2007
Never ceases to amaze me how people want Apple to do what they think should be done.

You're amazed by what? Who wouldn't want things done the way they think they should be done?

Let's not forget : This was supposed to be a phone. The rest was all incredibly good gravy:)

A phone costs 100 € at most. All things that this much, are designed to do a bunch of other things first and work as phones as an afterthought. It's a multi-function device and the camera is one of the most advertised functions.

Apple does not listen to ANY Tom, Dick or Harry, they only listen to one Steven. And that's the problem many people have with apple. They restrict functionality because Steve doesn't use it.


macrumors 603
Jun 18, 2007
... Let me remap my button!

The Almighty Jobhova has decreed you will only use buttons on iOS devices for the uses they were intended for! (no matter how useful they might prove to be for other uses) Otherwise, you will be smote by his Almighty Wrath and cause a giant hailstorm of rabid fanbretheren to attack you for even suggesting this might be a better use of those buttons while in this particular app! :mad:

I mean just imagine if say a game maker wanted to use a REAL BUTTON for something rather than force you to put your fingers on the screen where it might obscure something.... The world might end! :eek:

A slap on the wrist by apple and you learn your lesson

See! It's already started! The voice of the Faithful Fearing The Almighty Jobhova are already appearing to stab thee in thy wits with their fearsome shamings and ravings! Fear Jobhova and live! Stray from the path and risk your life at your own peril! :D


macrumors 6502
Mar 27, 2009
What's so difficult about "tap the camera icon"? :rolleyes:
I'd argue that pressing on the screen is far more likely to affect the camera's focus on the subject. All pressing a button on the top of the device does is move it in vertical space. You're also pressing against your existing effort to hold the camera up when pushing a button on the top. Tapping the screen means you need to also hold the front to resist pressure, something you are not inherently doing.

For a phone camera, it's probably not a big deal, but tapping the screen to shoot is really is not the best design for a camera.


macrumors member
Dec 22, 2010
Stupid Apple. Someone creates a nice product feature and they shoot it down...despite the customer clearly liking it. Great job douches.

I don't think we should call Apple stupid...they created the iPhone to begin with...Without Apple there would be no iPhone to put Camera+ on


macrumors P6
Feb 8, 2003
The Peninsula
"Squeeze", don't "press"

I'd argue that pressing on the screen is far more likely to affect the camera's focus on the subject. All pressing a button on the top of the device does is move it in vertical space. You're also pressing against your existing effort to hold the camera up when pushing a button on the top. Tapping the screen means you need to also hold the front to resist pressure, something you are not inherently doing.

For a phone camera, it's probably not a big deal, but tapping the screen to shoot is really is not the best design for a camera.

Most any beginner's camera guide will tell you to "squeeze" the shutter, not "press" it. A "press" will tend to rotate the camera, while a "squeeze" balances the force on the shutter button with the grip holding the camera.

That said, you're right in that tapping the touch screen can result in camera motion since there's no inherent counter to the force (especially since the natural tap would come from a hand that's not even holding the camera).

Xian Zhu Xuande

macrumors 6502a
Jul 30, 2008
Stupid Apple. Someone creates a nice product feature and they shoot it down...despite the customer clearly liking it. Great job douches.
I know you're not going to understand this, but it is appropriate for Apple to be consistent with their rules, and in most cases it would be highly inappropriate for apps to be changing the functions of the buttons which exist on these devices. It would be confusing to the typical consumer.

I do indeed think it would be nice to control the shutter of a camera app using one of those buttons when taking tricky photographs, but Apple should not be making exceptions for odd cases like this while telling other developers no (oh boy would readers here be bitching about that in a separate discussion) and it is quite appropriate for them to maintain a consistent user experience for everyone else. You know, the people who do things with their time other than read about Apple products in an Apple forum.


macrumors 6502
Sep 15, 2004
everyone seems to miss the previous posts about how you can actually hold your finger/thumb on the button and it takes the photo once released.

Another reason why Jobs probably doesn't like using the volume buttons for more than just that is the feedback the button gives. it's in no way easier to use as it's stiff and it doesn't allow you to gently push it half way for it to focus and then fully depress it to snap the shot.

Well, ad-income is recurring. Furthermore, it gives Rovio a greater incentive to keep pushing out updates: while they don't make any money off existing paying users on these, they will make money off ad-supported user that keep up their usage.

I have no clue what's most profitable though, but I think it's too early to tell.


macrumors 65816
Apr 24, 2010
I'm not saying a dedicated button wouldn't be useful but did you know that the camera app shoots upon release of the onscreen button? That is a great feature to minimize shaking the phone at the crucial moment. No-one should be poking at the screen.

You win 1,000,000 points my wise and helpful friend!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the excellent insight. My sense of feeling stupid for not knowing this already is easily overwhelmed by the benefits of this new found knowledge!


I have the original app, and the technique of releasing the screen is way better than the volume button, sorry folks, but it's true...


macrumors regular
Aug 21, 2007
Add the camera button the next iPhone, Steve!

I would love a dedicated camera button on the next iPhone, and make it work like WinPho7's does: if the phone is 'asleep' pressing the button launches the camera app and gets ready to take a picture. pressing it again takes the picture(s). now with my 3GS i have to wake the phone, unlock the phone, launch the app (if not already running - usually not when something happens quickly that I'd like a pic of), and then I'll soon be ready to take the pic.

Though I know it would be heresy copying something windows anything does...


macrumors newbie
Aug 4, 2010
I have SnapTap but it's not working for the current Camera+ on my phone. Have you gotten it to work?

I bought snaptap today after I heard about the new update but no it doesn't work with camera+, I don't mind using the standard camera app to take pictures and then transfer them over though.

fsck-y dingo

macrumors 65816
Jun 14, 2009
I bought snaptap today after I heard about the new update but no it doesn't work with camera+, I don't mind using the standard camera app to take pictures and then transfer them over though.

That's a good idea for editing. :)
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