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macrumors regular
Sep 18, 2023
so an apple pencil that can pick color outside the ipad?
Oh that would actually be really cool! I could easily see a lot of design and marketing types finding that extremely handy to convert real-world colors to their hex-based RGB equivalents. Plus it would undoubtedly get people talking about the iPad again which Apple very much needs these days.


macrumors 68030
Nov 22, 2021
Here's what I'm thinking:

What'll happen:
- New Apple Pencil with squeeze mechanic (Very Likely)
- New iPad Airs, including a 12.9" (Very Likely)
- New iPad Pros (Likely)
- New Magic Keyboard for iPads (Likely)

What's possible:
- iPhone color refresh
- Services update
- Hidden 17.5 feature gets announced
- New iPad mini
- Mac Studio (Unlikely, but I don't think unreasonable)
- HomePod mini colors/update (Unlikely, but also something I don't think would be unreasonable)

What won't happen:
- New AirPods or AirTags
- New iMac or MacBooks
- New Base iPad
- EU DMA changes in other territories
- iPhone SE
- New Apple TV

Also, major LOL to the people arguing about Mark Gurman. I don't know what's more sad/embarassing: the people who treat his word like gospel, or the people who have such a strong personal vendetta against him. He's just a dude who operates with information he gets from insiders. He's never painted himself as a messiah of leaks, like Jon Prosser did. He just says what he hears and sometimes he is right and sometimes he is wrong. You would think that people on a website called MacRUMORS would understand this 👻
easy to predict after Mark said this already months ago...why didn you said nothing about new pencil, or 12.9" air and new keyboard 3 months ago?
Nice try


macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
Mark also talk about new apple pencil, keyboard..and so on...on those you close your eye on!?
He also talked about expecting new USB-C Magic Mouse, Keyboard, and Trackpad during last October's "Scary Fast" event

Yeah, he got that wrong too


Unregistered 4U

macrumors G4
Jul 22, 2002
but still he called ipads in May
How do you know Apple didnt wanted first an event, and now they changed their mind?
Because shooting the videos for these events happen quite some time in advance so they have the time to edit and do reshoots if needed. Folks looking for leaks saw that “something” was supposed to be released in March with no event (ended up being a Mac). Faced with being flat out wrong “OHHHH the iPads have been delayed, there’s problems, the supply chain says…” when the original date was May and they knew barely more than that.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 16, 2012
Odd time for an event. For me I’m not updating my iPads any time soon. I hardly use the ones I have tbh.

Still any apple event is welcome I guess.
it is a little unusual but if rumors are to be trusted, the supply chain hindered production of some of the models Apple is announcing here. new iPads around early springtime are nothing new.

the whole lineup is quite past-due for an overhaul, relative to their regular release schedule—and given they’re doing an actual event, I wouldn’t be surprised to see some exciting things. my biggest curiosity is how this new hardware will integrate with iPadOS 18, but unless I haven’t been paying attention, rumors suggest nothing much new with that release…oh well


macrumors 68030
Nov 22, 2021
Because shooting the videos for these events happen quite some time in advance so they have the time to edit and do reshoots if needed. Folks looking for leaks saw that “something” was supposed to be released in March with no event (ended up being a Mac). Faced with being flat out wrong “OHHHH the iPads have been delayed, there’s problems, the supply chain says…” when the original date was May and they knew barely more than that.
no, these videos, 1 hour video event Apple can do in 1-2 weeks at max.


macrumors regular
Sep 18, 2023
Can't remember the last time there was a May event. I want to say it's been about 20 years or so, since the prime of the Steve Jobs days. But having back to back months jam packed with Apple goodness will be fun and, more importantly, finally put an end to the news drought for most of the year so far!
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macrumors 68030
Nov 22, 2021
He also talked about expecting new USB-C Magic Mouse, Keyboard, and Trackpad during last October's "Scary Fast" event

Yeah, he got that wrong too

now do the list on what he was right on the last 12 months ,do the math and see the accuracy
Nice try


macrumors 68030
Nov 22, 2021
My source, who is close to the matter, says they will tease macPad OS in May with a full reveal coming at WWDC, then cancel the project because they can't actually do it 👍
Now you are a leaker
But in fairness Apple only with that pad did this...announce something and then never see the light

Unregistered 4U

macrumors G4
Jul 22, 2002
He called iPads for February, March, April and then May…
These “leakers” count on folks just not understanding what effort goes into producing millions of physical devices, millions of copies of packing materials and putting all of that together to have it ready for a known time in the future. They want people to believe that two weeks ago they were having insurmountable issues but, when they are announced and shipped just a few weeks from now, not only will all those issues have been resolved, but they will have been resolved in a MAGICAL way which almost seems like they’ve been in production and being stockpiled for a couple months.

It doesn’t matter how good folks think Apple are, they did NOT just resolve their issues yesterday and, today, decided that May 7th will be the Announcement date. But, there are folks that believe in Gurman that will claim that’s the case!
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