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macrumors 6502
Dec 18, 2012
Wow! The exact same comments I heard and read everywhere when Apple introduced the original G3 iMac:
"PC in colors? No one will want them in an office!"
"No floppy? Dead on arrival!" (well, this one hasn't applied for more than 15 years)
"Colors? What? No way! Kiddie computer."
2021 just added to the previous rants "Chin again? FUGLY! Instant fail!"
Alas, we all know how hard the iMac crashed Apple, right?
I really like this new design, and will get one in either yellow or green. Wife and daughter absolutely love it in yellow.


macrumors 601
Sep 11, 2006
Sacramento, CA USA
2021 just added to the previous rants "Chin again? FUGLY! Instant fail!"
Alas, we all know how hard the iMac crashed Apple, right?
I really like this new design, and will get one in either yellow or green. Wife and daughter absolutely love it in yellow.
I think had Apple decided to make the new 24" iMac maybe 2.5 mm thicker, they could have eliminated the chin altogether by placing the system board electronics behind the display. But I think it ended up this way because of the considerations for the speaker design and the fact they could reduce the system board to such a small size.


macrumors 68020
Oct 19, 2015
Technology for the fashionistas. Will wait for the "professional" models.

Got to love how many new SKU's Apple has added with all the colour options - iMac's, keyboards, mouse, power cable's. But they are defiantly environmentally conscious.....
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macrumors member
Feb 17, 2016
It's just a large iPad with peripherals...

It makes the last INTEL iMac look really good at this point.
Even though it is faster in multicore performance in all but top configuration of an intel iMac based on current M1 benchmarks. It maybe faster if with the dual fan cooling the m1 could be at a higher wattage than the m1 mac mini for example.


Mar 16, 2017
On the RAM situation:
It’s part of the SOC, it’s part of what makes the M1 fast, and it’s LPDDR, which doesn’t come on DIMMs anyway. Quit yer bellyaching.

On the storage situation:
The storage controller is on the SOC, the only hope anyone would have of removable and upgradable storage is proprietary units like on the Mac Pro. Be real, you’d all still complain.

The constant bitching over non repairable RAM and Storage is silly when the battery will likely die first. Having a glued battery is the egregious part. Not that the iMac has a battery.


macrumors member
Feb 17, 2016
Yeah I'm watching the same video funnily enough....

No SD card slot on a desktop computer is a joke. Given how people are yelling for it to come back on the rumoured 14" and 16" MacBook Pro
Yeah. I don’t think the sd card slot will happen on the new pro laptops.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 8, 2013
If I’m buying a machine today, I’ll want to still be using it at least in 2030, how the hell can I predict my ram usage 9 years down the track. Also apple’s ram upgrade pricing is obscene.

You have high expectations... at least 9 years? at least? Technology is moving forward and by the time everything in your machine will be obsolete.


macrumors member
Feb 17, 2016
I thought they were pretty boring at first glance but they're growing on me.

I'll probably replace my 2016 Macbook Pro with one of these once it starts showing its age or start falling apart on me.

Love the screen size. My 24" 2008 iMac was perfect and when they moved to 21.5" and 27" options I never really cared for either. 21.5" felt a bit too small and 27" was a bit too large.

And man oh man I have no idea how I'd pick an iMac color. Blue matches my current iPhone, Orange is probably my actual favorite color of the bunch, Green is the closest to the old Bondi Blue '98 iMac.


This. I believe just split the difference. The bigger screen will be for the iMac Pro


macrumors 601
Sep 14, 2010
You have high expectations... at least 9 years? at least? Technology is moving forward and by the time everything in your machine will be obsolete.
I base it off getting (nearly) 9 years and counting out of my 2012 MacBook Pro, thanks to it’s repairability and upgradability.


macrumors 6502
Jan 9, 2009
The worst design ever (like cheap chinese AiO from Acer or Foxconn). Stand looks terrible. No FaceID, no M1X SoC, no MiniLED, wide bezels, chin, funny 8GB RAM and 256GB SSD that cost on the market about $50!!! What Tim can do is only to multiply awful colors. Why they did it? To force customers to buy new iMac Pro based on new M1X for unreasonable amount of money.
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macrumors G5
May 18, 2008
I think had Apple decided to make the new 24" iMac maybe 2.5 mm thicker, they could have eliminated the chin altogether by placing the system board electronics behind the display. But I think it ended up this way because of the considerations for the speaker design and the fact they could reduce the system board to such a small size.
Perhaps heat/interference considerations on the display panel itself? Who knows?
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macrumors newbie
Dec 25, 2014
So I was actually kind of jazzed about the new colors when I saw it in my email... then was slightly disappointed to see that the dark vibrant colors were only on the back side and the front side was pastel. But, I'm a girl, so was still okay with that look... I was all set to order the blue one, and then saw it's only spec'ed out for the average user. Whomp, whomp... at the very least, this photographer needs more RAM than 16GB.


macrumors 6502
Jan 9, 2009
Perhaps heat/interference considerations on the display panel itself? Who knows?
M1 mainboard is so small and thin that this is not a problem to make a sexy looking zero bezel AiO especially that speakers can be flat (today most of small speakers can play really good sound).
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macrumors G3
Nov 25, 2017
Plus points: Lovely colours, extremely thin, magnetic power cable, Touch ID keyboard, colourful mouse

Minus: Chin still present, bezels could have been colour matched, Apple logo sorely missed on chin.

Don't know whether bigger iMac will get colours.


macrumors G3
Nov 25, 2017
Between orange and pink, don't know which is better. Pink seems reddish. Have to see pink in stores.


macrumors 68000
Oct 27, 2018
Brockville, Ontario.
Having muted colour on the front makes sense given it’s less visually distracting and also blends in with the white bezels. Okay, that I understand.

My current 21.5 iMac is going on ten years old. And with upgrades is still going strong. It would be nice to get the same reliability and service out of the next one. 24 inches is a step up from 21.5 so if I can configure this to my satisfaction I will likely take the plange.
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macrumors 68000
Jul 11, 2020
Northern California, USA
I was more talking about upgradablitly.

There is no way I could have gotten away with 500gb HDD + 4GB of ram in 2021, which is what the machine came with.

If I buy a baseline MacBook Pro in 2021, I am stuck with those specs, and if I want 9+ years, those base specs are not gonna cut it.

But back to repairability:

The current range of MacBooks are essentially screwed when Apple marks them obsolete at 6 years old, given you can’t just swap a lot of parts anymore due to the T2 chip. Batteries are also glued in which makes replacement dangerous. SSDs which are a consumable part aren’t replaceable anymore and neither is RAM, which can and does fail.
Eh, really only the consumable part is the battery, which can be replaced by a pro. SSDs wear down over time but basically last long enough not to be a problem. RAM failures are a thing of the past from what I've seen. Wonder if this non-replaceable RAM is somehow more reliable.

The upgradability thing is true, but you could just get it with the max RAM to begin with if you're concerned. After 9 years, RAM isn't the only problem, and you can't swap the mobo.
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macrumors 68000
Jul 11, 2020
Northern California, USA
When the computer looks like something the fruit loops bird crapped out I bet it sure does. Not to mention the White bezels that can easily distract you from your work.
After experiencing how productive I can be as a software engineer on my baseline MBP atop a wobbly table with rat chew marks in a fraternity full of guys riding bikes around indoors while playing Melee past 2AM, I always blame distractions on the work being uninteresting rather than the setup being wrong.
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macrumors newbie
Nov 10, 2020
To those complaining. You realize that we are going to get a new iMac that is bigger more ports more powerful and more professional. This is good for most people. Lol. Not every machine is made for macrumors fanatics.
i Agree! I Just hope we don't end up with iMac 24", iMac 27", iMac 30", iMac 34", iMac Pro, iMac Pro Max! lol

Keep it simple! These, and then iMac 30" or 34" whatever it may be, running on M2 or next gen.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 27, 2008
So the iPad Pro has the same processor, a better display and is also thin - but has small bezels and no chin. Apple’s Mac engineering team really missed it with this one. The old model looks better IMO.

The iPad Pro also doesn't have actual fans, the screen is magnitudes smaller, and you cant run *actual* software on it ... get things like Matlab, R, Paralells, or actual dedicated writing software (proper office suite with all its bells and whistles. TeX. Endnote...) ... to run on an iPad Pro and we can talk again.

We have the iPad Pro. It's an amazing device for MANY things. It cannot replace a dedicated computer, yet. Just because it has the same chip doesn't mean it produces the same physical situations, such as heat. Apples and Oranges.

That all of you claiming "but, but, the iPad doesn't have a chin" don't understand this, in a Mac forum that's supposed to harbor more tech savy people, is beyond me. If all of you have such advanced degrees in engineering to know better than Apple and know exactly what is and isn't feasible and how they could've eeeaaasily designed it differently, why exactly aren't you working *for* Apple?

I wonder how many of us would have preferred a thicker device with no chin, apple really caters to themselves, they don't think of us (the public) when they design their devices ....
I wouldn't.

Apple creates signature looks. Aside from the fact that I just really couldn't care less about the chin (the f** is with you people, THAT is your only real problem in today's world?!), without the chin it would just look like any generic monitor. But it's not a monitor. It's an iMac.
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