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macrumors member
Jan 6, 2004
what I really want to see.... the top 5 smartphones lined-up, in the pseudo-scientific Consumer Reports fashion, and Steve demonstrating how each one has antenna attenuation issues...and that the iphone4 suffers from it the least...

....and then listen to the haters howl!!!:)


macrumors 65816
Jan 21, 2002
how hard would it be to just replace the antennae at a Genius Bar (or by mail for those who don't live close to an :apple: store)? seems like it would be a pretty painless way of fixing the problem, assuming that this only affects a small percentage of iphone customers.

Aren't the antennae an integral and structural part of the device? I don't think they can be easily removed or replaced.

hahahah they will announce that they will recall all the iphone 4 sold so far :D

hahahah no they won't.


macrumors newbie
Jun 24, 2010
i signed a new contract with att on june 15th(date of preorder), does that mean my 30 days are up on july 15th even though i received my ip4 on the 24th?
if so, i can definitely see apple having this press release telling us to just deal with it purposely one day too late for us to return for a refund..thoughts anyone?


macrumors newbie
Jul 14, 2010

It's unskilled? You really think that any joe schmoe can go design something for use by the masses that also looks good (and is designed to be easily usable). Keep in mind the best products not only make themselves very practical for use, but also appeal to the mass market looks wise (sorry, looks count when it comes to marketing. If you make an ugly product or one that does not appeal to the market you are selling it to, it *will* hurt your sales. And it's best to create something a bit unique so it stands out, but if you can't, least make it appealing looking to the market you are aiming at).

You also have to keep certain specs in mind in how everything will fit inside or how big a screen you have to accomodate.

Yeah, I'm sure everyone can do that. I'm sure glad Jobs (and most smart companies really) don't subscribe to your theory. I could imagine the clunky, ugly, unusable crap they'd make if they just hired any random joe schmoe to design their products (I mean, it's unskilled, just make sure they show up on time for their shift).

Please tell me my sarcasm meter isn't working and you were being sarcastic (I'll admit I've been known to mistake good sarcasm for seriousness on the net).

Yes. Design is unskilled labor. The iPhone uses glass instead of plastic. Do you need a degree or experience to come up with that idea? Or what colors to put on a web page? You know it's a joke.

Auto design and the like involves engineers through much of the process. That's different.



macrumors 6502
May 25, 2006
Minneapolis, MN
Apple will be announcing that the iPhone 4 is being renamed the iPod Touch 4 -- it was never really meant to make calls reliably.

Seriously, they only have one choice -- the option for people to return their iPhones with no penalty. That is damage control and the only way to prevent the iPhone brand from being damaged. Perception is reality when it comes to marketing.


macrumors 6502a
May 27, 2005
have friends in high places and have confirmed this to be true. They are relocating the antenna from the bottom of the phone to the top as well as fixing some software issues. There will be a full recall. All iPhone 4's that were in Apple's warehouses were sent back to China. Could take up to 90 days for the recall process to be complete.

Production was ramped to supply 25 million 4's. That's alot of i-waste.


macrumors 65816
Jan 15, 2008
San Diego
Finally, the truth....

Yeah, right. Actually, I heard from a highly reliable source that Apple will announce a new specialized external antenna for the iphone. In a break from the 'i' naming convention Apple will now use the 'me' naming convention.
It is called the 'me-Yagi': a 50 foot high, Yag antenna made of sparkling stainless steel.

Wax on, wax off!


macrumors 603
Jun 28, 2004
Chicago, IL
Apple will be announcing that the iPhone 4 is being renamed the iPod Touch 4 -- it was never really meant to make calls reliably.

Seriously, they only have one choice -- the option for people to return their iPhones with no penalty. That is damage control and the only way to prevent the iPhone brand from being damaged. Perception is reality when it comes to marketing.

Or provide people bumpers, repair/replace, or offer returns. But returns are likely the last option.


macrumors 6502
Jun 15, 2010
San Antonio, TX
Apple is crisis mode

A few thoughts about this announcement of a press conference to deal with the iPhone4 PR disaster:

1) myself and others have stated on this site for weeks now that this iPhone4 issue was a major "oh crap" moment in that most likely they didn't discover the issue until the phone was already in production. Even a month from being revealed it (the iPhone4) was still being concealed in a 3GS looking case to keep eyes off it while in the wild...until Gizmodo came along that is. I think they simply missed this until it was too late.
2) the iPhone4 bumper was their quick fix and I think they hoped most people wouldn't notice the issue and if they did, wouldn't mind dropping another $30 on a "fix". Clearly that has worked for many - regular and fanboy customers.
3) For the first time in the history of the iPhone - Apple is facing legitimate competition. The Droid phones have gotten very good and there are lots of designs and carriers to choose from. The latest - most capable Droid is due to be released tomorrow and I suspect there are many people that were on the fence about the iPhone4 are now considering going to Verizon and picking up the DroidX tomorrow - after all it offers true wi-fi hotspot functionality and has other features like an HDMI out so you can play the home movies right from your phone on your HDTV. isn't as sexy looking as the iPhone4...but it doesn't need a case!!! And after you wrap the iPhone4 in a bulky case it loses some of its sex appeal.
4) pending law-suits...they are out there and Apple has to do something about it.
5) the stock price...this PR disaster and "hold different" thing is hurting the stock price...and ultimately hits people's pocket book...or net worth depending how rich you are.

All these things have pushed Apple to do something about it. And by announcing it tonight...they might be able to keep a few people from jumping to the Droid X tomorrow. I am one f those people that wants a phone that doesn't need a case. I have been waiting for the new iPhone for months and will not purchase something this defective. If they don't announce a real hardware fix then they will lose me as a cell phone customer. I recently purchased a MacBook Pro and love it. I also gave my dad an iPad for his birthday - and he loves it. My next desktop would have been an iMac this past spring but the 27" quality (and Apple denying tactics) forced me to delay my purchase. If they can get out an updated iMac before my PC dies...then I will try again to buy an iMac. But these quality issues and PR missteps are a huge thing in my mind. I am an open minded consumer and not an Apple blind fanboy that will purchase everything and anything with the Apple logo on it. I especially do not want to reward corporate behavior that is rooted in dishonesty as Jobs has clearly been with the iPhone4.

Friday is his chance at redemption...for prospective customers, stock price, the iPhone reputation and most importantly his image as an honest person...and not just another corporate titan that will lie and scheme to make a buck.

Holding out hope for an honest announcement and real solution. If they do that...I will buy the revised iPhone4. If not...I will dump my Blackberry for an Android device.


macrumors 603
Jun 28, 2004
Chicago, IL
have friends in high places and have confirmed this to be true. They are relocating the antenna from the bottom of the phone to the top as well as fixing some software issues. There will be a full recall. All iPhone 4's that were in Apple's warehouses were sent back to China. Could take up to 90 days for the recall process to be complete.

My friends in high places say that clowns and unicorns will be on hand for the press.

Mark Booth

macrumors 68000
Jan 16, 2008
My prediction: Apple will announce a change in the manufacturing process that adds a clear plastic coating to the antenna bands. Existing iPhone 4 orders will be put on hold until the change can be made. Release of the iPhone 4 in other countries will be pushed back.

In addition, Apple will give existing iPhone 4 owners a choice of one of these options:

1) Return your iPhone 4 for a full refund.
2) Keep your iPhone 4, get a free Bumper, and receive a partial refund to compensate you for the "inconvenience". If you already purchased a Bumper, you'll get a refund for that too.

Since a large percentage of customers are happy with their iPhone 4s, I think a bunch of them will choose option #2.

Whatever Apple does, I predict this forum will immediately fill with hundreds of messages of whine and complain. :)



macrumors 68030
Sep 24, 2008
Blazer town!
have friends in high places and have confirmed this to be true. They are relocating the antenna from the bottom of the phone to the top as well as fixing some software issues. There will be a full recall. All iPhone 4's that were in Apple's warehouses were sent back to China. Could take up to 90 days for the recall process to be complete.

you know right FCC would not allow any phones to have the antenna at top (because of radiation issues) ?


macrumors 6502
Feb 4, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Yes. Design is unskilled labor. The iPhone uses glass instead of plastic. Do you need a degree or experience to come up with that idea? Or what colors to put on a web page? You know it's a joke.

Auto design and the like involves engineers through much of the process. That's different.

Man... I guess I should be wearing a blue collar to work.. I had no idea.


macrumors 6502
May 5, 2009
The World
The antenna issue is clearly a manufacturing defect and not a design defect.

1) Not all iPhone 4 suffer from the antenna issue.
2) When exchanged for a different iPhone 4 the issue vanishes in many cases
3) No design changes have been made between phones that work and phones that do not work.

My guess would be that phones suffering from this issue were missing some sealant over the antenna.

+1. I've been saying this from the beginning. A lot of phones have the problem and a lot do not. Something went wrong in manufacturing or assembly. IF that's what happened, Apple could have quickly isolated the problem and corrected it for new units. They would also know what S/N's are involved. I think Friday will be something like - "a small number of phones have a condition that was introduced when they were made. If you are having problems, so to Apples site and enter your S/N and you will receive instructions". They will not use the word "recall" and they will limit the replacement to certian units IMO.


macrumors 603
Jun 28, 2004
Chicago, IL
you know right FCC would not allow any phones to have the antenna at top (because of radiation issues) ?

It's not that they don't allow it. It's that the only place to put an antenna that can pump out a huge amount of radiation is at the bottom away from the head.

You can put the antenna by the head but it will have to be extremely weak.


macrumors 604
Jul 4, 2008
Silicon Valley
There are no reception issues! It only occurs in areas with low reception. Who is providing network service? AT&T.

I could only get this to happen inside a building. It was a rather modern building with steel, glass, rebar, etc. Outside and in the car, I could only get it to drop one bar from 5. And it quickly returned to 5 bars with me gripping the lower left corner. Conclusion: AT&T's poor network is to blame.


macrumors 603
Jun 28, 2004
Chicago, IL
+1. I've been saying this from the beginning. A lot of phones have the problem and a lot do not. Something went wrong in manufacturing or assembly. IF that's what happened, Apple could have quickly isolated the problem and corrected it for new units. They would also know what S/N's are involved. I think Friday will be something like - "a small number of phones have a condition that was introduced when they were made. If you are having problems, so to Apples site and enter your S/N and you will receive instructions". They will not use the word "recall" and they will limit the replacement to certian units IMO.

I still firmly believe it to be incorrectly displaying the bars. I have been in places where I can cause the signal to drop and places where I can't. Five bars both locations.


macrumors 68030
Dec 30, 2009
You guys screaming recall are ignorant of things. Why recall a product for a problem that clearly isn't affecting everyone? Give the 100 or so people that are truly convinced only after seeing the reports of reception issues a fix, and let the rest of us go about our business.
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