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Paul O'Keefe

macrumors regular
Jan 23, 2005
This happened to me one time

obecean said:
I just installed 10.4.4 over 10.4.3 on a rev d 15 in stock powerbook. Upon restart I keep going to Darwin/BSD console login instead of OS X booting. I can login but if I try to exit it goes to a blue screen for a while with the gear turning but returns right back to the Darwin console. Anyone else have this? or know how to escape this loop? :confused:

This happened to me about two months ago on my iMac. I'm not sure what caused it. I called apple support, but they could not guide me through this issue to boot it normally. His final advice was to do an archive and install of the OS from the system discs.

I had an iBook at the time and an external hard drive. So I booted up the iBook to access a Carbon Copy Cloner. I copied the iMac's large drive to the external for a backup and then using the system discs I did an archive and reinstall of the system.

It didn't work the greatest and I had a lot of problems. Eventually I did a clean install and migrated my files over from the the back-up. The only probably now is that Safari crashes loading certain pages frequently. My solution to that would be to delete my Safari prefrences and plist, but I don't really want to do that just yet.


macrumors 6502a
May 12, 2003
Installed on a G5 imac (the one just before the isight) with no problems. I did repair permissions - and for those who ask why, because it is about the only maintenance you need to do in OSX and it is a HIGHLY recommended idea, a great troubleshooting procedure which fixes many problems I encounter in a lab of 25+ macs.

Speed wise, Dashboard is faster to bring up and in general use. Safari is noticably faster as well. I know people always say, it seems faster/slower, but this honestly IS faster - Dashboard "loaded" much smoother and approx 1 sec faster, 6 different web pages loaded 1-4 seconds faster in Safari. The rest of the OS is hard to say, I think about the only upgrades where the OS really was faster was 10.1.5 and 10.2.0 (from their previous versions).


macrumors 6502a
Jun 8, 2005

I did the upgrade and ran the maintenance workflow. Mysql is working, because yoursql can still connect to the database. Personal filesharing is working, so I can connect to localhost with safari. And PHP is working because it gives a warning when connecting to the mysql database.

mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)

I tried google, hence the /var/mysql/mysql.sock in that line. But to no avail.
A few suggestions just link to sites with the same problem.

Any pointers?


Apr 17, 2005
Currently in Switzerland
macnews said:
Installed on a G5 imac (the one just before the isight) with no problems. I did repair permissions - and for those who ask why, because it is about the only maintenance you need to do in OSX and it is a HIGHLY recommended idea, a great troubleshooting procedure which fixes many problems I encounter in a lab of 25+ macs.

Speed wise, Dashboard is faster to bring up and in general use. Safari is noticably faster as well. I know people always say, it seems faster/slower, but this honestly IS faster - Dashboard "loaded" much smoother and approx 1 sec faster, 6 different web pages loaded 1-4 seconds faster in Safari. The rest of the OS is hard to say, I think about the only upgrades where the OS really was faster was 10.1.5 and 10.2.0 (from their previous versions).

Can't tell about Safari, but I agree with ya on Dashboard...loading way faster on both my old iBook G3 and the iMac G5...go Apple!


macrumors regular
Oct 20, 2004
New York, NY (Chelsea)
Modified look on Calendar widget

I noticed that after updating my calendar widget which used to be red is now black and has a different layout. Did any one else spot yny other eye candy differences made by the update?:D


macrumors newbie
Apr 19, 2004
Austria, EU
PowerMac G5 fans going crazy...

Oh lord, after the update I had to restart my PowerMac G5 (June 2004, 2x 2 GHz). 'Bout 5 minutes after the restart, the g5 fans are going crazy! The slowly increase their speed until you think you're sitting nearby a F14 turbine.

Hans anybody else experienced this problem? Any suggestions, solutions, etc?

Thanks a lot!


macrumors 6502a
Jun 26, 2003
DAMN!!!! THE SAMSUNG PRINTER DRIVER THAT I JUST GOT WORKING FOR 10.4.3 DOESN'T WORK IN 10.4.4. ARG! Damn Samsung and their reluctancy for making new drivers for mac.


macrumors member
May 3, 2005
Purton - Wiltshire
Intersting Inclusion in The Update...

There's loads of posts here, and works been busy so haven't had time to read them to day, so this may have already been noted:

In iPhoto (v5) I can now import Nikon D50 *.NEF RAW files!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah! That means I can keep organised and then use CaptureOne pro when I want to get fancy with the stuff!!! Oh! Come to think of it, I need to re-think my workflow now :confused:

I'd use Aperture, but I don't have Virginia Tech under my desk :mad:

Still, when RevB PowerBook (sorry MacBook Pro) comes out, I'll see if Mr C. Card wants to come out to play!!!


Aug 18, 2005
Worked on old PowerMac G3 400Mhz

Well, that worked. But yuck, that new calendar widget is ugly!! :) Especially those weird green letters.

Well I suppose it's a matter of taste. But I'm glad I tried this update first on the old PowerMac G3 at work, so I can still make a copy of the old red widget at home on the powerbook and put it back after installing the update. That'll do me fine.

By the way, I have to say I'm impressed with Apple's OS. The very latest still runs fine on a machine that's about 6 years old. Try that with Windows :rolleyes: It's not snappy but you can work on it and it is responsive enough. We use it here for troubleshooting customer issues.

Edit: Now that I've read the thread I see everyone else loves the new calendar. Sorry, didn't mean any offense :) Like I said it's a matter of taste..


macrumors 68030
1 too many for me

Nethawk said:
Oh lord, after the update I had to restart my PowerMac G5 (June 2004, 2x 2 GHz). 'Bout 5 minutes after the restart, the g5 fans are going crazy! The slowly increase their speed until you think you're sitting nearby a F14 turbine.

Hans anybody else experienced this problem? Any suggestions, solutions, etc?

Thanks a lot!

After reading through these posts I've come to conclude that I will be saying "F this to the update." Just too many posters saying that the update makes things go wacky on Power Mac G5's...

The fans sound like they get worse, the chirp is still there and for just a speedier dashboard and a green calender widget....think I'll OS is fine for now.


macrumors newbie
Apr 19, 2004
Austria, EU
quigleybc said:
After reading through these posts I've come to conclude that I will be saying "F this to the update." Just too many posters saying that the update makes things go wacky on Power Mac G5's...

The fans sound like they get worse, the chirp is still there and for just a speedier dashboard and a green calender widget....think I'll OS is fine for now.

100 % ACK

I tried resetting the PMU and zapping the PRAM - no luck

My G5 howls like a turbine. I'm now reinstalling OS X 10.4 and will then apply the 10.4.3 combo update. Thanks a lot for scuttling my day - 10.4.4 b*st*rd.


macrumors 68030
Nethawk said:
100 % ACK

I tried resetting the PMU and zapping the PRAM - no luck

My G5 howls like a turbine. I'm now reinstalling OS X 10.4 and will then apply the 10.4.3 combo update. Thanks a lot for scuttling my day - 10.4.4 b*st*rd.

So, your fans just keep freaking out? they don't eventually settle down? uggh, that sucks...

what's the deal??


macrumors regular
May 15, 2005
Mail Problems - Possible 10.4.4 bug?

I send a lot of jpegs (Both RGB and CMYK) in my emails with the Mail program.
When viewing the images in the Mail program, I have never had any problem until this morning. (Last night I downloaded and installed 10.4.4)
Now cmyk files are reversed. (Negatives)
Does anyone have any comments or suggestions with this?

Anyone else have this problem.



macrumors newbie
Sep 1, 2003
Updated RAW support

I haven't been able to find the update list of supported RAW files in 10.4.4 Did you use trial and error of find an updated list? Thanks...
rashdown_online said:
There's loads of posts here, and works been busy so haven't had time to read them to day, so this may have already been noted:

In iPhoto (v5) I can now import Nikon D50 *.NEF RAW files!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah! That means I can keep organised and then use CaptureOne pro when I want to get fancy with the stuff!!! Oh! Come to think of it, I need to re-think my workflow now :confused:

I'd use Aperture, but I don't have Virginia Tech under my desk :mad:

Still, when RevB PowerBook (sorry MacBook Pro) comes out, I'll see if Mr C. Card wants to come out to play!!!


macrumors member
Jul 18, 2002
No problems on G5

10.4.4 is working great for me. No problems whatsoever. Plus it fixed a screen buffer problem with Blender!!!

2.5 G5 PM


macrumors member
Oct 22, 2005
You guys are lucky to get the update. I am in Afghanistan where the so called T1 line is more like dial-up. I am still stuck on 10.4.2. I hope they work some of the bugs out when I get home in March.


macrumors 604
Jan 20, 2005
Has the ability to tab while in F10 Exposé mode always been there? I don't ever remembering having this functionality with the way the windows move.

Here's to the Crazy Ones

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
Lacero said:
Has the ability to tab while in F10 Exposé mode always been there? I don't ever remembering having this functionality with the way the windows move.
It's not new. F10-tab previous did the same thing: rotating through active applications and moving and resizing the windows for each application (F9 style) to keep them from overlapping.

To make sure you see which window is active, even a window that does not need resizing will momentarily dance (grow-shrink a little) to get your attention when you tab to its application.


Moderator emeritus
Mar 10, 2004
Bergen, Norway
Lacero said:
Has the ability to tab while in F10 Exposé mode always been there? I don't ever remembering having this functionality with the way the windows move.
Always might be to strong a word, but I think that's been there since Exposé was introduced... ;)


macrumors newbie
Oct 12, 2005
Concord, CA
Nermal said:
That still doesn't change the fact that 7.0.4 crashes when you close a WMV. Apple is probably working on fixing the underlying problem, rather than that particular instance of it.

Flip4Mac has confirmed that there is a bug with their WMV player version 2.0 with QuickTime 7.0.4. Until Flip4Mac posts an update, you have to revert to version 1 (1.0.3 was the latest, I think) of their player or use QT 7.0.3.
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